D&D 3E/3.5 3.0 / 3.5 combining the half celestial template w/ the Saint template


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is there errata on these templates? has anybody combined them? thoughts on doing so? adivce? A little backround -DM is allowing me to have both templates with my base class(s) as a quasi gestalt mod I guess? only I cant advance the template side, he wants me to be the party "morale compass" and will make no mention of my sainthood to any player, but I am expected to keep the party "focused" as he requested.


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Well, legally you can't add up the 2 templates.

Otherwise if the DM allows it, just add up all the "numbers", but don't forget to meet the requirement for the Saint.



Well, legally you can't add up the 2 templates.

Why not? I've seen a lot of layered templates on NPCs and PCs, where does it say you can't apply more than one template? I thought that was half the fun.

But yeah otherwise, just add up the LA and meet your requirements and you're golden(literally in this case).


First Post
Umm, you mean Outsider to Saint ('cause like I said Saint can't be added to an Outsider). Still not possible, Half-Celestial is an inherited template.


Sorry, it was late I just wanted to leave a fast comment, and explain the rest later.

- Half-Celestial

- Saint
So here I go:

"“Half-celestial” is an inherited template that can be added to any living, corporeal creature with an Intelligence score of 4 or higher and nonevil alignment (referred to hereafter as the base creature)."

Inherited meaning, the creature is born with the template, and can not be added to the creature later on in life.

"Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to outsider."

So the creature is an outsider from the get-go.

"Saint" is an acquired template that can be added to any living creature of good alignment that is not an outsider or an elemental (referred to hereafter as the "base creature").

Acquired means you add this template on to the creature later.

Summary: So since the Half-Celestial template is added applied at the start, the Saint template cannot be added, because the Half-Celestial is already an Outsider, and Saint cannot be added to the outsider type. That and you can only add the Saint template later cause you need to meet the requirements.

Now if your DM allows it, then its OK. In that cause just add up all the numbers slap the templates onto a base creature. Now you mention that its a gestalt thing, just use apply the LAs as classes levels, sort of, it would take up 6 class levels on one side (I'll explain this if needed).

PS: Don't take the half-celestial template, the saint on its own is better, what I mean is that the half-celestial is weak as a template for 4 LA, Meta-game wise that is. Ditch the Half-Celestial and go Saint all the way.

Just look at both templates character creation stats, some of them wont add up:
- Damage Reduction.
- The Saint gets some At-will powers that the HC only gets as a daily. (yes the HC gets better powers later on).
* HC: Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and electricity 10.
* Saint: A saint is immune to acid, cold, electricity + the saints gets 10 fire resistance.
-The Saints immunities out shine the resistances.

Ok, I know its not all about numbers, fluff wise it makes sense to make a HC + Saint character.

That is all.
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First Post
its DM approved (created) so pc is to be HC & Saint. I am not to be a primary spell caster. Feat suggestions, is 'magic in the blood' worth it?


Whats your base race? And what level are you? What class? What alignment?

Paladin is a good choice.

But again, I'm gonna be the rule Nazi and quote:
[h=4]"Prerequisite of Magic in the Blood[/h] Dwarf (Oldonnar or Underdark [Darklands]), elf (Menzoberranyr), gnome ( the G reat D ale, T hesk, o r Underdark [Northdark]), or spirit folk (Ashane), planetouched (Calimshan, Mulhorand, or Unther)."

Your character is an outsider.

I would say its worth it, some might say otherwise.
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If Magic in the Blood is allowed for use on your character then it's pretty decent.

Besides simply "moral compass" for the team, what other purpose do you want this character to have? What race do you want to go for? What classes might you be interested in? Since you're half-celestial, you might find some interest in the Aasimar to Half-Celestial savage progression.

Do you want to simply be a paragon of Good? Or might your character lean to Law or Chaos? If you want to be a purist with it then the character will be Neutral Good, which would leave Paladin out unless you used the Dragon 310 NG version called Sentinel. I wouldn't advise going that route unless you expect to go up against a lot of Evil Outsiders, since the Sentinel's features key towards that.

One option for a NG character would be the Incarnate class from Magic of Incarnum. It even has Aasimar substitution levels (page 42), which should always be taken since there are no downsides to it.
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