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Gaming W/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse (Recruitment always open)


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
DarwinofMind, here are some things I noticed:

You cannot buy Toughness in the defense section, but there was the "Tough" power in the Talent Power Profile. Essentially you buy Protection with the training descriptor (the text also suggested up to a limit of 3).

Changed to 3 ranks of Defensive Roll Advantage.

You have to many skills. Each PP only gives you 2 Skill Points in 3e.

8 skills with 4 ranks each is 32 skill points.
I spent 16 power points, at 2 skill points each that should be right.

Improved Initiative is a ranked advantage, so you could add a 1 behind it.

Your powers:
A sample character has object mimicry that looks like this:
Looks cleaner and has the same cost/rank as your write-up.


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First Post
I thought that they were only trying to figure out what shifts go out and com in when, and there normal movements within the building, would only have to view one days worth of footage, for weekdays, weekends would have their own movements, maybe different for both days even.
But oh well, Felix would do a lot of it at a stretch with short brakes shewn in; looking at a screen none stop invites sloppiness, during the brakes he would do little things around the room while waiting on Laura and frost, in the end he would likely stop an hour or so past half way before having a nap (Quickness 4, he arguably needs only 30 minutes of sleep per day, yeah... who needs sleep immunity?)


Quickness does not apply to sleep. Least not under my logic.
And as far as the 'week' thing, I figured you'd want to watch a couple days in case the one day you watched was not an accurate example: Making sure nothing had changed their schedules/routes/timing on that particular day. For that you'd want to watch Two-three days, and I rounded to a week b/c there's multiple cameras to watch as well as the satelite imagery, not just a single feed.

Checking out the characters now.
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Allright, Darwin :
First off, amusing code name. :)
Katrina Hallman - PL 9
Codename: The Material Girl

Relationship: Katrina’s boyfriend is a normal and as such could be used against her. She is out to him about being a meta and while it caused some problems they have come to grips with it now even though he does at times have issues with the idea she may have to protect him.
Just a note, the team is a fairly mobile, 'on-the-road' kinda group, not really a 'home-base protect this city from scum' type of group. Not sure how that would play out.
I like the 'outside' influence, b/c most of those in the game already seem to be connected only to other metas or organizations, not really much personal/mundane in their lives. Just saying she might not see him very often.

Defense: 12 pts
Dodge:¹ +3 (+3 base)
Parry:¹ +8 (+3 base, +5 FGT)
Fortitude:¹ +3 (+3 base)
Toughness:¹ +3 (+3 Defensive Roll)
Will:¹ +4 (+3 base +1 AWE)
You may wish to actually buy your will up to the point you want it with your base points, I don't really see any logical reasoning behind becoming more willful by mimicing a material.

Skills: 16pts
Acrobatics¹ +4 (4 base, +0 AGL)
Athletics¹ +4 (4 base, +0 STR)
Close Combat (Unarmed)¹ +4 (4 base, +0 STR)
Deception¹ +6(4 base, +2 PRE)
Perception¹ +5 (4 base, +1 AWE)
Persuation¹ +6 (4 base, +2 PRE)
Slight of Hand¹ +4 (4 base, +0 DEX)
Stealth¹ +4 (4 base, +0 AGL)
see above with will, changing your physical form could alter some skills, but not mentally based ones like deception or Persuassion (Being made of stone/rubber/etc doesn't make you a better liar or diplomat.. could make you more intimidating..)
Advantages: 6 pts. Defensive Roll 3, Improved Initiative 1, Improvised Weapon 5, Jack of all Trades,
this is actually 10 pts. It's 1 per advantage.

Powers: 94 pts
Material Mimicry (Variable 12, Mimic the properties of inorganic materials she touches) 60pp Limited (-1) : Required Close Touch Attack (Standard Action) (Mutant Biological)
Morph 2 ranks (10pts) Human or Meta attuned. (Mutant Biological)
The morph would more accurately be portrayed by Morph 3, Humanoids Limited: requires touch, costing 12 pts (4/rank). Rank 2 morph only allows humans of your general size and gender, rank 3 is any humanoid (Including freaky looking ones, like some mutants - Beast, Nightcrawler, etc)
I would suggest just adding it under your Mimicry, to be honest, and just add another rank to the mimicry (Maybe change the name to 'touch based' or 'form' mimicry or something.. You can mimic the general form (size, shape, substance) of the target person, but not any of their powers or abilities (Unless those derive directly from what they're made of, or their size - such as if you turned into the THING, you could benefit from the stone form benefits, if you turned into a big guy, you would add the Growth power, and associated bonuses).

As far as how it would work under variable - You would spend 12 of the variable points pool on the above-mentioned morph, and then any remainders on any stats that are appropriate to *JUST* the base form (You wouldn't gain say super-strength or invulnerability of a mutant unless it was an innate part of their form.
Essentially I'd be telling you what bonus traits you could get from a form (Turn into a body-builder, STR 3, etc).

Unless you want to be able to hang on to both a material form AND a human form..

Also, looking at what you have listed for your mimicry, looks like you dropped the 'move action' flaw from the prior example - As it stands, it takes you one standard action to attune to something, and then another standard action (Which would require another round) to transform. You would still be 'attuned' to whatever form you'd acquired last, but to acquire and switch to a new form would require two turns.

Mimic Forms:
A general note : you may wish to acquire some appropriate immunities for your rubber/water/sand forms, such as bludgeoning or slashing, possibly electricity for rubber, etc.
Also, I may use your forms to throw certain complications at you - such as vulnerabilities or power losses to certain things (Water vs sand, electricity vs water, etc)

Solid (Stone, Wood or Metal) (58pts)
Enhanced Stamina +9 (18pts)
Enhanced Strength +9 (18pts)
Immunity 10 (10pts) life support
Protection +6 (12pts) (Impervious, Noticeable)

Offense: 0 pts
Initiative: +4 (+4 Improved Init)
Melee: +5(+5 Fgt), damage +9 (+9 Str)
Unarmed: +9(+5 Fgt, +13 Close Combat), damage +9 (+9 Str)
Improvised Weapon +9 (+5 Fgt, +13 Close Combat), damage +9 (+9 Str, +4 Improvised Weapon)

Defense: 15 pts
Dodge: +3 (+3 base)
Parry: +8 (+3 base, +5 FGT)
Fortitude: +9 (+3 base, +9 STR)
Toughness: +9 (+3 Defensive Roll, +9 STA, +6 Protection (Impervious))
Will: +4 (+3 base +1 AWE)
OK.. Toughness : 3 + 9 + 6 /= 9. it would be 15, which is far beyond the cap.
your close combat is +18, also far too high. Your damage would be 13.
Having chosen the 'powerful' trait, your maximum trade-off is 2, so all of these numbers need to be between 7 and 11. (And keep in mind that defense+toughness; parry+toughness; Attack+damage/effect; Fort+Will all have a cap of 18 (PLX2). So you could have an attack bonus of 7 and a damage rank of 11, or vice versa, but attack +18 damage 13 is FAR outside the appropriate range.

Liquid (Water) [57pts]
Affliction (Suffocate) 9 (27 pts) (Fort: 1st Impaired-Coughing; 2nd stunned; 3rd incapacitated) Progressive
Concealment 4 (4 pts) (All Visual) , (-1) Limited to Underwater
Elongation 2 (2pts)
Enhanced Advantages: Defensive Roll 6 (6pts)
Immunity 10 (10pts) life support
Insubstantial 1 (5pts)
Swimming 3 (3pts)

Offense: 0 pts
Initiative: +4 (+4 Improved Init)
Melee: +5(+5 Fgt), damage +0(+0 Str)
Unarmed: +9(+5 Fgt, 4 Close Combat), damage +0(+0 Str)
Improvised Weapon +9 (+5 Fgt, 4 Close Combat), damage +4 (+0 Str, +4 Improvised Weapon)
Suffocate +9

Defense: 15 pts
Dodge: +3 (+3 base)
Parry: +8 (+3 base, +5 FGT)
Fortitude: +3 (+3 base)
Toughness: +9 (+9 Defensive Roll)
Will: +4 (+3 base +1 AWE)
You need to buy +4 atk for the suffocate to be at +9 (Should be easy you have some skills left over, just add AccurateX2 to the power) b/c close combat: Unarmed doesn't affect it, it's a specific attack form of its own.
You may wish to upgrade the Dodge/fort saves.
Also may wish to upgrade Dex/Agility to show the improved fluidity.

Particulate (Sand) (43pts)[sblock]
“Sand Cloud” Damage 9 (21 pts) (+1 Area: Shapeable, +4 Accurate(2pts), Alternate Effect (1pts) )
‣ “Sand Blast” Damage 9 (20pts) (+1 Area: Burst, +4 Accurate(2pts)
Elongation 2 (2 pts)
Enhanced Advantages: Defensive Roll 6, Instant Up (7pts)
Flight 2 (3pts) (-1 Flat Quirk: Affected by Wind)
Immunity 10 (10pts) life support
Insubstantial 1 (5pts)
Movement (Slithering) (2pts)

Offense: 0 pts
Initiative: +4 (+4 Improved Init)
Melee: +5(+5 Fgt), damage +0(+0 Str)
Unarmed: +9(+5 Fgt, 4 Close Combat), damage +0(+0 Str)
Improvised Weapon +9 (+5 Fgt, 4 Close Combat), damage +4 (+0 Str, +4 Improvised Weapon)
“Sand Cloud” +9
“Sand Blast” +9

Defense: 15 pts
Dodge: +3 (+3 base)
Parry: +8 (+3 base, +5 FGT)
Fortitude: +3 (+3 base)
Toughness: +9 (+9 Defensive Roll)
Will: +4 (+3 base +1 AWE)
Alright first off, Area effects do not require attack rolls, they are simply a save (they also cannot benefit from trade-offs b/c of his and must therefore remain at PL cap 9). Also regarding area attacks, without the ranged modifier they are centered on your character, and without selective they can harm your allies.
Also, as with Water above re: Dodge/fort/dex/agi

Rubber (47 pts) [sblock]
Elongation 4 (4pts)
Enhanced Advantages: Defensive Roll 6, Fast Grab (7pts)
Enhanded Agility 5 (10 pts)
Enhanced Dexterity 5 (10 pts)
Immunity 10 (10pts) life support
Leaping 4 (4pts)
Movement (Safe Fall) (2pts)

Offense: 0 pts
Initiative:¹ +5 (+4 Improved Init, +5 AGL)
Melee:¹ +5(+5 Fgt), damage +0(+0 Str)
Unarmed:¹ +9(+5 Fgt, 4 Close Combat), damage +0(+0 Str)
Improvised Weapon +9 (+5 Fgt, 4 Close Combat), damage +4 (+0 Str, +4 Improvised Weapon)

Defense: 15 pts
Dodge: +8 (+3 base, +5 AGL)
Parry: +8 (+3 base, +5 FGT)
Fortitude: +3 (+3 base)
Toughness: +9 (+9 Defensive Roll)
Will: +4 (+3 base +1 AWE)
as with Water/Sand above re: fort saves


Kat grew up in a modest middle class home with her mother and father. Her father was a comic book fan and they bonded over super hero movies. When she was nine years old her father died in an accident with a drunk driver. Her mother was devastated and grew distant. Kat fell into a bad crowd and experimented with alcohol and sex during her teen years. However when her powers manifested memories of her father came to light and she relized she would have to do something more important with her life. She moved to a different city (Wherever she’s being brought into the game), broke contact with her old friends. Now she is working at a starbucks, dating a nice boy named David and secretly trying to help the helpless.

Alright, now we just gotta figure out how you get involved with a group of super-human spies infiltrating a high-sec vegas lab specializing in bio-chemical weaponry.


Alright VR's turn.
Assessment, Benefit, Defensive Roll 5, Diehard, Uncanny Dodge, Well-informed
You have 10 advantages listed but only pay for 8 in your point total. Also, you need to list WHICH benefit he has.

Enhanced Trait: Enhanced Trait 6 (mutant, psionic, Investigation +10 (+12), Advantages: Well-informed; Limited: Only for initial Well-informed check [5 ranks only]) 3pp
OK, I think I understand what you mean by this : You get to use 5 ranks of investigation to make a well informed check, correct? The limit is a bit oddly worded, there is only an 'initial' well informed check, so that's not a limitation.
If the limit is that you can only use the skill to do the well informed, then the more appropriate way for the same price would be Advantage: Well informed(1), and Investigation: 8(Limit: Onlyusable for Well Informed) - 2 pp

Senses: Senses 9 (mutant, psionic, Counters All Concealment: Visual, Penetrates Concealment: Visual; Check Required 4: DC 14 - Insight, Limited: Only works to see living sentient beings without mental concealment) 1pp
As I'm fairly certain I've stated before, the 'Check required' limit is only allowed if there's actually a chance of failure beyond 'nat 1.'
Secondly, the 'without mental concealment' part of your limit is just redundant wording, they would already be protected from it b/c it's a mental effect. The 'only works to see living sentient beings' part is good enough.

Invincible Ignorance 16pp total
Concealment: Concealment 8 (Easily Removable (indestructible), All Aural Senses, All Olfactory Senses, All Visual Senses; Resistible: Will) 5pp
Enhanced Trait: Enhanced Trait 15 (Easily Removable, Dodge +7 (+9), Parry +8 (+9)) 9pp
If this is a single item, you would add the total of all abilities, and then add the easily removable/indestructible to that.
concealment 8(Resistable will)= 8 + Enhanced trait 15 = 23. 2/5 of 23 is 9, so 14 +1(Indestructible) = a final cost of 15.

Sleep of Reason (Easily Removable (indestructible)) 66pp (-41 removable)
Enoch claims that the object/manifestation sleep of reason is a curved irregular four dimensional object, with most cell shaped vaguely like an air plant. It gives off a faint luminescence in mottled red and purple tones. From time to time it changes shape and/or seemingly disconnected tendrils of the object emerge from thin air, moving as if a part of the whole.
Still didn't say what the object looks like to 'normal' people, or how he wears/wields it. :p
Hypnotic Suggestion: Mind Control 11 (psionic, DC 21; Custom 4: Delayed recovery (1min/2hrs), Custom: Effect can be interrupted until target encounters a trigger., Precise, Reversible, Subtle 2: undetectable) 103pp
Mass Hallucination 105pp
Damage: Burst Area Damage 11 (Linked; mutant, psionic, DC 26; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, Increased Range 2: perception, Indirect 4: any point, any direction, Selective, Variable Descriptor 2: broad group - any hallucination; Resistible: Will) 50pp
Illusion: Illusion 11 (Linked; mutant, psionic, Affects: All Sense Types, Area: 2000 cft., DC 21; Selective; Resistible: Will) 55pp
Poison Idea: Progressive Burst Area Affliction 11 (mutant, psionic, 1st degree: Figment, Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Phantasm, Defensless, 3rd degree: Immersion, Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 21; Burst Area 3: 120 feet radius sphere, Contagious, Extra Condition, Progressive, Reversible, Selective, Subtle 2: undetectable) 102pp

First off, I presume from the final cost that these are three Alternate Effects?
A: Hypnotic suggestion (mind control : 103 pp)
B: Mass Hypnosis (Damage/Illusion link : 105pp)
C: Poison Idea (Affliction : 102pp)
In that case, the total cost should be most expensive (105) + 2 alternates = 107. 2/5 of that is 42. 107-42(Easily Removable)+1(Indestructible)=66. Hmm, interesting - different math but same result. lol.
Now onto the specifics.
Hypnotic suggestion - I'm going to have to address this later in more detail, it's a very custom power.
Mass Hypnosis - Keep in mind that the Resistable: Will is in addition to any other saves/checks allowed, so the damage effect allows both a will save to completely negate it, and THEN a normal toughness save, and the Illusion allows a will save to resist it, and then the normal insight check to identify that it's not real if they do see it.
Poison Idea - How is it 'contagious', and what are the extra conditions?

Motivation: Acceptance
Quirk: Dislikes and distrusts authority
Reputation: Crazy
That quirk could make for some interesting run-ins with Uomo.
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Walking Dad

First Post

As far as how it would work under variable - You would spend 12 of the variable points pool on the above-mentioned morph, and then any remainders on any stats that are appropriate to *JUST* the base form (You wouldn't gain say super-strength or invulnerability of a mutant unless it was an innate part of their form.
Essentially I'd be telling you what bonus traits you could get from a form (Turn into a body-builder, STR 3, etc).

Unless you want to be able to hang on to both a material form AND a human form..


From the Morphing Powers power profile:
A Variable effect’s power points can also be allocated to a
Morph effect, putting Morph “inside” the variable. In this
case, the ranks and power points allocated to the Morph
effect only need to be sufficient for the specific form the
character wishes to assume, rather than all the possible
. However, if the character wants to assume a different
form, those Variable points must be allocated to a different
Morph effect.
So 1 rank Morph would be fine, even if the specific form is "cheerleader made of stone".

Your game, your rules, I just wanted the official part.

Walking Dad

First Post
Poison Idea - How is it 'contagious', and what are the extra conditions?

That quirk could make for some interesting run-ins with Uomo.
First, are you giving a HP each point he argues with a PC, or would this be just a byproduct?

Second from the Illusion power profile:
First Degree – Figment: Minor changes in how
the subject perceives things: making people look
(but not sound) like someone else, altering or
editing details like colors, the presence or absence
of small objects, background sounds, and so forth.
• Second Degree – Phantasm: Fairly major changes
to the subject’s perceptions, including: adding a
large and/or complex element such as an explosion,
a symphony, or fully interactive person, the
presence or absence of large or significant objects,
making one thing look, sound, and otherwise
appear like something else.
• Third Degree – Immersion: Complete control
over the subject’s senses, able to change anything
and everything about the environment,
from blank nothingness or total darkness to
making the subject perceive and interact with a
completely different setting that exists solely in
the subject’s mind. The subject is Unaware of the
real world.
As a general rule, an Affliction with illusory conditions
is resisted by Will,


From the Morphing Powers power profile:
Couldn't find the text you were referring to under either morph or variable, but i suppose technically that could work. Doesn't matter though, b/c he'd still be morphing into the specific individual form touched, and wouldn't have anything to use the extra points on.

First, are you giving a HP each point he argues with a PC, or would this be just a byproduct?
NO, he would not be getting HP for arguments, but I would expect him to role-play his distrust, and he would receive complication HP when appropriate - when it's actually creating a negative for him/team.

Second from the Illusion power profile:
Again, could not find this in my book, maybe you guys have a reprint or something. Those conditions sound ok, we'll see how they play out.

Voidrunner's Codex

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