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OOC - Mad King's Monkey (Thread Closed)

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I like it, It ties in my background very well. I don't mind narrative at all, Just write how you are most comfortable so this does not become a task, but an adventure for you as well.

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Fangor the Fierce

First Post
I am online almost all the time, it's part of the job. So, I post pretty much any day that I have the info to post and time.

Does DEAF mean I am also MUTE? Reason I ask is that it IMPLIES I am mute, as it grants me the ability to use the Silent Spell feat for any spell that has a verbal component without increasing the casting time or the spell level. Just want to make sure I put the right kind of info on my character and how they will be played.

If I am mute, does that prevent me from using a 'Battlecry'? I would think that if that were the case, it would state as such in the revelations available that an oracle with the deaf curse can not take Battlecry. It does this for other revelations and certain cruses. Lame cursed oracles can't take certain revelations as it explicitly states so in the revelation entry.

The bonuses I get eventually are nice, but the character I am going with will still have penalties that I am ok with accepting. Deaf creatures are immune to bardic performances with audible components (as from the entry on the bard class description).

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I believe the feat is for you not being able to hear yourself speak and therefore pronounce the syllables correctly.

The bonuses I get eventually are nice, but the character I am going with will still have penalties that I am ok with accepting. Deaf creatures are immune to bardic performances with audible components (as from the entry on the bard class description).

also means you cannot benefit from my bardic performances.


Does DEAF mean I am also MUTE? Reason I ask is that it IMPLIES I am mute, as it grants me the ability to use the Silent Spell feat for any spell that has a verbal component without increasing the casting time or the spell level.

I think Scott has it right, your character is not Mute, but as they cannot hear themselves speak, verbal components are tricky. Hence the Silent Spell. And you are right, there is no casting time or spell level increase. I missed that qualification.

If I am mute, does that prevent me from using a 'Battlecry'? ...

I agree with your assessment. No, it doesn't prevent you from using 'Battlecry'.

The bonuses I get eventually are nice, but the character I am going with will still have penalties that I am ok with accepting.

As long as you are happy, I am happy.


Electric Wizard

First Post
I am not available on the weekends, but I will post every day. Heads up, though: My posting time will be weird to anyone in Europe or the USA because I'm in China.

Sukri, v.1.0

[sblock]STR 13 Bonus +1
DEX 16 Bonus +3
CON 12 Bonus +1
INT 14 Bonus +2
WIS 13 Bonus +1
CHA 10 Bonus 0


* Fort: +1 [Base +0 +1 CON]
* Reflex: +5 [Base +2 +3 DEX]
* Will: +1 [Base +0 +1 WIS]

* Light: 30 ft. (Carry 50 lbs)
* Medium: 20 ft. (Carry 100 lbs) Max Dex +3 Check -3
* Heavy: 20 ft. (Carry 150 lbs) Max Dex +1 Check -6

* Attacks 1
* Melee +1 [BAB: +0 STR: +1]
* Ranged or Light Melee +3 [BAB: +0 DEX: +3]
* Initiative +3 [DEX +3 Misc +0]
* Armor Class 16 [Base 10, Armor 2, DEX 3, Shield 0, Feat 1]
* 10 HP [8 base, 1 CON, 1 Favored Class]

* Rapier (DMG 1d6+1, Crit 18-20 x2)
* Dagger (DMG 1d4+2, Crit 19-20 x2)
* Dagger (Thrown) (DMG 1d4+2, Crit 19-20 x2, Range 10 ft.)
* Mace, light (DMG 1d6+1, Crit 20 x2)

* Bonus Feat
* Skilled

* Sneak attack (+1d6 damage)
* Trap finding

* Rogue Weapon Proficiency

* Dodge
* Weapon Finesse

* Dirty Fighter (+1 damage when hitting flanked foe)
* River Rat (+1 damage with daggers. +1 to Swim)

Acrobatics +7
Appraise +5
Climb +5
Disable Device +8
Escape Artist +7
Linguistics +6
Perception +5
Sense Motive +5
Sleight of Hand +7
Stealth +7
Swim +6

Leather Armor
** Total [15lbs]
* Rapier (2lbs)
* 5 Daggers (5lbs)
* Mace, light (4lbs)
** Total [9lbs]
* Bedroll [5lbs]
* Rations (Trail/Per Day)(x5) [5lbs]
* Rope (Silk/50 ft.) [5lbs]
* Torch(x3) [3lbs]
* Waterskin (Filled) [4lbs]
* Chalk (10 Pieces) [0lbs]
* Flint and Steel [0lbs]
* Thieves' Tools [1lbs]
* Empty Sack [0lbs]
* Mystery Box [2lbs]
** Total [25lbs]

Common, Jahari (mother tongue), Goblin, Draconic[/sblock]

Sukri is one of the countless whore-sons who wandered out of Paddar's Perfume Garden and muscled into the burgeoning thieves' guild. Unlike most whore-sons, he found a true ally in what passed for his family. He plotted schemes, scams and burglaries with his half-brother Sunil from an early age. Sunil was two years older, and with his heavy frame and lighter skin, barely looked like his young brother. He claimed his father was a great hero from a foreign land. Sukri was fond of reminding him that he was probably just a common sailor, like his own. Regardless, he was the brawn to Sukri's brain.

The thieves' guild fingered Sunil and Sukri for initiation after the brothers pulled several daybreak robberies of merchant boats. During one of these robberies, Sukri liberated the strange, fragrant box that has confounded all attempts to open. He dared not show it to any other guild members, or even Sunil, because he feels it is his alone to solve. He spends maybe an hour each day studying and prodding it, hoping someday the tiny lock clicks.

The boys might have built great careers together had there not been a deadly schism in the guild. Soon after their initiation, Sukri unwittingly led his brother into a deadly trap. He picked up a tip - a small but wealthy merchant boat was due to leave port in the morning. They swam to the hull and climbed aboard. They slipped past the sentries and found a cargo hold filled with straw. The brothers were no fools, but before they could escape, a hooded figure flung a flask of alchemist's fire down the hatch, and the hold burst into flames. Sukri escaped through a porthole that his brother was too large to fit through. He wishes he had something tangible to remember Sunil by - a trinket, or even some last words. All he has now are nightmares of fire and smoke and screams.

Sukri left the guild, then the city. He now wanders in hope of finding a way to unlock the strange box. His travels through the Netherworld have brought him to stay in the Duchy, where he has seen emblems that are similar to those on the box. He believes he may find an answer to his riddle, and gold, in the Duchy's ancient dungeons.

Sukri is between fifteen and twenty years old. He is certainly a foreigner, with his mocha skin, gnarled hair and bizarre accent. He is also shorter than most folk in the Duchy, and wiry. His sleeveless tunic, however, reveals a build that is all muscle and sinew. He moves with swift, calculated steps and prefers to keep his face low. A white burn from the fire that took his brother mars his right leg, and forces him to walk with the faintest limp. He keeps his ratty hair beneath a large, faded bandanna his mother gave him when he left the Perfume Garden. He is not very expressive or outgoing, but his strange voice and curious inflections often turn heads, and the streets taught him what to say and when to say it.


I am not available on the weekends, but I will post every day. Heads up, though: My posting time will be weird to anyone in Europe or the USA because I'm in China.

Motor City, China if wikipedia is to be believed. And not weird to me.

I will look over the character a bit later. I will also get the Rogues Gallery thread up.

I am thinking of naming the game 'Mad King's Monkey'. I have a sneaking suspicion that I have hear this name somewhere, maybe even a module somewhere. But Google gave me nothing, so I might go with it.



First Post
PF is way more complicated than I expected. And fiddly. Very Fiddly.

You have taken Sorcerer (+1 HP) for your Favoured class I assume.

The Accursed Bloodline gives you Perception as a Class skill.

* Hit-points [Class 6 + Con 2 + Favoured Class +1] 9

SKILLS (Class 2 + Int 4 + Race 1) 7
*Disable Device^: 6 [Base 1, DEX +2, Class +3 Misc +0]
*Knowledge (Arcana): 10 [Base 1, INT +4, Class +3, Misc +2]
*Knowledge (Netherworld)^: 8 [Base 1, INT +4, Class +3, Misc +0]
*Profession (Librarian): 5 [Base 1, WIS +1, Class +0, Misc 3]
*Spellcraft: 10 [Base 1, INT +4, Class +3, Misc +2]
*Linguistics(Giant): 5 [Base 1, INT +4, Misc +0]
*Perception: 2 [Base 1, WIS +1, Misc +0]


I have taken the Sage Wildblooded Archetype, which is a variant on the ARCANE Bloodline. This uses INT instead of CHA as the bases of the class. Hence the high INT and low Charisma.


First Post
Party working for the Chancellor is fine with me.

1. His adopted father, been a senior member of the town guard, heard something and recommended him. Dad probably doesn't know the full plan, just that the Chancellor was looking for a certain kind of person.

2. Although Libros does not really have any experience as such. His dad knows his capabilities and that he can look after himself.

3. If necessary I can add a feud with the local bully who tends to pick on the 8 stone bookworm and is not quite intelligent enough to know that he can't win.

Voidrunner's Codex

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