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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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The exuberant joy, the unending curiosity, the righteous zest for learning that would have been expressed had Gil not fallen asleep in his empty stew bowl. He'd pushed himself too long, and finally as he finished dining, the exhaustion snuck up on him.

The human snored softly as life continued around him, occasionally mumbling under his breath, arc connects... blowing up... mice aged... ass-troe-noe-me... His mage hand also seemed to slow down, often writing gibberish, sometimes making decent bullet points of the conversation at hand, and seldomly making comments about how annoying it's wizard was.
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The door of the tavern opens and a well-dressed tiefling enters. His 6' frame is covered in leather armor and a dagger hangs at his hip, although the hilt of the dagger shows more of fashion than of function. He blinks slowly, allowing his eyes to adjust to the light within (and giving those present a moment to note his fashionable attire). Then he moves to an unoccupied table and sits down. His ears are open to hear the conversation around him, but he doesn't initiate any conversations himself.


The bartender produces a polished pewter goblet and produces two bottles. One is brown, and the other green, "A bottle of white? A bottle of red?"
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUz48xw_OiM"]YouTube - Scenes From an Italian Restaurant-Billy Joel[/ame]

OOC: I've been waiting over two years to use that line in the Hanged Man. Whew! Finally!

BTW: Technically anyone is allowed to RP the bartender as part of their actions in the Hanged Man, but a judge will often use him to enforce the announcement rule (Characters are to announce their names when they enter).

In the case where anyone want's to engage in a lengthy discourse with the bartender, I would be happy to RP him.


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OOC: glad I could allow you to use your line, and sorry I didn't give my name- I just jumped in without reading the rules- my bad

"The white if it is chilled, otherwise the red please." Esraethan gets up from his table and moves across the tavern to continue his conversation with the friendly bartender- and to pick up the wine. He continues, in a lower voice, "Can I ask you a question, friend?"

At the bartender's nod, Esraethan asks "I am wondering how people around here feel about those of my race. I have encountered... some difficulties... in the past."


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"There are folks stranger than you here." answers a barmaid waling over. With a sweep of her hand, she indicates a crowd consisting of a giant insect, a rapidly switching changeling, a frog-man, self-propelled automata and other sundry oddities.

OOC: Sorry if I missed anyone who feel they're strange too.


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Walking past the barmaid on the way to greet Esraethan, Artemis slaps her behind. It earns him a hard slap to the cheek, but he keeps on grinning.

He leans on the bar next to Esraethan, "Speak up man, no need to be shy!" He gives the tiefling a big grin, "You won't be wooing any dames or ladies if you haven't the confidence to speak up! This motley collection of adventurers all find their way here for fame or fortune or fantasy. Everyone has a story, tell us about yourself!"


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Esraethan looks around at the group gathered in the tavern, then at Artemis. "I suppose this group is one that might be able to help me at that.

"The reason for my travels is simple. I seek to find the people who killed my mother. As I'm sure you are aware, there are many places throughout the land where those who are different are not tolerated. My family was traveling through one such place- my mother, my younger sister, and myself. One night, a group of armed men burst into the inn where we were staying. My mother quickly pushed my sister and I into the closet, warning us to be quiet. She turned to the door of our room as it burst open.

"Through a crack in the closet door, I was able to watch a group of four human men who broke into our room and slew my mother. From the insults they flung at her, it was clear that her tiefling heritage was the purported reason for the attack.

"Since that day, I have devoted myself to learning enough to avenge her. Now that I have developed my talents in the magical arts, I have begun my hunt for her killers.

"So far I have determined that they were not local to the village where we were staying, but were also outsiders to that community. So now I travel the land, hunting for them and for items of power which will help me in my quest."

As if all this talk has drained him, Esraethan seems to slump down a bit. Taking a sip of his wine, he looks over the rim of the cup at Artemis to see what effect his story has had on the garrulous adventurer.


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Artemis becomes somber after hearing of Esraethan's tale. He puts his hand softly on his shoulder.

"My heartfelt condolences, Esraethan."

Artemis leans with his back to bar, "While I have no insight into the cowardly men who attacked your mother, I can say that this place is full of brave men and women who would help you avenge her loss. And though we just met, I would stand at your side to avenge her."

He looks back over at the tiefling, "My only advice is this. Don't let vengence become your only pursuit. It will consume you."

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