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Knightfall's World of Kulan Campaign Maps (Updated: July 2022)


World of Kulan DM
I like the CC2 style of your maps.

Sometimes I regret moving up to CC3, sometimes I even think about using it to replicate the style you have. For the elegance and quickness.
Thanks for the XP and comments SkidAce. :)

I've considered the idea of moving up to CC3 but it's not really a good idea at the moment. I don't have the funds plus I'd likely have to rework all my maps with the new symbols, which would be a lot of work.

I guess I could always try running the two programs on the same computer. My new PC has the space. :hmm:

But mapmaking can be an obsessive hobby...so it's back to finishing the small swamp in the western corner of the campaign area.
Very much so. I hadn't planned to do the second Far South map but I couldn't help myself once I'd done the other one. Now I'm wondering what I'll do next.

FYI... I had to make a quick name change on the last map. The island chain is actually called the Rumbling Archipelago not the Whispering Stones. I forgot that the waterway that runs between Stonegard and the continent is called the Strait of the Whispering Stones.

I've created so much for Kulan that sometime even I forget things about the world. :p
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World of Kulan DM
REVISED MAP: Nebral Peninsula
Here is the newly revised version of the Nebral Peninsula overview map. There are a few changes on it compared to the old version. Specifically, I didn't attempt to note political areas on the map. It always makes it look to crowded.

Also, the maps shows a lot more than just the Nebral Peninsula. The areas surrounding it are too important to simply cut away on a smaller version, like the old one. The Chara Coast, for example, has a strong influence on the northern lands of the peninsula.

FYI... all these maps are in a state of flux. (I've already added a couple of extra "low" mountains and hills to this one [on Thessalgard Island and in the Merewood] I've also added a new "tower city" called Scattertown.).

Nebral Peninsula_printscreen_s.jpg
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World of Kulan DM
NEW/REVISED MAP: Paian Hills Region

Here's a new map that shows one of the major areas of the western half of The Far South. It is dominated by several powerful city-states including The Transformation city known as Rusthallow.

Another powerhouse in this region is the tower city known as Greol. It is best to consider this city "gray" at its best and wicked at its worst. Greol's ruler(s) controls a great deal of the mining in the Paian Hills and use that power to their advantage.

The most powerful port city in this region is Xcellian. It dominates the mercantile industry, which is why Greol can't completely dominate the mining rights in the Paian Hills. The citizens of Xcellian tend to look down on others and are considered quite arrogant by their enemies.

The city-state known as Livaley has a strong tradition of arcane magic. Wizards, warlocks, elementalists, and warmages are all common citizens in this city-state but the true power is given to those with the power of sorcery running through their veins.

There are several Transformation cities on this map (including Rusthallow). Cardamere is a strange city dominated by even stranger feytouched humanoids. Belinay and Hathmathia came from the same world where the land was a harsh waste. (Their world was dying.) The Belins had never seen a salt water ocean before. Now, their cities sit on the northern coast of the Nebral Peninsula. They believe that a mysterious god saved (maybe Mirella, they speculate) them from extinction.

*This refers to a waterway that is touched by the godsblood of the dead river god known as Tulle. He was a North God and died during the Divinity War. His death caused great chaos across the Lands of Harqual and many of the continent's waterways flow is strange directions. (Appearing to flow backward on my maps.) The druids of Harqual have tried to fix this problem but nothing has worked.

Other tidbits...

● The Merewood is filled with phanatons, demihumans, and mischievous fey. Oh, and ogres and ogrekin.

● The Plains of Black Sand are a smuggler's dream come true. The town of Black Sand is a dangerous place but it doesn't compare to the infernal pirates of Devil's Cove.

● On the edge of the Hinderfall Mountains is the town of Watchwood. This community is a rockwood gnome fort town. Its citizens watch for greedy woodcutters from Greol.

● The town of Gully Deep is one of the few welcoming "forest towns" along the edge of the Outer Forest of Heverkent. Trading is commonplace here, and there are a lot of rangers here that adventure through the ancient rainforest. (They protect it too so be careful!)

● Gravewall is an ancient tower that sits on the edge of the Great Expanse in a crater. It is said to be an evil place filled with treasure older than the continent itself. The Belins are very interested in it but their natural superstition has kept them away from it, so far.

● Birdmount and Windmount are home to aarakocra.

● All the towns surrounding Lake Therse are under the protection of the citizens of Bandontown. These citizens are mainly demihumans and feytouched.

● Darkholm is a ruined city from the time known as the Black Wars. It was a bastion of power during that time and its true name is no longer spoken. It fell from within as its human citizens destroyed themselves. The ruin is very haunted. Could there be treasure in this undead den?

● The Lione Savanna is home to several wandering tribes of rakasta.

Paian Hills Region.jpg
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World of Kulan DM
Let's see if I can upload one of my old CC2 maps.

And now one of the CC3 ones of the same area.
I have seen some of the CC3 maps and I admit that the new updated symbols look great. However, my money must go to other things, plus I can't imagine how much work I'd have to do in order to update my entire world. (It would be easier for my other maps of Dark World and Time of Ages since I haven't mapped out very much of those worlds, close up.)


With the layout of your maps I wouldn't be in any hurry. The new one is nice, but the work you put into yours makes them look good and they are still functional.

Besides I like your level of detail...fancy stuff could distract from it.


World of Kulan DM
With the layout of your maps I wouldn't be in any hurry. The new one is nice, but the work you put into yours makes them look good and they are still functional.

Besides I like your level of detail...fancy stuff could distract from it.
Yeah, my world doesn't need to be fancy (or maybe that should say "more complicated.") Here's a revised version of the Thenin Peninsula map. The original version is on post #11 on page 1.

This peninsula has has always been a hotbed of conflict and intrigue. Before the time of The Transformation seven years ago, the conflict was mainly due to the destructive followers of Erythnul in the city of Thenin and its vassal cities (i.e. Republic of the Thorn). (This republic was one of the few human-dominated lands in the far South before the planar event.)

While the mists of the magical crossing touched Harqual's shores, the republic fought for its very survival. Strange ruins filled with hordes of undead appeared in the Sea Mire to the south of the town of Paros. The undead poured out every night during the week long event and several communities were overrun including the City of Renin.

And Erythnul abandoned the republic.

Every community in the region would have fallen if the citizens hadn't turned to an unlikely source. Before Erythnul had been the republic's patron deity, the North God known as Jalivier had been the republic's divine champion. When The Many stopped answer her prayers, Jalivier spoke to Yuinii Bazgal, the Consul of the Republic, and told her to lead her people out into the night...

“You must ride with your men, fight alongside them as an equal. You must share their battlefield and their fate, whatever that may be for not even I can predict this outcome. But if you go with no malice in your heart or trickery in your mind then I will be there with you. Now go!”

She led her people, fought bravely, and died a hero.

Jalivier is once again the republic's patron deity and its people are now rebuilding the Thorn Republic in the Defender's name.

The ruin still exists; however, tt's name is now known — Hathenmoor. This little fact has given hope to those who enter the Accursed Mire in hopes of destroying the evil at its heart.

Other tidbits...

● There are three major Transformation cities in this region. Anaree is a strange city with a twin further north. The two cities are exact duplicates of each other except that the citizens of both cities cannot communicate with each other without magical aid. Christopherson is an even stranger city; its walls are made of iron and its primary citizens are bizarre humanoids that were slaves to the city's masters. These masters were not brought to Kulan. Korvosa is a fairly normal city compared to the other two. Its people are primarily human but there are also dwarves, elves, and halflings living in the city.

● Highwall and Thunderwall are fortified demihuman communities (mainly rockwood gnomes and the Torin). Construction of these two cities began shortly before The Transformation; the chaos of the magical event has swelled the populations.

● The Dog Head Savanna is infamous fir its powerful gnoll tribes while the Savanna of the Sun is another warm plain filled with rakasta prides; wild horses are common on the savanna too.

● The citizens of Irongard Island are carefree sailors but they aren't vicious pirates. The communities of the Irongard Holds are fairly united.

● The citizens of the towns of the Wild Shore aren't as nice or as united. They will band together if threatened but that's about as far as it goes.

● Kuwton is the capital city of an authoritarian regime that spans from the town of Po in the west to the town of Heliler in the east including the cities of Eastown and Westown.

● The other primary cities of the Thorn Republic are Arhein and Forthe.

● The City-state of Ellihan is ruled by a (NG) halfling ethnocracy. The City-state of Vail is ruled by a neutrally-aligned halfling aristocracy. Evanes is the capital city of a (LN) halfling oligarchy known as the Headlands. The Free City of Jyl is a (LN) demihuman aristocracy. Waile is the capital city of a loose confederacy of communities, including the city of Felanan, known as the Free Shores.

Thenin Peninsula.jpg
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World of Kulan DM
REVISED MAP: Varan Peninsula

Here is my new version of the Varan Peninsula. The previous version of this map didn't show the entire peninsula. This one does.

There are two major powers on the Varan Peninsula — the Domain of Varan and the Kingdom of Halaian. Halaian dominates the mountain range of the same name while Varan dominates the Varwood.

Halaian has only existed, as a kingdom, for just over a hundred years. It is a self-proclaimed monarchy (LG); its racial makeup is mainly rockwood gnomes and the Torin. Halaian was once a dependency of the Realm of the Little Trees in the Hinderfall Mountains. It is not known whether the self-proclamation was approved by the feudal heptarchy of the Realm.

Varan, on the other hand, has existed on the peninsula for nearly as long as civilization has existed in the Far South. (In fact, no one is sure which "Varan" was named first — the peninsula or the domain.) It is a neutrally-aligned feudal-state; its primary residents are southern elves and lightfoot halflings. Varan is known for its strict adherence to the Tenets of the Balance, which is a rarity in the Far South.

Other tidbits...

● The Varan Peninsula is it home to a lot of halflings. (You could even call it the halfling peninsula. Heh.) They dominate many of the city-states and lands located on eastern half of the peninsula.

● Danshal (demihuman), Jerasul (demihumans), Salubia (halfling), Ulderal (mixed), and Zafira (lightfoot halfing) are all independent city-states. Danshal is known as the City of Kings; it's a demihuman aristocracy. Jerasul is known as the City of Spices; it's a trader's paradise. Salubia is known as the City of Kinfolk; it's an (good-hearted) ethnocracy. Ulderal is known as the Peccadillo City; it's a city of vice. See below for more details on Zafira.

● Zafira, the City of Night, is considered a civilized place but with a dark, fearful edge due to its history and a supposed connection with the undead and the Cursed (i.e. werebeasts). Zafira and its ruler are an enigma.

● The city-states known as Siafox and as Tulsax are controlled by evil humanoids. The two cities are rivals; they try to outdo each other with their raids against the surrounding lands. They are less likely to attack each other. The entire region around (and in) the White Desert is a haven for goblins, gnolls, and ogres. It is known as the Shuntlands.

● The lands surrounding the Kail Mountains consider themselves separate from the rest of the Varan Peninsula. Amdrall (mixed), Dyhan (the forlorn), Lauaefal (southern elves), Sallim (demihumans), and Sivendul (demihumans) are all independent city-states with various forms of government.

● In the Kail Mountains, the city-states of N'Dalder and Pite are Torin strongholds. N'Dalder is a meritocracy; Pite is a plutocracy. The Realm of Gital in the eastern half of the mountain range is a monarchy of demihumans (very mixed).

● Fialli and Osebye are the backbone of a region known as the Unfettered Lands. Neutrality and chaos are commonplace here but not evil. There are more Harqualian humans living here than anywhere else on the peninsula. Various clans live on the shores of Lake Osebye. Humans are very rare elsewhere on the peninsula.

● Anaree and Sariae are Transformation cities. They are allied together to form a diarchy of "duplicates." (See my Thenin Peninsula post for more details.) The citizens the Twined Cities appear to be humans with electrum-tinted skin. However, sages are not sure if the citizens of the Cities of Electrum should be classified as such. They seem more like planetouched.

● There are rakasta prides living on the Savanna of the Mist while the Red Grass Savanna is more untamed and unclaimed. Skirmishes are common on the Red Grass Savanna.

Varan Peninsula.jpg
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World of Kulan DM
Another Altered Colors Map
I wanted to see what my Lands of Harqual map would look like with a consistent color scheme for lakes/rivers and seas.

Altered Colors - Harqual Overview.JPG
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