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[Adventure] The Race of the Five Horns (DM: stonegod, Judge: THB)

"I haven't. I wouldn't split the group unless there are two points near one another. There will be combat."

Drow takes his robe off and rolls it tightly, blinking in rising light of the day. He remains in close fitting outfit that allows free movement.

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On Puget Sound

First Post
We can do this. I haven't flown, but I've seen people all over Sharn do it. It can't be any harder than breaking a fastieth to saddle. Spring and I will ride together.

He'll be steering, because my eyes will be closed.


First Post
"I've never used one myself, but my unit worked with a platoon of soarsled infiltrators on several of our bloodier raids ordered by the Cyran central command. They certainly have their uses. This should be interesting," says the warforged, clearly inspired by the first stage's challenge.


First Post
"Hmmm, I have spent time here in Sharn, but haven't riden one of these devices before. I've riden in a skycoach a couple times, but never one of these. I was always curious to see how they would operate, I guess today's the day. So I think we should stick together also, one thing I learned in the Mournland was that those that walked away from the group rarely came back. I don't trust all these teams and if one of us became separated they might make sure that person couldn't finish the race" Vok says to the others, calling one of the servants over.

"Hey sport, how's about you help a coupla rookies with how to operate this thing?" the half-elf asks, gesturing to the soarsleds

diplomacy (1d20 14=24)[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=Arcana/Hisotry 10]The mark on the cloaks is that of House Cannith[/sblock]One of the men in the blue cloaks marked with the griffon comes by to each team to explain the soarsleds. They act on thought and instinct, but have a little momentum, so one can jump somewhat on them and the soarsled will compensate. Advanced users, or so it is said, might even fly upside-down for a period of time. He also gives everyone a map of the five locations that must be found. They must be found in order and with the team: Some combination of the speed of the first and last member of the team is recorded. Other than that, and a ban on direct combat, there are no other rules of the race. There will be judges as various points to keep an eye on proceedings.[sblock=Insight 12]What isn't said is imporant: Anything the judges don't see or don't notice is fair game.[/sblock]
Once everyone is on their sleds, Lord Staforth raises a wand. Let the Race of the Five Horns commence!

Stage 1: The Soarsled Race

A daring race between towers, through treacherous bridges, and past relentless foes!

This is a skill challenge (the first of many). Each stage is a Complexity 1 skill challenge (requiring 4 successes before 3 failures) where the ratio of success/failure determines placing in the race (so failing a challenge doesn't mean the race is over).

Feel free to post in any order, but only once per round (you'll have to wait until everyone else has posted before posting again). I'll handling posts in the order received, so any bonus accrued by one PC will apply to the next PC that goes. Use IC chat/OOC notes to strategize.

Primary Skills

Acrobatics Examples: Narrowly pass through a section of ropes, dodge between other competitors.

Athletics Examples: Ram another opponent, break through some blockage, etc.

Streetwise Examples: Note an alternate path or shortcut.

Secondary Skills

If you can figure out a good use, I'll generally allow one use of a skill either for a bonus or a success. Some example (which may or may not be only used once).

Arcana Example: Do something to the sled.

Bluff or Intimidate Several uses.

Perception See something that may help.

Due to his successes scouting, Ryk may at any time gain one success during this race if he so chooses (this boon may also be useful later, but can only be used once).
On your mark, set, go!


First Post
[sblock=StoneGod] And this is where the judge cries and wishes he were a player in this adventure, rather than judging it, lol! [/sblock]


First Post
Rikka wasted little time in speaking- she watched closely as the sleds were demonstrated. In a way, they reminded her of a children's game played with tiny rafts on the river near the village where she had grown up- but here it was paving stones rather than water which would await a fall...

She stepped forward onto one of the sleds as soon as it was available, settling into a crouch with both feet and one hand down for balance. Her other hand clutched a carved length of bone and feathers which was bound by a thong to her wrist- for now her longbow stayed at her back.

She took a brief look at the map, but as a hunter she was used to taking in many details with such a short glance. As they awaited the start, she focused on the terrain ahead of them, looking for the landmarks that the map had shown. "There!," she said, just loud enough for her friends to hear, the tilt of her head and set of her eyes indicating the first turn of the course- as soon as the signal was given she set out as fast as the sled could go. Her sudden acceleration gave little room to gain altitude, and she had to maneuver carefully to avoid a few spectators or officials who didn't duck quickly enough...

OOC: If it is permissible to gain a success instead of a bonus from use of Perception (to spot and identify some landmark which indicates the direction that the course goes in from the map), then I'll roll Perception. If Perception can only be used to get a bonus, I'll go with Acrobatics.
Perception +20= 29; Acrobatics +10= 15; rolls Roll Lookup . As a side note- is it permitted in 4e to use a passive skill check in a skill challenge, or do such contests require a roll? Or is it like 3.x where you can take 10 or not depending on the exact situation?


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=OOC]In a skill challenge, all skills are generally active as I assume you notice the normal things. Perception only adds bonuses here.[/sblock]Rikka wastes no time, and points out a small gap between two towers between the fishbowl and another neighboring building. Leaping into the air, she is almost upon the towers when she just notices a trellis of ropes between the area where she is approaching. With a quick duck and some luck bounding the sled off the tower like a skilling stone, she ducks through just as one of the shifter team members (who had a similar idea) slams his torso into someone's laundry and becomes hopelessly lost.

Seeing the way clear, her teammates quickly follow her example.

Stage 1
Successes: 1/4 Failures: 0/3

Quickly binding his rods to his hands, Bellegon climbs up on one sled and balances on it. As help he uses his rods to extend his hands for balance. Extending his senses outward and feeling energy lines that power the sled he tries to use them to his advantage and stabilize the sled further.

He then wills the sled straight up, quickly assesses surrounding area and the path needed (as pointed by Rikka) and slides down as if on the slope avoiding lower level hazards.

Main: Arcana for sled; Streetwise (1d20+10=28, 1d20+6=22)
If Arcana is acceptable the use it. Use Streetwise next round. If not, use Streetwise, treat Arcana as you see fit and I'll roll something else next round.


First Post
[sblock=Rolls]History +3 = 15; Insight +2 = 21, roll look-up.[/sblock]

Crush recognizes both the mark on the mens' blue cloaks and the unspoken rule that what the judges don't see is fair game, he makes a mental note to tell his teammates about the House Cannith mark when there is more time.

Always one to learn through observation, Crush sees Rikka's skilled handling of the sled and immediately emulates, hopping aboard and rocketing forward at break-neck speed. His sword and shield fixed securely to his back, and carrying little else, there is very little wind resistance to slow his progress, and being a magical construct himself, he feels no trepidation about traveling aboard the device.

Following closely on Rikka's tail, he spots members of the hobgoblin gaining on him and his fellow Winds. he swerves toward them his eyes glowing slightly red and full of menace. He yells out "You witless, pork-bellied puke-inducing smelly-crotched oafs think you can handle these sleds?!? Best stay out of my lane!"

Crush maneuvers the sled as if to ram one of the hobgoblins...

[sblock="Actions and Rolls"]Athletics +10 = 15; Intimidate +16 = 24, roll look-up.

If possible (and successful) Crush will take a success from the Intimidate check alone, and treat the maneuver as a feint. If not, he'll take the Intimidate as a bonus, and actually try to ram/interfere with the hobgoblins using athletics.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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