Scotley's Carrion Crown IC Part 1 The Haunting of Harrowstone


Besharrn Blacktusk Half-Orc Ranger3

"Dannis not worry, Besharn make joke. And Dannis need quit looking at Besharrn stern, too, even though Besharrn know him stern cute, coz dat jus sik."

[sblock=stats, Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger3]
Besharrn Blacktusk Half-Orc Ranger3


AC:21[10+7(+1 Breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Skills: (Ranks 7+7+7 = 21) [CS=Class Skill]
Climb 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8
Intimidate 3 ranks +2 rac'l +3 CS +0cha = +8 [Std act'n-if sucsfl give opp the Shaken condition, -2 att]
[DC to demoralize=10+target's HD+target's Wis mod] [lasts 1rnd + 1rnd for every 5 check exceeds DC]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3 ranks, +1 Int +2 Favored Terrain +3 CS = +9
Perception 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground]
Stealth 3 ranks +3 dex +3 CS = +9 [+2 underground]
Survival 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground] [+1 (half Ranger Level) to follow tracks]
Swim 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8 [-3 ACP if wearing +1 Magic Breastplate]

Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]

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Besharrn Blacktusk Half-Orc Ranger3

"Let we go tavern now."

[sblock=stats, Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger3]
Besharrn Blacktusk Half-Orc Ranger3


AC:21[10+7(+1 Breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Skills: (Ranks 7+7+7 = 21) [CS=Class Skill]
Climb 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8
Intimidate 3 ranks +2 rac'l +3 CS +0cha = +8 [Std act'n-if sucsfl give opp the Shaken condition, -2 att]
[DC to demoralize=10+target's HD+target's Wis mod] [lasts 1rnd + 1rnd for every 5 check exceeds DC]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3 ranks, +1 Int +2 Favored Terrain +3 CS = +9
Perception 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground]
Stealth 3 ranks +3 dex +3 CS = +9 [+2 underground]
Survival 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground] [+1 (half Ranger Level) to follow tracks]
Swim 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8 [-3 ACP if wearing +1 Magic Breastplate]

Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]


You have noted a place called the Laughing Demon down at the end of the main street hard against the river. It seems to be just about the only Tavern in town. You will be passing the Professor's house if you want to invite Brendan to join you. The Laughing Demon is conveniently located on three doors down from the Ravengro Jail.


Besharrn Blacktusk Half-Orc Ranger3

"We get Brendan first, and we do all and go, but not go past jail, yes? Us maybe not able go drink if get stuck there?"

OOC: I don't know if such a route is possible or not, but Besharrn would prefer to take this route even if it's a good bit longer.

[sblock=stats, Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger3]
Besharrn Blacktusk Half-Orc Ranger3


AC:21[10+7(+1 Breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Skills: (Ranks 7+7+7 = 21) [CS=Class Skill]
Climb 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8
Intimidate 3 ranks +2 rac'l +3 CS +0cha = +8 [Std act'n-if sucsfl give opp the Shaken condition, -2 att]
[DC to demoralize=10+target's HD+target's Wis mod] [lasts 1rnd + 1rnd for every 5 check exceeds DC]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3 ranks, +1 Int +2 Favored Terrain +3 CS = +9
Perception 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground]
Stealth 3 ranks +3 dex +3 CS = +9 [+2 underground]
Survival 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground] [+1 (half Ranger Level) to follow tracks]
Swim 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8 [-3 ACP if wearing +1 Magic Breastplate]

Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]
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Besharrn Blacktusk Half-Orc Ranger3

Besharrn scowls at Dannis and continues on the same route as before. "No need go looking for bad luck!"

[sblock=stats, Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger3]
Besharrn Blacktusk Half-Orc Ranger3


AC:21[10+7(+1 Breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Skills: (Ranks 7+7+7 = 21) [CS=Class Skill]
Climb 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8
Intimidate 3 ranks +2 rac'l +3 CS +0cha = +8 [Std act'n-if sucsfl give opp the Shaken condition, -2 att]
[DC to demoralize=10+target's HD+target's Wis mod] [lasts 1rnd + 1rnd for every 5 check exceeds DC]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3 ranks, +1 Int +2 Favored Terrain +3 CS = +9
Perception 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground]
Stealth 3 ranks +3 dex +3 CS = +9 [+2 underground]
Survival 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground] [+1 (half Ranger Level) to follow tracks]
Swim 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8 [-3 ACP if wearing +1 Magic Breastplate]

Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]


"We get Brendan first, and we do all and go, but not go past jail, yes? Us maybe not able go drink if get stuck there?"

OOC: I don't know if such a route is possible or not, but Besharrn would prefer to take this route even if it's a good bit longer.

[sblock=stats, Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger3]
Besharrn Blacktusk Half-Orc Ranger3


AC:21[10+7(+1 Breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Skills: (Ranks 7+7+7 = 21) [CS=Class Skill]
Climb 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8
Intimidate 3 ranks +2 rac'l +3 CS +0cha = +8 [Std act'n-if sucsfl give opp the Shaken condition, -2 att]
[DC to demoralize=10+target's HD+target's Wis mod] [lasts 1rnd + 1rnd for every 5 check exceeds DC]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3 ranks, +1 Int +2 Favored Terrain +3 CS = +9
Perception 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground]
Stealth 3 ranks +3 dex +3 CS = +9 [+2 underground]
Survival 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground] [+1 (half Ranger Level) to follow tracks]
Swim 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8 [-3 ACP if wearing +1 Magic Breastplate]

Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]

Besharrn could certainly slip down an alley, but since the Tavern is at the end of the street backed up to the river there isn't another public route. If you think a Half-orc jumping fences in the back yards and skulking down an alley will bring less trouble than strolling past the jail when the Sheriff is known to be elsewhere go for it. :devil:


Besharrn Blacktusk Half-Orc Ranger3

Besharrn could certainly slip down an alley, but since the Tavern is at the end of the street backed up to the river there isn't another public route. If you think a Half-orc jumping fences in the back yards and skulking down an alley will bring less trouble than strolling past the jail when the Sheriff is known to be elsewhere go for it. :devil:

Besharrn drags the haft of his halberd behind him and sulks all the way to the tavern.
[sblock=DM Scott]
:hmm: :p
[sblock=stats, Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger3]
Besharrn Blacktusk Half-Orc Ranger3


AC:21[10+7(+1 Breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Skills: (Ranks 7+7+7 = 21) [CS=Class Skill]
Climb 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8
Intimidate 3 ranks +2 rac'l +3 CS +0cha = +8 [Std act'n-if sucsfl give opp the Shaken condition, -2 att]
[DC to demoralize=10+target's HD+target's Wis mod] [lasts 1rnd + 1rnd for every 5 check exceeds DC]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3 ranks, +1 Int +2 Favored Terrain +3 CS = +9
Perception 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground]
Stealth 3 ranks +3 dex +3 CS = +9 [+2 underground]
Survival 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground] [+1 (half Ranger Level) to follow tracks]
Swim 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8 [-3 ACP if wearing +1 Magic Breastplate]

Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]

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