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The Enemy Within

Dr Simon

The travellers all enter the inn at roughly the same time - three humans and two dwarfs. Between them they almost double the number of people in the common room, which nevertheless is warm and welcoming.

Hans spots the woman from outside across by the large fireplace, sitting with eyes downcast beside a young woman in the fine clothes of the nobility whose icy glare studiously avoids actually looking at anyone else in the room. Besides these two women is a third, masculine looking with her leather breeches and muscled arms. She sizes up each newcomer with a professional eye.

Across the inglenook from the three women is a weaselly man engrossed in a thick book. Two hearty worker-types are sat at another table, the source of the laughter you can hear outside. They are well into their cups.

Leaning at the bar is a foppish young man with powdered wig and elegant be-ribboned clothing who watches as you enter. There are two barmen - one lean and pinched, the other large and bewhiskered, and the latter bustles over to you.

"Welcome, welcome!" he booms. "Need a room for the night? Or perhaps some food first? What am I thinking? Drinks, of course! Where are you heading for? Sounds like a we're in for a rotten night out there, weather-wise. So, was it rooms you wanted? What can I get you to drink?"

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First Post
Garold seems a little uncertain standing in this crowd of strangers who all happen to enter the inn at the same time.

He steps forward to address the barman. It seems as if the young man is accomustomed to servants. He speaks while surveying the room, not meeting the walrus like manservant in the eyes.

"Nothing to eat yet. I'm actually here about this announcement from the Crown Prince Hergard von Tasserink." He indicates the poster.

[sblock=Garold Riechenberg]
Status: good
Init: +0 Speed: 5 Perception:9 Insight:9
AC: 18 NAD: F: 16 R: 15 W:14
HP: 25/25 Surges: 8/8 Surge Value: 6 AP: 1
Str:18 Dex:10 Wis:8 Con:13 Int:14 Cha:14

At-Will: Direct the Strike, Wolf Pack Tactics, Rousing Assault
Encounter: Battlefront Shift, Shielded Assault, Inspiring Word, Inspiring Word
Daily: Lead by Example [/sblock]

Dr Simon

The landlord squints at the poster for a second.

"Oh," he says, "Looks like you'll be heading up to Altdorf then. You're in luck young sir, these gentlemen here are running a coach up that way tomorrow, right gentlemen?" He indicates the two men drinking at the central table. They look up, and the one who doesn't have a mouthful of beer answers.

"Aye, that's right. Seven crowns each for passage," he says, slightly slurred.
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Walking Dad

First Post
Gorim Grimmson


"Welcome, welcome!" he booms. "Need a room for the night? Or perhaps some food first? What am I thinking? Drinks, of course! Where are you heading for? Sounds like a we're in for a rotten night out there, weather-wise. So, was it rooms you wanted? What can I get you to drink?"

"An ale for me and my brother! Talk later!"
Gorim answers harshly.


"Aye, that's right. Seven crowns each for passage," he says, slightly slurred.

"We want in the same direction. Are you crazy to have such a high price? People are on the way to take a job. One has to be paid first to hire such a luxury that costs over a half-dozen crowns."


Found a nice image and added it to my sheet in the RG

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Gorim Grimmson
Perception: 12 Insight: 12 Low-light Vision
AC 17 Fortitude 16 Reflex 11 Will 12
Initiative: +1
Hit Points: 31 / 31 Bloodied: 15
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:7 Surges per day: 12 / 12
At-Will Powers: Brash Strike, Cleave
Encounter Powers: Dwarven Resilience, Hack and Hew
Daily Powers: Driving Attack





First Post
Garogram just nods at his brother's words. For now, he is happy to leave the talking to him. After all, Gorim has more experience with humans than he has.


Hans Glieben approaches the coachman. "Haha, I, too am headed to the fair capital." The rogue summons the barkeep. "Good sir, it is a fact that many of us seem destined for Altdorf. Perhaps a lowering of your price could balance out the fact that you should have a wagon full of passengers...?"

"One more ale for the road?" Glieben asks, sliding silver coins towards the barkeep.

OOC: Diplomacy check to see if Hans can get the price lowered.

EDIT: LOL maybe not.

Dr Simon

"An ale for me and my brother! Talk later!"
Gorim answers harshly.

"Of course, of course!" says the landlord, hurrying to do just that. "Not one for idle chatter, me. Just get on with the job, that's what I say. No need to keep talking about it, right? An ale was it, sir. No, two ales, of course. Would you care for our stronger brew? I know how you dwarves like your ale nice and dark. Been working up the mines in Delberz, have we? Herpin!" he calls to the thin barman, who is standing right next to him, silent.

"Two pints of Special for our dwarven guests. And less of the chatter," he gives the Brothers Grimmson a sly wink. "Can't get him to shut up sometimes!"

Hans Glieben approaches the coachman. "Haha, I, too am headed to the fair capital." The rogue summons the barkeep. "Good sir, it is a fact that many of us seem destined for Altdorf. Perhaps a lowering of your price could balance out the fact that you should have a wagon full of passengers...?"

"One more ale for the road?" Glieben asks, sliding silver coins towards the barkeep.

The two coachmen look appreciatively at the offer of more beer.

"The coach is already full," says the first one, gesturing at the patrons already present. "But there's room on the roof."

"It's a long way to have to walk to Altdorf..." adds his friend, looking meaningfully at his empty tankard. "Makes a fellow very thirsty."


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The two coachmen look appreciatively at the offer of more beer.

"The coach is already full," says the first one, gesturing at the patrons already present. "But there's room on the roof."

Hans looks at the others, then back to the coachmen. "I'll volunteer for roof duty. Seems I'm the least likely to tumble off, should the coach hit a puddle or divot in the road." Hans punctuates this comment with a curt laugh.

"It's a long way to have to walk to Altdorf..." adds his friend, looking meaningfully at his empty tankard. "Makes a fellow very thirsty."

"Ahh, yes. I can well imagine." Hans slides a gold coin across the bar to the keep. The rogue places two fingers down on the bar, indicating he's ordering two ales.


First Post
Alain managed to get inside without more mud being slung upon his outfit as he took a seat and observed the scene. As the carriage men announced such a hefty price, the boy smiled faintly. He stepped up, mimicking the rogue with a smile.

"Hail, friends. I'm sure we can work out a suitable arrangement for arriving at Altdorf together. After all, I'm sure we'd make an excellent guard for your coach. I doubt many would be eager to assault a coach guarded by several men and a few stout Dwarves..." The boy observed, hoping to ease transitions even further, perhaps reducing the price a bit himself.

[Diplomacy check to be added]

Edit: Maybe they want to become Alain's servants? roflmao
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Dr Simon

"Its always useful to have someone who can help in a scrap," says the second coachman. "The roads to Altdorf are plagued with bandits. It's about time the Emperor started paying a bit more attention to the needs of us common folk."

"And the Roadwardens are no use, corrupt bunch the lot of them," adds the first coachman, draining his refreshed tankard in one.

"Ah now, that's not fair," says the landlord as he brings another round (leaving the thin barman to serve the dwarfs). "They're honest men doing a tough job in tough times. Why, you know the Mayor of Grunburg was burnt at the stake a few weeks back for being in league with demons? They say he had a demon familiar in the form of a cat, and he was feeding it milk laced with human blood. They heard him, talking to the cat, saying "drink your bloody milk". And that's the truth."

There is a silent pause.

"We could take you and your friends for five-"

"Four crowns."

The two coachmen exchange a look.

"Well, I guess we could do it for three..."

"Two crowns each, but you'll need to pay in advance."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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