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[PF] Way of the Wicked - Golarian


First Post
Cool winds and the scent of pine herald the waning summer and the coming of fall. Across the hamlets and villages of Talingarde, families are bringing in the summer harvest and preparing the stores for winter. The sweet scent of cider and the bite of pickling herbs fill every household with a sense of warmth and cheer. Laughter echoes through the valleys as children run through the reaped fields with abandon, trying their best to enjoy every last ray of sunshine before the first snowfalls blanket the land.

On the King’s Road along the coast, the frigid north winds blow freely across the sea, unhampered by the trees and hills that protect the heartland from Gozreh’s icy breath. The road meanders down the rocky coast line as it leads its travelers to their destination. This road has but one destination, and its travelers are either the damned, or their watchmen. The wagon that trundles down the stoney dirt path contains six such souls, four riders delivering the wretches to their cells in Branderscar Prison.

The frigid winds whipped through the steel bars on the carriage and burned like fire on the skin of the six prisoners who had been forsaken by Iomedae. Their thin roughspun prison shifts did little to protect them from the elements. Each prisoner sat chained to a heavy steel bar in carriage. The low roof allow none, except one child sized passenger to stand. Another chain ran through a manacle on each prisoner’s left foot, which in turn was locked to a steel bar. If that wasn’t enough, each of their hands were bound with iron shackles behind their backs.

Herik Torvin, son of a lesser house, sat dishonored and disowned. The trickle of spittle still sat in his grey hair were the guardsman had spat it after screaming “Traitor” and throwing him into the carriage. His cold blue eyes stared out across the ocean, still calculating and scheming despite his circumstances.

Rath Deviltusk sat behind him. The half-orc heretic to the teaching of Iomedae visibly fumed at his capture. The points of his tusks had been filed down flat after he had punctured a guard’s jugular with a flick of his head. He chuckled deeply at the memory of the fools sputtering shock as he watched his life ebb out of him. These week servants of Iomedae would soon know what true power was.

Sam Mason was an imposing man even stripped of his ceremonial vestments. The cleric of Asmodeus’s firey red hair and grey eyes dared anyone who saw him to question the power of the Dark Father. He sat, deceptively quiet. He knew Asmodeus awards strength and punishes the week and unworthy. When Mason’s moment came, he would should the Dark Father his strength, and thus prove himself worthy. He would not wait to die like a dog.

The son of a wealthy mechant, Quigly Sanderson sat, looking the most dejected of all of them. For someone used to the luxuries of him station, riding in these horrible conditions was worse then death. Quiqly was no fool though. His mind raced as he tried to formulate a plan to escape. He took in every detail. A well placed rumor here....a gratiating complement there...He still might make it out of here alive...

A dark skinned elf, an exotic beauty for this land, sat shivering in the cold. Firvinianna’s prisoner shift did little to hide her voluptuous form. During her trial, her beauty did more to damn her then save her. Arrested for suspected witchcraft and collusion with devils, the lascivious stares of the guards hardly aided her case. Her long white hair was bound tightly with a length of twine to keep it under control. Her mouth was gagged with a silk cloth delicately painted with the sigil of Iomedae, lest she use her powers to ensorcell any unwary guards.

The last prisoner, bound behind Firvinianna, was a freckle faced red-haired halfling girl. Zelda’s cheerful and friendly demeanor hid the dark scheming mind that lurked within. She had nearly avoided capture when the guards first came for her, almost passing herself off as a child, not the mastermind of plot against the King. The witch hunter, Sir Balin of Karfield saw the imp for what she was and clapped her in irons. As Firvinianna before her, a silk gag was placed in her mouth to prevent her from using powers influence anyone else.

Much too soon, the roar of the surf crashing and churning by the coastal fortress of Branderscar announced their arrival. The fortress sat on a high rocky peninsula jutting out into the ocean. The dark water below churned like dark oil, promising to swallow anyone that might try and leap from the castle’s walls.


Branderscar Prison once served as a fortification against southern pirates, but the southern raiders had stopped plying their trade this far north ages ago. It has since been repurposed into the most infamous prison in the small island kingdom. The prison didn’t have many cells, but its residents never stayed long. It mostly served as a holding cell until the death sentence could be carried out or the work gangs came to pick up a new batch of slaves. The brutal justice meted out by the Paladin King made some of the less ardent of Iomedae’s followers queasy. The remote location of Branderscar helped the King and his followers keep the worst of the worst tidily hidden away.

At a word from the lead rider, wooden blinds lower over the carriage to block the prisoners sight. Despite the cold ocean air, the carriage quickly became stuffy and hot from the six bodies trapped inside. After an uncomfortable eternity, the back and top of the carriage open up, the welcome buffet of fresh air rushing over the prisoners.

Well...A finer lot o’ scum I’ve never seen. Love that smell. Smell o’ fear an piss. Nathan, Gil...get them out and movin’.


The guards unclasp the prisoners from the carriage and lead them out single file, all chained in a row. Six guardsmen stand around the cart with weapons drawn as the prisoners file out. Several more watch from the battlements above the courtyard, crossbows at their side. The sergeant stops as Firvinianna and Zelda are led out.

Well what have we got here! Two beauties lads. I admit I don’t like em pint sized, but a lot o the boys here have been away a long time.... The guard stops to grin evilly. And then others are just a wee sick in the head.

The guards laugh until one of the riders drops off his mount and lays the sergeant out with one swift mailed fist. The crack echoes like a thunderbolt that silences the laughter like gavel.

I trust, Blackerly, that you will see the prisoners to their cells....where they will remain until such time that Iomedae’s will may be executed. These two are witches, devil worshippers. The whispers that come from their mouths are designed to lead men like you and I astray into the arms of the dark father.....or worse.

The dark haired rider takes a moment to deliver another swift kicks to the sergeants ribs before climbing back on his horse.

I mean it Blackerly...this time there will be no mercy. I will throw you off the wall myself. Iomedae’s justice is swift and final. Have I made myself clear?

Sergeant blackerly rubs his jaw. Ye...ye... yes Sir Balin. You heard him maggots. Get this lot o’ scum to their cells. Not one of ye bastards touches the women on pain o’ death.

The paladin, his three men, and the carriage, thunder out of the keep, their mounts clattering on the stonework like a cannonade.

The prisoners are led to the keep where they are processed like cattle on a slaughter line. Each is held down while the glowing brand of an F is burned into their forearm, forever marking each of the as forsaken of Iomedae.


An aged barber awaits at the next station. His spectacles sit precariously on the end of his birdlike nose. Rusty shears and razors sit along his wall, and he seems almost giddy to get a chance to do his work. Each prisoner is strapped to a chair, as the old main shears their heads bald. The old man holds a mirror up while he works, so each person can see him strip their old life from them. Each snip and swipe of the scissors is deliberately final. Soon, all that remains is a prisoner.

Bald, cold, and hungry, the six prisoners are led to their second floor cell. The chain that runs through their feat is bolted to the floor, and each prisoner's wrist shackles are secured to rings in the ceiling. In three days, the executioners axe falls or the pyre will be lit. Through fire or steel, you will pay for your crimes. A gaurd is posted outside your cell day and night. At Branderscar prison, little thought is given towards long term accomodations. Iomedae’s justice is swift.

Escape seems hopeless. You have all been well searched and every attempt to conceal anything on your person has failed. And if you somehow slip your bonds and fly out of the prison, where would you go? Who from your former life would want anything to do with forsaken? Despised, alone, and shackled - all that you can do now is await your doom.

For each of you, your old life is over. For each of you, hope is a fading memory. For each of you, justice will be fairly metted. And who can blame fair Talingarde after what each of you has done?

You look around at your fellow prisoners who share your fate. Could this be the fools fatal mistake? Do you see allies? Spies? Time will tell.
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Even with his hair shorn off, Herik Torvin still has his piercing eyes. That is what really counted; look a man in the eyes and can see the measure of him. The guards that ran this prison were fools to have forgotten that.

The muscular man pulled at his shackles, testing them. " Well, this is a fine mess we've gotten ourselves into, " he says to no one in particular, but in an attempt o break the ice.

No use, it seems. Maybe if he acts like he's been beat, one of the jailors will let their guard down long enough for him to get his hands around their neck.

" I guess they don't like it much when you try to prove to them that the King is a buffoon. "


First Post
Quigly didn't bother with trying to charm the escort as he knew he did not stand a chance given that Sir Balin was there. This assessment was borne out by Sir Balin's handling of the Sergeant. However, once the witch hunter has gone, Quigly starts working on the guards. Nothing too overt at first; just complete obedience along with a "Yes Sir" or "No Sir" Admittedly Quigly did cry out when he was branded.

Once alone in their cell, Quigly introduces himself. "I know the forsaken are not supposed to have names but I was born Quigly Sanderson and I will die Quigly Sanderson."


"The Dark Father will reign in Talingarde someday" Sam Mason declares. "He is patient and forgets nothing. He will reward those who serve him well, even if in the next world. It is not too late to enter his service.

And you, guard! You know that Iomedae considers you a sinner! If your true deeds were but known, you would be in here with us. And one day that will happen. But the Dark Father knows how to return a favor, should you choose to save yourself in time."


Firvinianna Laali, Half Drow Elven Summoner

Firvinianna has been mostly silent, other than a moan and groan, there is not much she can do with the foul tasting gag in her mouth. She was tempted to try winking at the guard to get him to attempt taking advantage of her, but those hopes of turning the tables on him got dashed quickly.

She shed a tear for her hair, its loss another nail on the coffin of her hopelessness. She mentally talks to her eidolon, "Aljalyraq, if only you could come to my aid and take me away. These bastards would pay!"

But, the black dragon cannot hear from his home plane, and Firvinianna is growing insane with the situation and despair. Shackled, branded, and now bald, she stands there sullenly with her eyes narrowed. Supporting her weight on the chains, she steals wary glances at those that share her fate.

OOC Note: Aljalyraq is pronounced Al-jah-LEER-ack

[sblock=Mini-stats]Initiative: +3
AC: 13 (10 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 10 Current: 10
CMB: +0 CMD: 13 Fort: +2 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Conditions in Effect: Gagged
Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 6/6 remaining
Read Magic, Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Daze
1st level Spells: 2/2 (Mage Armor, Lesser Eidolon Rejuvenation)[/sblock]___________________________________

Character Sheet: Firvinianna Laali


First Post
Rath's muscles strain as he pulls at his chains. "Rath Deviltusk is what they call me and I to am a faithful one of the Dark Father." He says as he looks to the man speaking of the Lord Asmodeus. "He has brought us to this and will bring us through it."

The half-orc runs his tongue over is now short flat tusks. "The motherless son of a wh..." He lets out a feral scream. "These 'righteous' men will feel their bones break beneath my hammer."


" And what hammer would that be? " asks Herik sardonically. " You're forsaken now. Everything you owned now belongs to ' His Majesty ' . Me? I'll take whatever I can get my hands on. And if that's nothing, then I'll use my bare fists. "

He yanks hard again on his chains, and when that likely fails, Herik looks around to see if there is anything that could help him slip out of these bonds. Hopefully all that time spent practicing the art of escape with the old thief in the undercity will not have been a complete waste.

" You two can pray to the Dark Father all you like, but this pit we've thrown into isn't quite Hell. No, this pit is domain of the Iron Lord, and if I got any trust left I'll be putting it in him. "


First Post
"Any hammer will do. It doesn't have to belong to me 'nobleman'. Rath looks to cell front to see what weapons the guards carry and what weapons maybe left unattended then to the 'F" branded on his arm. "Do you think this letter on my arm has meaning? I was born an abomination in the eyes of Iomedae and was forsaken on the day of my birth."


Herik snorts. " Don't flatter yourself. You got an ugly mug, I'll grant you that, but it takes more than that to get on the bad side of that self-righteous sky bitch. You made a choice to follow this path, same as me. You can argue that it was was you were raised on, or that it was forced on you, but it doesn't make any difference. "


First Post
The cell block is cold, dark, and damp. Little effort has been made to provide heat to this portion of the old keep. Small mercy that most of the windows were deemed escape hazard and were stoned over years ago. You can hear the north winds howling in frustration as they whip around the keep, unable to breach the walls and ravage the warmth from your bodies.

From your current vantage, you can see four additional cells like the one you currently inhabit. They all appear to be empty. A barred and locked door sits on the west side of the block, near your cell. The VIP suite perhaps?

The door to the guardroom you passed through on your way to your cell is currently close. You occasionally catch some raucous laughter, but the howling of the wind reduces much of the conversation to inaudible murmuring.

After a few hours of enjoying your new lodgings, the guard room door opens, letting some additional light into the cellblock. Rath is quick to notice he carries a longsword and leather club on his belt. The guard does a quick patrol of the cells, shining torchlight into your cell for a few moments before moving on to the barred door. The guard slides a small door open, glances in briefly, then shuts it again.

He can’t help but stare a moment at Firvinianna’s chained form before returning to the warmth the guardroom. The thud of the door blocks the cheery light from a fire, once again plunging the cell block into a dreary gloom.

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