• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Just Two... More... Days!


I cannot be the only one who is massively relieved that this ridiculous waiting period is almost over. Perhaps it is just because I was too young then, but does it not seem to anyone else that the Internet Age has led to a massive increase in the things that we wait for?

In any case, I look forward to a couple of tests of party composition, such as having the entire party made up the same class. In particular, it should be interesting to see the difference in playing with all of the same cleric versus a party split between the two clerics provided.

I guess the only question is whether the rules are going to come out sometime during the day, or when the clock strikes Midnight.

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From what has been announced, it all sounds like you are only going to get the chance to play with fixed pregenerated characters without seeining much of the game as a whole.
It does make some sense for the purpose of playtesting, since the first thing is to check if the basic framework works or there are some fundamental issues that need to be adressed. However, I don't think we'll be getting a good image of what the game can be, which for an RPG is rathe important. I'm not actually exited at this stage. The interesting point is when we're going to learn more about all the races and classes and adventure building, which may even be only at the final release.


First Post
Um, I'm incredibly excited. All the talk about uniting the editions will be put to the test, even with the most basic rules and pregen characters. I'm excited to play a revised version of the game, and I'm excited to give my feedback.

Are you DMing or are you playing a PC? If you're playing a PC, without seeing the mechanics, which are you most hopeful for? If you're DMing, what are you most wary of?


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
From what has been announced, it all sounds like you are only going to get the chance to play with fixed pregenerated characters without seeining much of the game as a whole.
It does make some sense for the purpose of playtesting, since the first thing is to check if the basic framework works or there are some fundamental issues that need to be adressed. However, I don't think we'll be getting a good image of what the game can be, which for an RPG is rathe important. I'm not actually exited at this stage. The interesting point is when we're going to learn more about all the races and classes and adventure building, which may even be only at the final release.
Don't get me wrong, I am very excited about the playtest. But I will be more excited to see what they do with all of the feedback they collect from it over the next few months. You know the old saying: "Writing is hard...revision is harder."

I wonder how willing they are to make changes to their design based on the call of the masses. Are they actually soliciting feedback from those who use the product, so that they can refine and improve it? Or is this just a marketing ploy, an attempt to generate interest with no real intent on making design changes? Time will tell.

Tom Servo

First Post
"The Realm of mankind is narrow and constricted. Always
the forces of Chaos press upon its borders, seeking to enslave
its populace, rape its riches, and steal its treasures. If
it were not for a stout few, many in the Realm would indeed
fall prey to the evil which surrounds them. Yet, there are always
certain exceptional and brave members of humanity,
as well as similar individuals among its allies - dwarves,
elves, and halflings - who rise above the common level
and join battle to stave off the darkness which would otherwise
overwhelm the land. Bold adventurers from the Realm
set off for the Borderlands to seek their fortune. It is these adventurers
who, provided they survive the challenge, carry
the battle to the enemy. Such adventurers meet the forces
of Chaos in a testing ground where only the fittest will return
to relate the tale."
Yeah, I'm genuinely excited about trying out the next version of D&D. Even if I hate the mechanics and new rules we'll still have fun. Good friends, dice, adventure, laughter. What's not to look forward to? Bring on the playtest!


So everyone who's signed up with their e-mail adresses will get the stuff sent to them? Or how does it work? I hope there'll be no dead servers on Thursday.


First Post
I think their hand was forced a bit into announcing things early. Giving a date in response to Monte leaving gave them a chance to redirect attention back to the game, where it probably should be.

But I'm excited to see the document. I don't know if I'll run it as intended, but I'll enjoy picking it apart as a designer either way.



Don't get me wrong, I am very excited about the playtest. But I will be more excited to see what they do with all of the feedback they collect from it over the next few months. You know the old saying: "Writing is hard...revision is harder."

I wonder how willing they are to make changes to their design based on the call of the masses. Are they actually soliciting feedback from those who use the product, so that they can refine and improve it? Or is this just a marketing ploy, an attempt to generate interest with no real intent on making design changes? Time will tell.
This might be the most interesting part. There have been the con playtests, and they say they've already incorporated a the feedback from those games into the version we'll be seeing. The question will be if those old testers will be freed from NDAs to discuss how the version we're seeing is different. What kinds of suggestions were made, and what actually made it into this revision.


I guess the only question is whether the rules are going to come out sometime during the day, or when the clock strikes Midnight.

This is something I'm genuinely curious about. I work till 1:30 pm on the 24th, so if it hits any time before the middle of the day, I'm golden. But if I'm waiting till the evening, I'll be refreshing webpages on a regular basis.

My D&D group and I have made plans to do some sort of food outing, followed by a run through the sample adventure. I'm really excited; we've been hearing so many nebulous things about how the game should play, about how the classes should work, and I really want to see how it plays in reality.

Besides, then we'll have something real to talk about!


First Post
Thought I could exist on pure excitement, but no, I still have to eat. I'll be downloading the material and reading through it at the first opportunity. The order will be

  1. Rules
  2. Pregens
  3. Bestiary
  4. Adventure

After that, I might nervously glance at the ENWorld Next forums, from behind the sofa.

Voidrunner's Codex

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