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[SWSE] A New Fear (OOC)

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The Ballad of Micheal MacArthur

OK, so last night after the game I got on my phone and typed out a little fiction from the point of view of my d20 Modern Character in SnakeSean's game. This has absolutely nothing to do with our game, just felt like sharing.

[sblock]Entry One: My hand hurts but that's nuthin compared to this hole in my chest. I never saw them that did it. Just heard the screams. They came while we was asleep. My stead was torched first but that ain't no excuse. Those folks depended on me to protect 'em. Last sounds I heard fore that burning crossbar fell on me was the howls o' them raiders and the screams of my wife and boy . When I came to it was over... for them anyhow.
I woke there was a cross starin me rite inna face. I reached out to touch it, felt like the only thing real in the world. It burned my hand. Turns out the cross wassa parta an old wrought iron box. Fell right outa the sky or the ceilin or sumthin. Anyhow the pain in my hand brought me round to the fact I was the only one left breathing.
Took stock what's lefta Los Paridiso. Ain't much. This was a good town, fulla good folk, all gone. Near on three hunnerd people dead and worse. They done things to them that died fore they killed em. Terrible things. I accounted for almost everybodies parts, cept for a few I'm sure burned quick. They was lucky. Looks like my boy died fightin, fer his ma. Seems they escaped the fire to get it worse. Once my woman seed that it was hopeless she took our gun and shot our Caleb in the back, then herrself. Strong girl, my desert Rose. Made it quick. Most the others weren't so lucky. Took me a few days to bury them I could find in one grave and send them home to the lords embrace.

The guilty never left any tracks, no dead but mine, no sign of hide nor hair. Got no notion o numbers or even what hit us. I'm fair certain they wasn't men though. No man could do the things I saw. Leastwise I prey they weren't men. Took some time to russle, gather gear but I don't want to stay in thos place longer than I gotta. Ain't my home no more. Gives me an uncomfortableness. Most everthing I owned was burned in the fire, cept the dirty smallclothes on my back. By some miracle my shed was untouched. Held my ranging gear and some other ends I'd need, most importantly my chopper I had modded for drivin the desert and some gas. Searched around the wreckage an' found a few other bits. Somma my pardners handcuffs, bit of ammo, a piece, some tape and other useful things. They ain't gonna need em anyhow. Makes me wonder what them that did this was after, they just seemed to enjoy the murderin and all, and not take anything of use... Don't make no sense.
All that was left was to gander at what was in that box from the heavens. Guess I had been avoiden it, but my hand was tellin me I couldn't ignore it. Strange box, few feet long and and two deep made out of iron with shiny bright crosses adorned. Wudnt even locked. Inside and on top there was a strange bible. I knew it was a bible from the big cross on the front, but it had parts of the good book I ain't never heard of, and symbols I can't begin to understand. It's huge as you can plainly tell, as yer readin in it what I wrote. Anyhow underneath the good book was a preachers getup, good boots and a big leather coat all on black and strange enough looks like it was fitted for me. Underneath them clothes was a treasure. Pair of big pretty revolvers, funny lookin gunbelt and the biggest damn shotgun I ever did see. All black and silver filligree with crosses on the handles.I cleaned myself up and put the stuff on, no use wastin.

Entry Two: Been a long week, slow walkin my bike. Paradiso weren't close to nuthin and I haven't wanted to run into the things that took everthing important but the Lord from me, by soundin my engine. My hurts are healin quick, practically overnight, cept for this hand..anyhow always seem to find clear water too, though I don't know the land. Blessing from on high maybe? Ain't gonna look a gift horse in the jaw though.
Had a chance to read more in this book, seems it ain't all bible as you can clearly tell. Reading some of Merrian Grim's words and either he's flat nuts or I'mma headed that way, cause what he's sayin is making perfect sense. Vampires, wherewolves, ghosts, and deamons? All real? And real specific ways to killem all? Seems a little much, but hell, at this point I'll take anything to get my mind off the Burning.

Entry Three: Grim's last entry was a plea for somebody strong to take up where he left off. Seems he was crippled fighting something nasty. Saved a lotta folk, but he couldn't handle the work no more. That was dated two hundred years ago. He said this came to him when something bad was sinking it's fangs into gods work. He took up gods orders, I'm going to too. Sons of bitches ain't gonna know what hit'em.
Been reading the parts of the good book I never seen before and staring at that I can't make out til they start makin sense. Seems not all magic is witchcraft. A man with a powerful will and a good heart can make use of these works in the name of god almighty. Which comforts me in this valley of death, cause ain't no man got a will stronger than mine.
I'm coming up on my first town. Should reach it by nightfall. Find more about these things that took what I love, and figure on how to pay em in kind, old testament style.

Entry Three: While I tried my hand at preaching the good word, and learning what I could about the attack, seems like his guiding hand is always in motion. Came to find an odd pair, a rad mutey looks like a cross between a mountain lion and a woman, don't know many cats spit acid though. Seems gentle and kind though, eyes far more human than her companion. Calls himself Jack, my lawman instincts screaming at me that this boy was trouble, Sgt stripes and power armor, covered in guns. They both seem to relish in violence a little more than I generally care for, but after a few drinks it turns out we where looking for the same things. Some dark tide on the horizon. Best get some sleep.

Entry Four: I'm in a giant metal box stuffed with unperishable food, surrounded by men that feel wrong in a way that defies description. We rolled into this town morning time, found a Padre Carlos who seems of a like mind to myself, protect your flock at any cost. He and others made us aware that the mercs surrounding and "protecting" this town sometimes take people. Somehow I got roped into sneaking in at night while Carlos sets up some kind of distraction. We almost get caught because of my clumsiness, but the catwoman is able to hide us in this box. Making ready to move. May god have mercy on their souls.

Entry Five: Seems there are more to these mercenaries than poor manners and bad breath. They might be the ones that razed Los Paradiso to the ground. We violently uncovered a map and blasted our way out with a few prisoners in tow. Seems like these men are possesed of something Dark. I'm going to try and get it out of them.....It worked! I'm not sure whether to be giddy or scared out of my wits, after I performed the rite just like it said, some kind of foul blackness poured out of this man's eyes and ears, he vomited it up and all manner of other unsavory ways did it flow. He's alive, but ain't wakin up. We are heading back to Jack's army buddies, maybe they can help. They pay money for this intel, seems like I'll save a few lives after all. Maybe I can do this work. I know I can.

Entry Six: Seems a fellow named Cletus, what a name for a spook, wants us to investigate this uncovered research bunker held by these possessed mercs. I signed up to get a better shot at whatever is turning these wheels. Once we got there and cleared out armed hostiles, only saving one, and found what we where lookin fer. Big high tech gun attached to a funny suitcase and bolted to a nice military truck. We gather all our gear and prisoner secured and files stowed when we noticed an enemy convoy kicking up dust right for us. We slug it out with this new fangled turret and realize it works like a charm. I really don't want to be on the recieving end o this barrel. Jack seems a little too girlishly gleeful when he pulls the trigger and ends half a dozen men's lives. I fear I'll become more like him should I continue to kill. I pray it isn't so.

Entry Seven: I do a little research on the stuff I pulled out of the poor souls in the lockup. These scientists got no clue what it is, and frankly neither do I, despite the magic(still feels strange to say) I've laid on the liquid. Seems to hurt whatever it gets inside, but I figured a way to get it out. Problem is I don't know what happens when it's in. I'm gonna take the necessary precautions, and do something foolhardy. I pray I can resist as Jesus did the devil on the mount, and learn something of our enemy in the process.

Entry Eight: I wept tears of blood and evil and only now do I begin to understand. This...experiance with pure evil has left me in awe. I fought with Cambion or Deamos or Damien or any of a thousand other names a simple man would call Antichrist. We fought in the landscape of my mind while he ravaged my body. Is it this way for the others so enthralled? After a game of twenty questions with Satans little boy I understood little more than I had when I started only that the stakes where much larger than I had anticipated. Once diplomacy ran thin I cast the Antichrist from my very soul...but not without incident. I channeled the very light of the lord through my silver cross, but not before he could maim me in his attempt to darken the lords light. He was banished as I knew he would be, to return to his evil work. But he knows I'm coming for him. And that we will stop him.
This new stigmata is a dark reflection of the fresh scar on my other hand, the claw marks it left on my flesh have yet to close, and continue to seep despite my efforts at healing. In my darkness I learned that the lord is always with me, and found strength in that. While my body recovered the True Names of the weapons I've weilded where revealed to me, beginning to unlock their true potential. Seems I'll need the help, as a mangled convoy just brought word of heavy enemy forces bearing down on another defenseless town. Thankfully I won't have to try and stop them alone. Col. Saunders is sendin a small battle group to thwart their efforts. With god as my witness I will not let another suffer if I can stop it. Leastways I want to look myself in the mirror and ignore the darkness in my own eyes. [/sblock]
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First Post
I'm sorry

Apparently the flu vaccine doesn't work as well as it is supposed to, or I am dying a slow death.
I really doubt that I'll be able to make the game this evening as I have any strength and have been ill for the past few days (great way to start the semester). Sorry about letting you know so late, I was hoping that I would begin to feel better, but I figure it is better that I rest up so I can try to go back to class ASAP. With any luck, I'll be better in a couple of days and I'll be able to make it next week. Once again sorry.


First Post
It's completely understandable. Seems gabes computer is on the frits and I'm stuck in the butt end of no and where. Doesn't look like I'll get home til round sevenish. It really sucks that your sick man, I'm sending you some good vibes from this direction. Get good soon.


First Post
Gabe is supposed to toss his system together or borrow his borther-in-law's pc for the night, and im sitting here waiting.

are we still good tonight?


First Post
OK, so last night after the game I got on my phone and typed out a little fiction from the point of view of my d20 Modern Character in SnakeSean's game. This has absolutely nothing to do with our game, just felt like sharing.

very very good jake, typed from the view of a simple man coming to grips with his world. i really like your views on Gabe's character and the 'darkness' looming. great RP.


First Post
Ms. Sean just called me and told me mister Sean jaws was going to be thirty late. This is fine as I'm stuck doing a few things late myself. So eightish gentlmen. Someone else is going to need to run the server again with my thanks.

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