Leif's DISCONTINUED GURPS Traveller Game, Recruiting Thread


If we're not going the Zhodani crew route, I'm going to re-work Doc Hannigan a bit to make him a little more useful in combat. Not a LOT more useful, but somewhat.

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Very well, Insight, sounds good, although I'm not sure how much combat you will be seeing. My brief scan of GURPS leads me to believe that combat is something that is best avoided, or at least conducted from a safe distance.


Recruitment Now Closed

So does that mean I shouldn't play a Zhodani?
Play what sparks your interest. You guys about ready for a Rogue's Gallery? In other words, we'll call that a wrap on recruitment. All who have posted to this thread up to today are accepted and welcome, and listed in Post #1 of the RG. ;) If any of you have changed your mind(s) about participation, that's ok, too, but please let us know in the OOC.

RG Thread


OOC Thread
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First Post
We haven't heard from Grufflehead or Bluenose for awhile, you guys still here and interested?

Sorry about that. I've been the lucky, lucky recipient of an all-in, no expense spared trip to the ER where I experienced such delights as needles, and tubes (oh god, the tubes *shudder*). Still feeling pretty weak, so obviously the first thing I do is log in to ENWorld...

And for characters, so far, we've got these interests expressed: Shayuri-pilot; Insight-doc; Scotley-engineer. Everybody still good with those? (I know Shayuri is!)

Hey, no fair! I thought *I* was playing the Engineer - did you not read my wonderful backstory? ;) Scotley was comms last time I looked...


Sorry about that. I've been the lucky, lucky recipient of an all-in, no expense spared trip to the ER where I experienced such delights as needles, and tubes (oh god, the tubes *shudder*). Still feeling pretty weak, so obviously the first thing I do is log in to ENWorld...
Hey, no fair! I thought *I* was playing the Engineer - did you not read my wonderful backstory? ;) Scotley was comms last time I looked...
Ok, well, someone is engineer. Sorry about that, and glad you're feeling better!


I'm thinking more Comm and Weapons for my character.

Oh crap. I just realized, we've got a Scotsman for an engineer! How very Star Trek of us!


I'm thinking more Comm and Weapons for my character.

Oh crap. I just realized, we've got a Scotsman for an engineer! How very Star Trek of us!
hahaha, that's classic!

ONCE AGAIN, I'm going to try to close this thread down. At least unless we need to recruit more folks later.
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First Post
You two can stop that line of thought RIGHT THERE! :p *mutter, mutter* racial stereotyping *mutter, mutter*

And whaddaya mean 'recruit more later'? Think we cannae handle it, cap'n? :cool:

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