Customizable 4-panel Vinyl Clear-Pocketed Landscape GM Screen

Would you participate in the GM Screen Kickstarter project?

  • Yes! A great deal for 2 GM Screens.

    Votes: 16 53.3%
  • Maybe. If enough people pitched in.

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • No. I don't like/need/want this type of GM screen.

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Not Exactly. I have some different ideas posted below.

    Votes: 2 6.7%


I really dig landscape GM screens so I find myself making custom GM screens for almost every game I run; especially since portrait screens seem to be more common (or no GM screen at all...). Many companies are selling PDF versions of their GM screens! I think having a customizable GM screen around could be pretty handy. I would really like a 4 panel landscape one! I have not found a simple 4 panel screen for sale. I am aware there is a 3-panel landscape screen out there but I really want 4 panels! I mean 4 panels is better than 3, right? :D

After some research, I think it's feasible to have a simple quality GM screen manufactured in bulk. It would be black vinyl, 4 panels, and landscape, with clear pockets on both sides (top loading). They would resemble binders, except without the rings or metal spine. It would fold into a single page stack.

To manufacture something like this you have to order in bulk (of course) and get a die setup (one-time fee). I don't have the funds on hand to support such initial fees. I think the success and usefullness of "ransom" and "kickstarter" projects could make this a feasible venture.

I am thinking of creating a Kickstarter project to create the simple 4 panel GM screen. I am thinking the retail price point on this would be $25. Supporters would get two GM screens for the $25 pledge. I might be able to get one or two custom inserts for the project as well depending on licensing, agreements, et al. If enough GMs pooled together for the initial order I might stand to break even after shipping out the initial batch. Then any "profit" I might make would be on single retail sales after the project was fulfilled. Profit is not the primary motivator here. Having a source of inexpensive simple customizable GM screens in circulation would be nifty. At least I believe it would be nifty. :D

Would anyone be interested in such a product? Would you be willing to pledge $25 for two screens?

I appreciate your responses!

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Nevermind - you addressed the fact there is already a three-fold screen available. Poor reading skills on this end.


First Post
already have something very similar. made from two 3-ring binders with spots for inserts bolted together for little more than the cost of the binders. i modeled it after one made by the gentleman who introduced me to the hobby. i enjoy the rings, because it gives me somewhere to store my game notes to keep me from spreading out to the limits of the table with all the notes, character sheets, maps and other sundry accoutrements of the storytelling trade.

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
I would be very interested in such a product and would buy one in a heart beat (I've wanted exactly this type of screen for years).

However, I wouldn't be willing to pledge money or patron a business.



I would be very interested in such a product and would buy one in a heart beat (I've wanted exactly this type of screen for years).

However, I wouldn't be willing to pledge money or patron a business.


Are you aware of how Kickstarter works? If the goal is hit, then I embark on the plan, order up the product, and ship it out when it's made and shipped to me. If we don't hit the goal, then no one is charged any money and we don't execute the plan.

Are you worried someone is going to run off with your money?

Alan Shutko

I am just wondering why someone would try a new business to make this when it already exists.

If people would buy it in a heartbeat... go buy it already.


I am just wondering why someone would try a new business to make this when it already exists.

If people would buy it in a heartbeat... go buy it already.
I think the problem is that the product that is out is in portrait format (higher then it is wide) and people want it in landscape format (wider then it is tall). That is why they are trying to get the product launched.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Would anyone be interested in such a product? Would you be willing to pledge $25 for two screens?

Yes and yes. I've used these since I could get them, even tried making them from old binders before they were commonly available, and I have used the three panel lanscape one that was available and use the portrait version from TWGS (currently), but I would certainly take two four panel screens in landscape for the $25 pricetag (as part of the start up effort).
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First Post
Heck yeah. :)

I have preferred landscape screens ever since the one for the fourth edition of Call of Cthulhu. The only downside to TWGS is that it is portrait, not landscape.

Alan Shutko - the reason they didn't buy it is that it is not the same thing. On the TWGS screen the panels are attached long edge to long edge. On a landscape screen the panels are attached by the short edges. As a result the screen is longer - hiding more table area, and lower - better for the GM to loom over, while looking ominous (or just having a better view of the table :p).

For that matter - I do have a couple of TWGS, they are quite nice, but I prefer landscape format.

The Auld Grump

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