Burned Circle - OOC Thread


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Work picked up heavily this week. I got a response from Mara up, and I'm working on the response for in the house, but I probably won't have it ready until tomorrow.

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Just so you know, things are about to pick up soon in case you're worried about a lack of excitement. It's about time for me to start offering compels, which are a very important way for your PCs to gain FATE points in exchange for things not necessarily going your way.

When I offer a compel, I'll try to give you leeway in how you deal with it. In other words, I'll try not to dictate how your character acts or reacts to something, but by accepting sometimes you'll agree to act in a certain fashion, not in a specific way.

Whether to accept or reject the compels is up to you. Rejecting a compel can get you immediate benefits, more information, less complication, and lack of plans being ruined. Accepting a compel exchanges hardship now for benefit later in the form of FATE points. Just remember, if you run out of FATE points, and I offer a compel, you have to accept it. Try not to go to 0 FATE if you think you can avoid it. I will not pull punches just because you decided to spend all your FATE. Spending FATE is a choice with real ramifications when it comes to compels.


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Check Results by [MENTION=6694788]Bluedevil[/MENTION] for Malcom in the room.

Books Lore Check (3) + Investigation Check (6)
It's hard to get much off the books, since there's so much to go through. Most of what you can glean is from titles. There are a hugely wide variety of books on the shelves. You can tell a few things from a cursory observation.
  • There are many books on faeries and their ecology, hierarchies, and so forth
  • There are lots of books on supernatural societies, especially the various Faerie Courts and White Council
  • Most of the books on magic have to do with Faerie magic: glamours, veils, and personal protection abilities. There isn't much on the other side of Faerie magics like charms, transformations, or the like. You can be thankful for that at least.
  • The books are carefully arranged by subject. She was very organized with her collection.
  • The books must have cost at least fifty grand. Probably more.

If you spent some more time and looked into the books, you could learn more. But, you aren't sure how long you would have to spend with them to get any useful information about Sandra.

Chalk Board Lore Check (5) + Investigation Check (6)
The formulas are complicated. You're basically speed reading through them to try to glean what they're about. Fully taking in everything could take hours - you can't read magic formulas like a page of a book, it involves interpretation, calculations, and instincts.

  • This looks like evocation magic, whereas what you read in the journal was mostly thaumaturgy. It makes relating the two more difficult.
  • This is stream-of-consciousness. The handwriting is more scratchy, making it look hastily written. It isn't something laboriously written over a long period of time. It's rough around the edges.
  • The magical energies are different from what she was writing in the journals. It's offensive. From the looks of it, it looks like some kind of counter or disruptive spell aimed as others' magic (shields, wards, and other protective types).

Room Investigation Check (6)
there are a few things you can glean looking around.

  • The setup is expensive. Not counting the books, the cost probably comes out to ten thousand or so. There's a lot of precious metals in those circles.
  • It was time consuming to put all this together. The circle is chiseled into the concrete and fixed there. The hand crafted bookshelves. Each books must have been hunted down individuality. But she's managed to put this together in roughly two years on her own. That takes dedication.


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I'm going to need some checks now, and Juno is getting a compel. Roll in this thread, please, so that I can see everything together as we continue.

Keira: Alertness

Logan: Alertness

Juno: Two Alertness

Malcom: An Alertness and a Lore

Shayuri, I think Juno might decide that she doesn't like being intimidated into an exchange of information. She'd probably just rather turn the situation around, don't you think? You don't have to out and out attack if you accept, but you can't let things stand the way they are. Compelling aspect: TALK TO THE FIST. Take the compel and get a FATE point, or pay a FATE point to start up a conversation as it stands now. You can wait to see the results of the rolls before you accept/reject.


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I'll see the results of the alertness checks before I decide on the compel.

Though...hm. Does she still have a FATE point? Bahaha.

Well, I'm planning to accept it anyway. I can have her get annoyed with the "we don't have time for this" thing. She's ready to move, and this guy's in her way.

Ugh! Wrong number of dice! Use the second set.

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