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Leif's DISCONTINUED GURPS Traveller Game OOC01


So basically it up to you. If you rule that pilots must be officers, then I'll make that work in my background. If you rule that enlisted can be combat pilots, then I'll go with that.
No, Shayuri, it's basically up to YOU. ;) Ignore my drivel and make the character that you want to play. Ordinarily, I would suppose that most pilots are officers, but if you prefer to be enlisted, then there's no reason why you can't have been permitted, or more likely ORDERED, to complete pilot training.

And, now that I think about it, being enlisted sort of gives you a built-in reason to jump ship and strike out on your own, doesn't it? And, depending upon how you actually work out your character's background, your "desertion" from the navy could give us multiple adventure hooks.

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Incorrect Update for shayuri -- See Next Post

I checked the skills available to personnel in the Navy [Enlisted], and Piloting (Starship) is not available to them. However, Piloting (Starship) is a Primary Skill for a character who is in the Navy [Officer]. So don't blame me, blame the authors of GURPS Traveller! :p

Hold the Phone! See my next post, please.
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Did More Checking, Sharuri

Ok, I was wrong! Both Astrogation and Piloting (Spacecraft Type) are Primary Skills for personnel in the Navy [Enlisted] after all. I don't know how I missed it the first time. Sorry.

And, anyway, even if the skill wasn't in the template you could still be trained in it. For a second there I forgot this was GURPS! (If you don't like something, change it already!)
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NM need to read the thread LOL

Anyway, I've changed Doc Hannigan around to remove the now unnecesary Zhodani and Vargyr stuff. I thought it might be useful to list the things that Doc is "good at" (15 or higher skill):

Armory - Cyberware, Astrogation, Bartender, Biochemistry, Computer Operation, Diagnosis, Electronics - Cybertech, Electronics Operation - Medical, Engineer - Cybertech, First Aid, Genetics, Pharmacy, Physician, Physiology - Human, Research, Savoir Faire - Military, and Surgery.

In terms of Doc backing up other positions on the ship, his Armory (Spaceship Armor or Spaceship Weaponry) defaults to 11, his Electronics (Communications, Computers, Weapons, etc) to 11, his Electronics Operation (as Electronics above) to 12, and his Engineer (Combat Engineering, Electrical, and Guns) to 10. Doc can pilot High Performance Spacecraft as well as Starships and can fire Lasers (I assume thats what these ships have -- if not, let me know).
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Doc can pilot High Performance Aircraft as well as Starships and can fire Lasers (I assume thats what these ships have -- if not, let me know).
His skills and things look good. I had hoped that GURPS Ultra Tech 1 & 2 might offer some more interesting weapons for ships than just lasers, but these volumes appear to be focused more on weapons for personal use than the vehicle/ship mounted variety. So looks like we're stuck with just lasers for the time being. (And the usual assortment of missiles and sandcasters, of course. At least, I think Traveller might have provisions for missiles.) Anyway, what you have is probably as good as you can get at this point. ;) If/when you get the really fun play-pretties, you'll have to OJT those skills, at least at first.


First Post
Insight, you probably don't need High Performance Aircraft in Traveller, unless you're from a low-tech planet. Piloting pretty much any suborbital craft is covered by the Pilot (Gravitic) skill. Low tech planets...which are actually pretty common throughout the Imperium...might still use wheeled vehicles, or winged (fixed or rotary) aircraft, but they're not the default assumption.

Traveller spaceships typically only mount three weapons, unless they're military ships.

Lasers are used for point defense and for deterrent offense. They can threaten lightly armored civilian craft, but aren't going to be much of a threat against thicker-hulled vessels unless you have a large ship with powerful weapons.

Missiles are the primary offense of civilian starships. A missile hit or two can cripple a small civilian ship, and make even heavier ships think twice about engaging. Missiles don't have a Gunner skill, I don't think. The missiles are guided, and have their own "skill rating" that is used in place of a gunner's.

Sandcasters are a form of defense that's effective against lasers. They shoot canisters of what is essentially ground up glass that burst at a programmed distance from the ship. A good gunner can use this weapon to saturate space between his ship and an enemy ship with particles that diffract and diffuse incoming laser beams, reducing their ability to do damage. Sandcasters don't have much offensive value. In theory you could play games with relative motion and create clouds of relativistic sand...but in practice it's a lot easier just to shoot something with a weapon that's designed for it. :)

If you're military, you might get some of these other weapons. And note that they're not -restricted- to military vessels. They're just really expensive and high tech, and thus rarely seen on civilian ships.

There's plasma guns, which fire high velocity jets of hot plasma. They tend to attenuate over range, making them less useful. Their high-tech cousin is the fusion gun, which ejects a stream of plasma that's so hot that it's actually undergoing a fusion reaction as it fires. They're basically just super-plasma guns, that do tons more damage.

Large ships can mount particle beams in large turrets called "bays," and on fixed spinal mounts. A spinal mount is basically a gigantic gun emplacement that's built into the ship's structure along it's center of thrust. Sort of like the Wave Motion Gun from the Space Battleship Yamato cartoons (Star Blazers in the states). Particle beams are enthusiastically nasty, but are capital ship guns, normally used on other capital ships.

And of course, there's the granddaddy gun of them all. The meson gun. Meson guns generate a cloud of subatomic particles that only interact very weakly with normal matter, and accelerates them at relativistic velocities towards an enemy ship. The mesons decay back into normal matter and energy after a very short period of subjective time, but that time can be manipulated by controlling the speed that they're launched at. The closer to the speed of light, the longer their lifespan appears to be from an outside frame of reference. A complex calculation can therefore determine precisely what velocity they need to travel at in order to time their decay so that it takes place while they're in the process of passing through the enemy ship. The meson decay is violent, releasing a great deal of energy in the form of heat and hard radiation; something not far from detonating a tactical nuclear device. Meson guns are always spinal mounts, though they don't need firing apartures or any obvious sign of their presence.
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First Post
I've just acquired myself a copy of GURPS:Traveller from SJGames so I can do a bit of reading - unfortunately looks like I'll be off the boards again for about a week, but I'll try and have some numbers sketched out while I'm away. At the moment I'm looking at these skills:

- Armoury (Ship Guns, Ship Armour, Battlesuit, + possibly others)
- Mechanic (Spaceship Drive, Fuel Cell, Robotics, Starship Drive, Gasoline, Small Electric, Clockwork/Gadgets)
- Electronics Operation (Security Systems)
- Mathematics
- Electronics
- Engineer - not entirely sure of the benefit of this as opposed to the Mechanic skills?
- misc stuff including Freefall, Running, Scrounging, Streetwise, Vacc Suit, Merchant, Lockpicking

I'm also considering Lightning Calculator, Mathematical Ability, possibly a level of Luck.

If points allow I may try and work in the Psi angle (Psyckokinesis) and/or Eidetic Memory

If you are ready to start before I come back please do so and I'll catch up. I am happy to go with the more trad type of game rather than the original Zhodani idea.
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Excellent stuff, Grufflehead! I doubt if we'll start before you get back online, but, if so, it will probably be very minor and you'll easily catch up.

(And QUIT WATCHING me!! It's making me nervous as he[[!)
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Insight, you probably don't need High Performance Aircraft in Traveller, unless you're from a low-tech planet. Piloting pretty much any suborbital craft is covered by the Pilot (Gravitic) skill. Low tech planets...which are actually pretty common throughout the Imperium...might still use wheeled vehicles, or winged (fixed or rotary) aircraft, but they're not the default assumption.

I changed it to spacecraft once I realized I'd typed the wrong thing. Doc has some experience with solo spacecraft (I figure they must have personal transport craft, if only to travel between planets or for quick hops across the same planet). He knows his way around a larger ship (the starship in GURPS)and can serve as a backup pilot if need be.

Lasers are used for point defense and for deterrent offense. They can threaten lightly armored civilian craft, but aren't going to be much of a threat against thicker-hulled vessels unless you have a large ship with powerful weapons.

I figure Doc got some basic gunner training while in the military and point defense seems right up his alley. I know that in OUR militaries, medics and doctors aren't taught to fight, but I figure in the Imperium, they might be. Even if they aren't, Doc would have learned somehow :cool:


FYI - I checked out my copy of Ultra-Tech 2 tonight! So THAT'S where my blasters have been hiding! The "hold-out" version, a concealable little pea shooter, inflicts 11d of damage! Guess that's not something you use when you intend to, "Bring 'em back alive."

But, as I recall now, in GURPS armor doesn't make you more difficult to hit, it absorbs damage. Still, 11d of damage has a range of 11-66 points, and an average of ... 38.5. Ouch!
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