New IPAD App !!!!


First Post
Has anyone bought Battle Map for Ipad yet... just seen it appear, but wondered if its on the US site already.. looks good but...........

£17.99 !!!! for an app seems steep withough some kind of background to it

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Radiating Gnome

I have it . . . and I'm excited by it, but I'm still testing and evaluating. So, jury is still out. It sure is a lot to pay.

One problem is that, while I found the creator's web site, there isn't much help there for the tools.

But here's my quick review so far:

Good: Very easy to use interface. You can whip up a quick and dirty map in a minute or two, faster than lying down tiles. The program works smoothly and takes good advantage of the touchscreen.

Bad: Limited drawing tools. Your walls will all be one space thick, so everything feels very blocky. There's also only a handful of objects that come with the tool, so that really feels like you can only create a few encounters.

It is possible to bring in your own objects, but when I tried that the trasparency of the images was not preserved, for some reason, so my object has a big white box around it. I'm hoping that will be fixed or addressed in a future release. But that's the issue I went out to the web trying to solve, and found nothing.

The usability is a bit limited for most folks, though. I play using a projector directed down at the table from above for maps, so I can connect the ipad to the projector and use the app to display the map. The time I can do that, though, is limited by the battery life of the ipad, since the port I use to send the data out to the projector is also the charging port.

The other suggestion for using this is to use it to play on, but the ipad ist just a little small to put in the middle of the table and have stand in for the play surface.

All in all, I think this is a great start on a product, but unless you have a use case where you can really see using it (a projector setup like mine, or perhaps you play in small spaces, like dorm rooms or volkswagons), I don't think you'll be satisfied paying so much for this app.



First Post
Seems to be another one... growth area for the Ipad ?

Dungeon Mapp (yes with two 'p's not sure if thats a good sign, this one is much cheaper £4.00


$30 US is a complete rip-off. I wouldn't buy it just based on that alone. It could :):):):) strawberries and I still wouldn't pay that much for it.


$30 US is a complete rip-off. I wouldn't buy it just based on that alone. It could :):):):) strawberries and I still wouldn't pay that much for it.

Hi guys, I'm the developer behind Dungeon Mapp (yes, two P's, because it's an APP :) I agree the Battle Map application is very expensive, and I think people just want to generate a room quickly and add characters and enemies in it. I've just posted a vid of how to do that on the site, so check it out:

Dungeon Mapp



If you could network this app with other players iPhones for online games I might buy it I would have to get an iPad first though!


Dungeon Mapp seems to be very slick, though the one-orientation lock limits its usefulness for those of us with cases / stands.


Otherwise, great application!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Does it scroll around for larger areas during play? What happens if two characters are more than 11 squares or so apart?

Can you import pre-existing maps from published adventures?

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