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[OOC] What Adventure Awaits?


Well, I see you've already got 4 players, but why have 4 when you can have 5?

I'd like to sign on as an alternate if one of the 4 happen to crap out, or as a regular if you don't mind the larger party size.
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Aldern Foxglove, HandofMystra, grufflehead, and Scott DeWar sounds like four people to me. :)
So far i see Aldern Foxglove going for a wizard, what about Hand of M and Grufflehead? Got any ideas of what you want to go for?

Also i need to PM you, mark, two plot ideas just like the tv show 'whose line is it anyway?', right? That is what i got impression wise from Gnome stew (i keep thinking of koibold setw for some reason)

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
So far i see Aldern Foxglove going for a wizard, what about Hand of M and Grufflehead? Got any ideas of what you want to go for?

Also i need to PM you, mark, two plot ideas just like the tv show 'whose line is it anyway?', right? That is what i got impression wise from Gnome stew (i keep thinking of koibold setw for some reason)

Keep in mind that a class-balanced party can be a goal, but it isn't a requirement. If you all come up with a party of wizards, then I'll tailor things for a party of wizards. :)

Yes, Scott, two ideas. Not even necessarily plot ideas, but even just elements of a plot idea. The challenge is for me to then take eight different ideas and work them into a plot.


Sure am! :D I thought I chased @Scott DeWar away... :)

I'm not against the circus troupe. To that end, I'm plotting an Oracle. As to what flavour, I'll see what everyone else is creating before locking it down.
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Chase me away?

HA! Never!!Mark, i see I still need to send two plot hooks. i am thinking on calling in a characrer I built for your world, a rogue. I will make all necessary adjustments to Berm McKaffe, or what ever his name was.
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Work in progress:

Personal Information
[B]Name:[/B] Berm McKaffe
[B]Class:[/B]  Rogue 2
[B]Race:[/B]   Human
[B]Size:[/B]   Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] male
[B]Align:[/B]  Chaotic Good
[B]Deity:[/B] Dresna

[B]Str:[/B] 13 +1 (3 pts)    [B]Level:[/B] 2    [B]XP:[/B] xxxx +475
[B]Dex:[/B] 15 +2 (3 pts)    [B]BAB:[/B] +1     [B]HP:[/B] 2d8: [color=green]8/12[/color] 
[B]Con:[/B] 10 +0 (0 pts)    [B]CMB:[/B] +2     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] -
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2 (5 pts)    [b]CMD:[/B] 14     [B]Spell Res:[/B] -
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1 (2 pts)    [B]Speed:[/B] 30'  [b]Encm:[/b] light
[B]Cha:[/B] 12 +1 (2 pts)    [B]Init:[/B] +6 (Dex: +2; Feat: +4)
Human bonus: +2 to Dex
[size=6][b]Combat: [/b][/size]
[B]Defense: [/B]
[B] Base Armor           Dex armor Misc. ACP [size=4]Total[/size][/B]
 Studded leather, Mwk  +2  +3    +1    -0  [size=4][b][u]16[/b][/u][/size]
[B]Armor Class:[/B] 15
[B]Touch:[/B]       13
[B]Flatfooted:[/B]  13 
[B]ACP:[/B]   +/- 0
dex: +2; 2 wpn def +1; 

[B]Saves [/B]
          [B]Base  Mod   Misc Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]      +0    +0    +0    +0
[B]Ref:[/B]       +3    +2    +0    +5
[B]Will:[/B]      +0    +1    +0    +1


[B]Weapons:    Attack  Damage    Critical  type[/b]
Rapier        +2    1d6+1     18-20/x2    p
Dagger        +2    1d4+1     19-20/X2    p/S
Short Bow     +3    1d6           X3      P
Club          +2    1d6+1         X2      B
dagger thrown +4    1d4+1     19-20/X2    p/s

two weapon fighting (Rapier and Dagger or club)
[B]Weapon       Att    Dam        Crit      Type[/B]
Rapier        +0    1d6+1     18-20/X2    P
Dagger        +0    1d4+1     19-20/X2    p/s
club          +0    1d6+1        X2       B

[B]build stuff: [/B]

[Size=6][b]Feats and Skills:[/b][/size]

[B]class features:[/b]
[U]Sneak Attack, +1d6[/U]: (class feature)
[U]Trap Finding[/U]: (class feature)
[U]Evasion[/U]: (class feature)
[U]rogue talent[/U] Fast Ledge walker

[U]2 weapon fighting[/U]: (Human bonus feat)
[U]2 wpn def[/U]: (character level 1) +1 with 2 wpn fight, +2 with def fight and 
    total def fight
[u]trait feat[/u]: improved initiative

[B]Skill Points:[/B] (8+2+1+1) per level (rogue lv 2)

total at level 2: 24
[B]Max Ranks:[/B] 2

[B]Skills:              Ranks Mod Class Misc/ACP Total[/B]   
Acrobatics (Dex)      2     2    3             +7
Appraise (Int)        1     2    3             +6
Bluff (Cha)           1     1    3             +5
Climb (Str)           2     1    3             +6
Craft (Int)           1     2    3             +6
Disable Device (Dex)  2     2    3     2       +9 (mwk pics & tools +2)
Disguise (Cha)        2     1    3             +6
   ** Knowledge **
(dungeoneering) (Int) 1     2    3             +6
(local) (Int)         1     2    3             +6
****        ****
Linguistics (Int)     1     2    3             +6
Perception (Wis)      2     1    3             +6
Perform (Cha):
  Juggling            2     1    3             +6
Sense Motive (Wis)    1     1    3             +5
Sleight of Hand (Dex) 1     2    3             +6
Stealth (Dex)         2     2    3             +7
Swim (Str)            2     1    3             +6

[B]Equipment:               Cost       Weight  [/B]
Explorer's Outfit        0.0 GP     0.0 lb
studded leather, Mwk   175.0 GP    20.0 lb	     
short sword             10.0 GP     2.0 lb   
dagger X 2               4.0 GP     2.0 lb
Short bow               30.0 GP     2.0 lb   
arrows, 20               1.0 GP     3.0 lb
back pack                2.0 GP     2.0 lb
trail rations X5         2.5 GP     5.0 lb
Sun Rod X 3              6.0 GP     3.0 lb
Tinder Twig X 20        20.0 GP     --- lb
cure light potion X1    50.0 GP     --- lb
Thief’s tools, mwk     100.0 GP     2.0 lb
belt pouch x2            2.0 GP     1.0 lb 
water-skin               1.0 GP     4.0 lb
vial holy water         25.0 GP     --- lb
flint and steel          1.0 GP     --- lb	        
club                    ---- GP     3.0 lb
[u]whet stone              0.02 GP     1.0 lb[/u]
Total:                429.52 GP      50 Lb
[B]Total Weight:[/B]     50 lb                  
[B]Money:[/B]  26gp  4sp      8cp  

              Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift   Push
[b]Max Weight:[/b]    50   100   150   450   750

start: 480 gp

[sblock= Background]
Berm was always a bit of a rebel. He ran away from home and joined a gypsy band when he was 10, something is to be said to a girl with dark features that stirs the hearts of the young. He learned a few 'tricks of the trade until he was 14, then was put to a test. The test went poorly: the known guard routes had just been changed, the guard patrols also went under a change.

Even evading them was not the only challenge. The arrival at a mark's house led to problems from the start when they were were 2 hours late.. that meant the house guard schedules were not the same and the bribes were for not. He was with the dark eyed girl, the two of them had started to get serious as of late, and they had just arrived at the 'treasure room' where there were items of gold and silver on display that had been the object of their attention.

the room itself was a trick and a trap. entering the room set off a magical alarm, the displays were nothing more then figments of magic, illusions. when sounds of armored feet approached, she ordered Berm to run one way and she would go the other. the one who gets to the camp first tells what happened to the patriarch.

Apparently he was the first to arrive as he got to the camp ... only the camp was empty. No sign of any one. he waited for two hours and she never arrived. Grabbing some supplies in the waning darkness, he doused the camp fire and sneaked back into the city, looking for 'work'.

He had removed what he could find in coin from the small family of gypsies, leaving about a quarter of the coin there, just in case. Arriving at a tavern/inn he stayed a few days, keeping his ears open for potential work. He was in luck, as he heard some folks talking about a job they needed someone with his set of skills to get in.

It was a were house job where they were looking for a particular box. they set up the whole thing. and the whole thing was a trap to catch this group of people. The guard was waiting for them. He ran, hiding where and when he could. he stole out of the city with what he was guessing the guard hot on his heals and he left for a safe city. the city of seawall being his preferred destination ....

It has now been 4 years since losing his gypsey family when he happened upon a town with a circus. He was watching the sights when a dark headed elf caught his eye . . . could it be her? There is something different in the eyes . . .

[sblock=personal information]
Phisical Description
Age: 16
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 120 Lb (54.6 Kg)
Eyes: green
Hair: red
Skin: pale/freckled


[sblock= feat info]
Two-Weapon Defense [General]
Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting.

When wielding a double weapon or two weapons (not including natural weapons or unarmed strikes), you gain a +1 shield bonus to your AC. See the Two-Weapon Fighting special attack.

When you are fighting defensively or using the total defense action, this shield bonus increases to +2.

A fighter may select Two-Weapon Defense as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Two-Weapon Fighting [General]
You can fight with a weapon in each hand. You can make one extra attack each round with the second weapon.

Dex 15.

Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6. See the Two-Weapon Fighting special attack.

If you wield a second weapon in your off hand, you can get one extra attack per round with that weapon. When fighting in this way you suffer a -6 penalty with your regular attack or attacks with your primary hand and a -10 penalty to the attack with your off hand. If your off-hand weapon is light the penalties are reduced by 2 each. (An unarmed strike is always considered light.)


[sblock=Human Racial Traits]
+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters get a +2 bonus
to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent
their varied nature.
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level
and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans
with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they
want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
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Voidrunner's Codex

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