Daunton's Dead Shadow (DM:Ukingsken, Judge:????)


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If we aren't taking an extended sometime soon, Kamotz has extra healing to hand out before the short rest.

I'd drop a full post, but I need to get ready for work. Later...


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Gingerly, Morvannon feels around the shallow gash in his scalp. That was a little too close for comfort. He moves over to Varonus' corpse and tears a strip of cloth from the man's robes to bandage himself up.

"Assuming the idiot here was telling the truth, that was a lot of effort and pain we just went through for little gain. We still don't know who attacked these people."

[sblock=OOC]Morvannon spends two healing surges to go back to full HP.

From what I've read, a lot of DM's have come to the conclusion that solo monsters often don't work as a challenging encounter by themselves -- it's not a matter of hp/defenses so much as a matter of actions/turn -- the monster just can't keep up.[/sblock]
[sblock="Mini stat"]Morvannon Rinael - Level 2 Half-Elf Warlock
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 19, Initiative: +1 Senses: Low-light
AC: 16, Fortitude: 13, Reflex: 15, Will: 16 -- Speed: 6, Size: Medium
HP: 32/32, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges left 6/8
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Eldritch Blast
Warlock's Curse (minor)
Misty Step (Warlock Pact Boon)

Scorching Burst (Dilettante power)
Thunderwave (Arcane Initiate feat)
Caiphon's Leap (Utility)

Curse of the Dark Dream[/sblock]


First Post
Grakk, ignoring his wounds, gets up and takes a deep breath, then states "Well done comrades. We killed the demon in the warrior way. Thank you for your assistance...I...couldn't have done it on my own." He then looks up and states with emotion. "I'd fight to the death at your side anytime!" With that, Grakk thrusts his sword upward in triumph and lets at a barbaric scream, the way his tribe has done over the centuries when they have defeated a worthy foe.

If CaBaNa can heal Grakk, he'll wait for that. If not, he'll use surges.


First Post
Vixo brushes himself off and wipes off his dagger. "Great work my friends. That wizard got what he deserved and the demon is dealt with as well. Now what do we do?"

[sblock=ooc]Vixo used his AP. noted in stat block below. I'm guessing we're going to take a 5 minute rest next.[/sblock]

[sblock=Stat Block]
Vixo - Male Kobold Rogue 2
Passive Perception:17, Passive Insight:12, Senses: Normal
AC:17, Fortitude:14, Reflex:17, Will:12 -- Speed:6, Size: Small
HP: 27/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges left 9/9
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: not used
Current status effects: none
Powers -
Shifty (Minor action shift 1) [Kobold Racial]
Deft Strike [Rogue 1]
Riposte Strike [Rogue 1]

Dazing Strike[Rogue 1]
Multiclass Fighter Power [Student of the Sword Feat]

Blinding Barrage [Rogue 1]
Sneak in the Attack [Rogue 2]


First Post
after regaining his sanity, Kamotz snorts, That may be sooner than later. We'll get those answers, gather up Varonus, or what's left. The Temple has specialists for raising the dead, and if that's not possible, specialists who question the dead. still laying on the ground, Kamotz prays to Death.

Morvannon, Kamotz, and Grakk feel the mercy of The Inevitable. He continues to lay, breathing deeply, feeling his ribs, and head.


Healers Mercy, Morv and Grakk can spend a HS and regain an additional 9 HP.

Healing Word on Kamotz. spends a HS and regains additional 14 HP

Grakk 26/33 10/12
Morvannon full 7/8
Kamotz full 7/9

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First Post
Grakk spends two surges, the first from what CaBaNa describes and an additional one.

[sblock=stat block]
Grakk: Goliath Barbarian: Level 1:

Adverse Conditions:
Initiative: +2
Passive Insight: 10
Passive Perception: 15
Senses Normal: Vision
HP 33
Bloodied 16
Surge Value 8; Surges Per-Day 13 10
AC =16
Fortitude 16 Reflex 13 Will 11 Speed 6
action Point: USED
second wind: Not Used
basic attack: Bloodclaw Greatsword +1: To Hit: +8: Damage 1d10+9 (+13 when bloodhunt rage is active and bloodied):
At will:
Recuperating Strike
Devastating Strike

Avalanche Strike
Stone's Endurance
Swift Charge

Daily Standard:
Bloodhunt Rage USED
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First Post
Magnus moved across the chamber with ungainly dwarven gait, his staff tapping against the cold stone of the chamber floor. Standing over the mashed summoner and purveyor of fine textiles the addled dwarf regarded him sadly.

Beware...opening the wrong door...what lies across the threshold...what will slip through...

Crouching down, Magnus continued to speak to the corpse in a low voice.

Maybe...yes...you will get your revenge yet...you will...tell us what lies on the other side...the door we'll open...

Magnus crouched there in silence for a short while, studying the fallen man, then suddenly he sprang to his feet and began to search the shelves in the room.

maybe...you'll tell us yet...


formerly roadtoad
"HA!" shouts Vrrsk't with a smile.

"Alright, what next?" he asks, clearly oblivious to the mission. He seems ready to move on, but will wait while the others rest, pacing impatiently.

actually taking a short rest for the encounter powers.


Magnus examine's the dead summoner's bookshelf, and quickly finds his ritual book. Much of it consists of carefully vague or obfuscated notes on demon summoning, but there are several complete rituals described in more standard arcane terminology, including magic circle, arcane lock, water walk, secret page, and speak with dead. Tucked into the back is a loose sheet of paper, which proves to be a transfer enchantment scroll. There is also a small locked wooden box, that jingles enticingly when moved.

Vrrsk't finds his eye drawn to the demon's discarded iron hammer. Too big for a normal-sized humanoid to use comfortably, it clearly glows with potent magic.

[sblock=ooc]The hammer is a large +1 Vengeful hammer.

[sblock=ooc Grakk]Your CS says you have 12 surges/day, but your summary has 13. 12 is right, yes?

[sblock=updated status]
Vrrsk't 35/35, 11/12 surges
Vixo 27/33 HP, 9/9 surges
Kamotz 31/31 HP, 7/9 surges
Morvannon 32/32 HP, 7/8 surges, bloodied
Magnus 29/29 HP, 7/8 surges
Grakk 33/33 HP, 9/12 surges, bloodied

Resources used:
  • Grakk: Bloodhunt rage, AP
  • Vrrsk't: Stoneborn armor, 1 daily magic item, Paladin's judgement, AP, 1x Lay on Hands
  • Kamotz: AP, Beacon of Hope
  • Magnus:
  • Morvannon: AP
  • Vixo: AP


[sblock=XP]Skill challenge, complexity 2, level 3: 300 xp *2 = 600 / 6 == 100 xp each.

Big Ol' Demon, level 4 solo soldier: 875*2=1750/6=292 xp each

2 months time xp (17th September - 17th November):
At level 1, that's 166 xp and 126 gp each.
At level 2, that's 208 xp and 178 gp each.

  • Grakk: 558 xp and 126g
  • everyone else: 600 xp and 178g

This takes Vixo to level 3, and Grakk to level 2. (Note Grakk doesn't have all his XP from Broken Wards listed; he should have a total of 607 xp from that adventure; see Vrrsk't's XP tracking section for links.)

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