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pneumatik's WotBS 1 - The Scouring of Gate Pass

Illiana stands slowly and walks out, having ordered nothing. At first, she just begins to make her way to the alley with the others, but spotting Reginald heading in the same direction, walks beside, and slightly behind him, as if the two are together.

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The 8th Evil Sage
Introducing Torrent; Inside the Poison Apple Pub

Liiros tries to open the door, but finds it locked. Someone unlocked it from the inside, and then opened the door a crack and peeked out. “Good, you're here,” a female human voice says. “It looks clear. Everyone, come inside quickly.”

Once inside, the Poison Apple is still unremarkable as a pub. The darkened pub is mostly empty now, its many tables and chairs pushed to one wall and covered with sheets. A single table sits in the middle of the room, with enough chairs for all of you. A small oil lamp and a keg sit on top of it, along with several mugs. At the back corner of the common room beside the bar, a staircase leads upstairs. The windows and door facing onto the street are closed, and you know they have been boarded up from the outside. On the wall behind the bar hangs a bronze bust of the former emperor of Ragesia, Drakus Coaltongue, a regal, aged half-orc with a scar cutting diagonally across his face.

Other than the six of you, the only other person in the room is the one who unlocked the door. “Hi, I'm Torrent,” she says. As tall and strong as the typical warrior, Torrent is a distinctive looking woman with tanned skin and short white hair. Under a dark winter coat she wears a breastplate decorated with blue wave-like etchings, and a holy symbol to Osprem is tied to her wrist with a leather cord. Her demeanor is smooth but forceful, like an ocean wave.

Torrent gestures to the table with the mugs and keg. “Thanks for coming,” she says. “Have a drink. Just because we’re about to go to war doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate the new year.” She grabs a mug and pulls a beer for herself. “So, it looks like the seven of us are going to spending a little time together. Why don't we all say a little bit about ourselves?” She turns a chair around and sits in it backwards facing the group, resting her elbows on the chair back.


First Post
The human carrying the large sword at his side and well-made clothing, leads the others as they enter the tavern with a nod to the woman letting them in.

"It seems you were expecting us, Torrent. I have been sent to find you and assist you in whatever manner I am able. I am known as Korrin Brightblade. Thank you for the refreshments, although based on tonight's events I am deeply troubled and wish to hear what aid I can offer." Korrin says, taking a seat and taking the offered ale with a smile.
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"I'm Squire Vresk, of the Aquiline Order. A close friend of mine sent me here, although if you don't mind, I'll save my pledge of loyalty until after you tell us some details." Illiana sits opposite the host, a neutral expression on her face, but hope and silent laughter at her own joke filtering through her eyes.


First Post
The heavily-armored elf sits down tentatively, hoping the chair won't break under the weight of his armor. But it would be rude to make people wait ten minutes or so for him to remove the armor....

Instead, he just removes his helm, placing it on the table before him. "Thank you, I was hoping for some refreshment while I was here.....no use meeting in a pub, even a closed one, without grog," he says merrily, smiling and looking at everyone in the group for a moment.

"I am Squire Liiros Tivaniel of the Order of the Aquilline Cross. Calanis chapter, in Shahalesti. I heard of the trouble in Ragesia lately, and wished to learn if Gate Pass had more information. It sounds terrible indeed. The Order wants to protect Gate Pass, and I was asked to accompany someone from here on a mission to get aid from outside the city..... Which I assume you will be discussing, Lady Torrent. Naturally, as my arms and armor suggest, I am well-trained in the arts of combat. Glorious Corellon has also imparted upon me some small measure of His gifts, for which I am ever grateful," he says.


The young woman removes her cloak, revealing the shining breastplate beneath it, and takes a seat. "I am Rashelle, formerly of the Ragesian army. I served the Emperor loyally and do not wish to see the empire tainted by the rule of the Inquisitor and his 'ideals'." She swipes her golden-red hair out of her eyes, picking up a mug and lifting it to the bust of Coaltongue before drinking. "Nor do I wish to see the innocent people of Gate Pass trampled under his heels in his quest for power. I have been working with the city guard since I arrived, and many of us disagree all of us wish to turn the city over without a fight when Leska's forces arrive, and so I have been sent to aid you all in obtaining help."

She sets her mug down and looks around at those gathered "Though I am skilled with both axe and sling, my true power comes from Heironeous, who guides my actions and blesses me with his magic."


First Post
The atractive, athletic, stern looking man in crimson robes and heavy winter cloak takes a seat nearby. A weasel is perched on the man's shoulder, its orangish fur quite distinctive. He removes a carved meerschaum pipe from a pocket, filling it with tobacco as the others introduce themselves. As he moves to light it, you can't help but note that he uses no flint and steel...instead, a tiny pillar of flame jets from his finger. It lasts only a few seconds, and soon the man is blowing puffs of fragrant smelling smoke into the air.

As the others finish, he speaks up. "I am Hollister Anvendri, sometimes called Avendri the Flame or Hollister the Sanguine by my peers. I have long studied the ancient arts of magic, most recently at Gabal's School. A friend ask me to come here, that I might provide to aid the Resistance."



The 8th Evil Sage
Torrent looks at Plavin, but before he can speak bells start ringing throughout the city. Their sound is muted inside the Poison Apple, but so many bells are ringing that it's impossible to not notice.

Torrent grimaces and straightens in her chair, saying, “That’s one year gone. I guess it’s time to get down to business. The city’s in trouble. The Ragesian army is marching on us, and will be here by tomorrow. Before then, we have a mission.

“I used to study at a magic academy to the south, called Lyceum,” she says. "They’re good people. So when word reached them about Ragesia’s ‘Scourge,’ they sent out messages calling for anyone fleeing Ragesia to come to them. They want to stand against the Ragesians, and the resistance wants their help. We just need to get a message to them.

“Normally we would have sent something by teleporting courier, but something strange is going on with planar magic. The last courier who teleported into Gate Pass, rumor is that he showed up burnt to a crisp. Not that I have that sort of magic anyway, but if we’re going to talk to Lyceum, we’re going to have to go overland. And that’s a problem, because the city’s walls are sealed.

“Ever since their emperor died, the Ragesians have been trying to show that they’re not weak, and they’re marching an army in our direction, since the mountain pass we’re in is apparently ‘strategically valuable.’ Either way, a few idiots on the city council want to negotiate with the Ragesians, and rumor is they’re going to invite a group of inquisitors into the city to look for ‘magic-users who are hostile to the empire.’ They’ve sealed the gates of the city so no one can get out, to make sure they look like they’re cooperating, and only military personnel can get in or out.

“We’re going to have to get out of the city, and I’m open to suggestions on how. Once we’re out, I can get us safely to Lyceum, but before we get ahead of ourselves, we have a mission tonight.

“The short version is that we’ve got to meet a contact — a gnome named Rivereye Badgerface — in about an hour at a guarded depository about a half-mile from here. He’s carrying a case of vital military intelligence which he stole from the Ragesian palace, and the heads of the resistance think that it needs to reach Lyceum. We’ve got to get that case, get out of the city, and get far away from here before the idiot city council lets the Ragesian inquisitors in. Once that happens, the odds of us escaping are —“ she finishes off her mug of beer in one long guzzle “— slim.

“I know I’d love to stay here and fight against the Ragesians, but I’m no soldier, and this mission might be more important. Worst case, you get away from the Ragesians and we can part ways a few days down the road. Best case, you can come with me to Lyceum, and we come back with an army of our own to drive off the Ragesians. But we’ve got to act fast either way. Are you ready for this?”


Torrent, by J. L. Jones, from The Scouring of Gate Pass (WotBS 1)
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Plavin finally speaks

As Torrent turns her head you notice a short human male that who appears to have missed a few meals. He appears to have light armor and simple weapons. He appears to be a rogue to the naked eye. After Torrent speaks..

My name is Plavin, I am not a man of the sword, nor a man of magic, but a psion,(long pause) yes a psion. I know that my abilities will have me marked as a spellcaster, and questions will not be asked first so I feel it is better if I never have to answer any. To answer your question Torrent, yes I am ready, and I have enough readiness to go around for any that are not ready.


The 8th Evil Sage
Torrent looks at Squire Vesk, then at Plavin, then back at Squire Vesk. "I'd say Plavin's eagerness balances out your reluctance," she says to Vesk, "so we have a full team. Now, how in the Abyss do we get out of Gate Pass once we've met up with Badgerface?" Torrent looks at the party for suggestions.

Voidrunner's Codex

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