Chicago Gameday 31 is 3/17: call for GMs (i.e., event planning)

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[highlight]This thread is for planning purposes only. A separate thread will be created for player sign-up closer to Gameday. A link to that thread will be posted here.[/highlight]

[h1]Gameday 31 Planning[/h1]
This is the planning thread for Chicago Gameday 31. If you're interested in running an event for Gameday, or just have planning help to offer, this is the thread for you. If you're confused, go here to learn more about Chicago Gameday.

[h2]The Time, The Place, The Basics[/h2]
[highlight]Gameday 31 will be held on Saturday, March 17th. Events start at 9:30am[/highlight]. Gameday 31 will be hosted by Games Plus, a.k.a., Earth's Greatest Game Store™.

[h2]Gameday 31 Event Lineup[/h2]

Morning: 9:30am - 2:30pm
  1. Hero's Banner (Tim C Koppang, 3 seats, table A)
  2. Psi*Run (Nev, 4 seats, table B)
  3. Pathfinder (TracerBullet42, table C)
  4. Outlive Outdead (WjMacGuffin, 6 seats, table D)
  5. Dragons at Dawn (willowx, 6 seats, table E)
  6. D&D 4e (SuddenImpact, 6 seats, table F)
  7. Surcoat (Mark, 8 seats, table G)
  8. HiBRiD (hujraadjohaansen, 8 seats, table H)

Afternoon: 3:30pm - 8:00pm
  1. Microscope (ekb, 4 seats, table A)
  2. Fiasco (Ninjacat, 3 seats, table B)
  3. Griffins & Grottos (Mark, 6 seats, table C)
  4. The Laundry (WJMacGuffin, 6 seats, table D)
  5. Misspent Youth (Toddjank, 5 seats, table E)
  6. Dread (meganjank, 6 seats, table F)
  7. Lacuna (CoreyHaim8myDog, table G)
  8. Marvel Heroic Roleplaying (buzz, 6 seats, table H)

Gameday has two event slots that are 4-5 hours each: a morning slot from 9:30am to 2:30pm, and an afternoon slot from 3:30pm to 8:00pm (and beyond). We typically run at least six events in each slot, with 4-6 players plus GM in each event. GMs may request more/fewer seats in their event, but we have found that 4-6 players per event is ideal.

If you do not have an ENWorld Community Supporter account with Private Messaging enabled, please make sure I have your email address. Feel free to email me: buzz[at]buzzmo[dot]com.

[h2]Submitting and Running an Event[/h2]
How do I sign up to run an event?
If you would like to run an event for Gameday 31, please post a proposal in this thread.

What info should I provide as part of my proposal?
At the minimum, we need to know:
  • ...The game system you will be using
  • ...How many players will be accommodated
  • ...[highlight]What table you wish to use (take a look at the table map); the size of your event may limit you to certain tables.[/highlight]
  • ...A catchy title
  • ...An event "blurb," i.e., a basic summary of your event
  • ...Whether you want to run the event in the morning or the afternoon

Optional, yet helpful info you can provide includes:
  • ...Whether your event expects prior experience with the rules
  • ...Whether your event is or isn't suitable for all ages
  • ...Whether pregens will be provided
  • ...Links to said pregens (PDFs, Word files, etc)
  • ...Links to info about the game system
  • ...Links to any other files you'd like to offer potential players
  • ...Any images you might like included in the final event description

How long should my event last?
Your event should last at least 4 hours.

If you are running an event in the morning, it should not run longer than 5 hours, so you don't cut into the lunch break.

Events run in the afternoon may last longer than 5 hours, but please be respectful of: a) Games Plus's hours of operation, and b) the needs of players who may be reliant on the Metra scheudle.

When do poeple sign up for my event?
A separate player sign-up thread will be created in a few weeks. You will be notified in advance of the sign-up thread going live. If you are not currently on our mailing list or our Facebook page, please let me know, as this is how we notify event planners of when sign-up goes live.

May I screen potential players?
Pre-approval of player sign-ups is not allowed. By volunteering to run an event, you're agreeing to run it for whomever signs up. Thankfully, everyone who comes to Gameday is totally awesome.

What if I want or need to cancel my event?
You can't! Okay, seriously... please try not to offer an event unless you are certain that you will be able show up and run it come Gameday. If an emergency comes up (and they do, it's okay), please email me as soon as you can, or, worst-case scenario, you can call Games Plus and they should be able to convey the message.

May I run more than one event?
Yes. However, if the scheudle is particularly crowded, please be willing to accomodate other volunteers.

If you have suggestions, recommendations, or ideas for enhancing the fun of Gameday, please feel free to post them here and we'll open up discussion.
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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Two games to run, please . . .

Slot One
Table G
Til Dawn We Fight
Surcoat - Medieval Fantasy Combat Miniatures Game
8 seats
The legions of evil are many and the strong walls of the castle are the last defense against them. The beleaguered forces of good must hold off the aggressors until dawn in hopes that neighboring kingdoms can send reinforcements. Surcoat is a simple miniatures combat system for Medieval Fantasy wargaming, no experience necessary, nothing for players to bring but their imaginations.

Slot Two
Table C
Clearing the Castle
Griffins & Grottos - Medieval Fantasy Wargame and Roleplaying System
6 seats
The ancient, abandoned stronghold at the edge of the mountain range has been reoccupied and is being used by evil forces to disrupt trade. The adventurers must gather intelligence and investigate how best to clear out this nest of villainy. Players will find this Medieval Fantasy RPG easy to use and generally familiar, no experience necessary, pregens available, bring dice and your imagination.

Nev the Deranged

First Post
I'd like a tentative morning slot. Might switch it up if something particularly awesome comes up in the AM, but usually by the PM slot I'm too fried to run anything X_x


Title: Finding Mr. FEMA
System: Outlive Outdead (playtest)
# of Players: 6
Table: D
Time: AM
Pregens: Yes
Ages: PG-13

I don't care who you were before zombies started eating people, you're a soldier now. Don't like it? Blame Obama and martial law. And no, you don't get uniforms, helmets, or guns - just what you managed to loot before coming to the Mt. Prospect Quarantine Zone. Ready for your first order? Tough, because here it is. William Fugate, head admin for FEMA, is lost somewhere in the suburbs west of here. Go there, find him, and bring him back here safely. Ready for your second order? Try not to get eaten along the way.

Outlive Outdead is a new zombie rpg from Happy Bishop Games. Players take roles as human survivors of a zombie apocalypse. If you die, no problem - you then take roles as zombies and get to attack the other players! This game has a strong PvP element, a unique karma system, and plenty of temporary insanity. (What, the zombie apocalypse is supposed to be stress-free?) This is a final playtest, meaning most (if not all) kinks have already been worked out.

The quickstart rules can be found here. You don't need to read this before the game but it wouldn't hurt.

The available player-characters:
  • Julie Webb: Unemployed single mom before zombies appeared, she lost her two sons to the zombies and is ready to repay the undead bastards in spades.
  • Louie DaCosta: Owner of a strip club in Melrose Park. He saw a dancer change on stage and is really freaked out about it all.
  • Michael Lake: Was the mayor of Des Plaines before it fell to the zombies. He still thinks he deserves special treatment and privileges.
  • Jacob Reed: Minor league hockey player who lost his wife and is determined not to lose his daughter too.
  • Micaela Reed: Daughter of Jacob Reed and high school soccer star. Believes she's more than ready to get out from Dad's protection.
  • Marcos Flores: Illegal immigrant and busboy/dishwasher at a local Chili's. He wants to fit in and make sure his undocumented status doesn't force him out of safety.
If you wish a specific character, please mention that when you sign up. Thanks!


PS: Sorry the image is so big. I can't figure out how to resize it.
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Tim C Koppang

First Post

I'll take a morning slot (or afternoon if it works better) for a Hero's Banner game. 3 players. I'll submit a rockin' description and title as the inspiration hits me.

- Tim


I would like to run Memento Mori Theatrik's Lacuna.

In the collective Jungian dream world that is Blue City, you and your team are tasked with hunting down the deviant Ids which belong to the real world's killers and madmen.

Part noir, part semiotic lunacy, Lacuna is a hallucinatory, semi-free form narrative-esque game where the collective unconscious of mankind is the world setting.

If I can, I'd like the role-playing room, preferably in the afternoon. I need to be able to dim the lights for the "movies."

Lacuna RPG linkage:
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Two games to run, please . . .

Slot One
Table G
Til Dawn We Fight
Surcoat - Medieval Fantasy Combat Miniatures Game

Slot Two
Table C
Clearing the Castle
Griffins & Grottos - Medieval Fantasy Wargame and Roleplaying System
Added! Mark, you sure you don't want table H for your morning event? That's one of the tall minis tables.

Can I grab an morning slot in the private room (Table C) for some Pathfinder action?
Consider it grabbed!

I'd like a tentative morning slot. Might switch it up if something particularly awesome comes up in the AM, but usually by the PM slot I'm too fried to run anything X_x
You got it.

Title: Finding Mr. FEMA
System: Outlive Outdead (playtest)
Added! Brains...


I'll take a morning slot (or afternoon if it works better) for a Hero's Banner game. 3 players. I'll submit a rockin' description and title as the inspiration hits me.
Added! I await the rocking.

I would like to run Memento Mori Theatrik's Lacuna.

If I can, I'd like the role-playing room, preferably in the afternoon. I need to be able to dim the lights for the "movies."
Added! However, Mark has already claimed the private room. You'll need prevail upon his gentlemanly nature if you really want it.

...and I will be running some Stars Without Number in the afternoon, at least for now. I'm also considering something for the morning slot, but we'll see how things pan out.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Added! Mark, you sure you don't want table H for your morning event? That's one of the tall minis tables.

That might be a bit too high for younger gamers if we have some like last time. So I'll design the battlefield around a four by eight footer and stick with Table G, thanks.

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