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ZEITGEIST Suggestions for things to improve, fix, or add for the ZEITGEIST Act One compilation?


In 4E, even if you have a fly speed, you still have to land every round unless you also have 'hover.' Maybe in the 4E -> Pathfinder switch, the word 'fly' was just replaced with 'jump?'

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In 4E, even if you have a fly speed, you still have to land every round unless you also have 'hover.' Maybe in the 4E -> Pathfinder switch, the word 'fly' was just replaced with 'jump?'

Pretty sure that got changed. Compendium states that the only benefit of having hover at this point is that you aren't going to fall out of the sky if you suffer the Stunned condition.

To be clear, I used the jump speed as effectively a fly speed, with some restrictions:
- You can only move upward a quarter of your total speed for that move action (so 1 square, or 2 with a run action)
- You can only move in a (roughly) straight line.
- You land after each move action, if not before. Just like a normal jump. I ruled that you couldn't double-move to jump insane distances.

So we're probably going to tweak some terms and mechanics for the PF version.

1. Those who in 4e are devas are currently aasimar in PF. In the compilation, we'll make them samsarans, but we're going to call them . . . devas.

2. In 4e we have eladrin, whom we've called high elves in PF. In the compilation, we'll call them . . . we're not quite sure. Maybe eladrins, maybe elfaivarans. Using the Advanced Race Guide to create a custom race, they're basically elves, but with the fey type (instead of humanoid), without a Perception bonus or weapon familiarity, and with the ability to teleport 30 feet once per day as a move action.

Would this work for those of you who play PF? Would you be okay with races called devas and eladrin in Pathfinder?
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Looking at what corresponds most closely to 4E's eves and eladrin in Pathfinder, my own decision was to have two subraces of elf.

The one closest to the 4E eladrin uses the stats for the Pathfinder elf.

The one closest to the 4E elf currently has the same description, but has a +2 Wis in place of the +2 Int. They replace the elven magic racial trait with woodcraft. Alternate racial traits for them include elven magic[1], dreamspeaker, eternal grudge[1], fleet footed, and silent hunter[1].

[1] means this ability replaces woodcraft rather than elven magic, which these elves don't have.

In other word, the 4E eladrin is closer to the Pathfinder elf than the 4E elf is. If one of the two races needs to change, perhaps it is the 4E elf, not the 4E eladrin.

If we want the teleport ability, this might do as a racial trait: Fey Step You learn lesser dimension door as a cantrip (level zero arcane spell). You must be able to learn and cast arcane spells to use this ability. This replaces elven magic and keen senses.

Dimension Door, Lesser

School conjuration (teleportation)
Level: bard 2, magus 1, sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2, witch 2
Components: V,S
Cast Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous

This is the same as 'dimension door', except as note above and in that you must see the point of arrival. You can bring a familiar in physical contact with you along when you cast this spell.


I guess Macbannin and Saxby should have Ob rings, but if they do it's not mentioned in the adventures (at least I couldn't find it). As they're members of Colossus cell, the rings are bronze. The best I could come up with as far as inscriptions go, for Macbannin: Overcome Black Arts, for Saxby: Opportunity Begets Rank, assuming they are both tier 4.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
I guess Macbannin and Saxby should have Ob rings, but if they do it's not mentioned in the adventures (at least I couldn't find it). As they're members of Colossus cell, the rings are bronze. The best I could come up with as far as inscriptions go, for Macbannin: Overcome Black Arts, for Saxby: Opportunity Begets Rank, assuming they are both tier 4.

Not sure. I figured neither Macbannin nor Saxby knew they were part of the Ob, but were duped into thinking they were involved in something high level and patriotic, so didn't give them a ring. On second thoughts, though, Macbannin was cooperating with Caius Bergeron for some reason, and obviously sympathized sufficiently with the overarching motives of the Ob (such as he understood them) to be invited to join the Ghost Council, so maybe he should have had one.

The rings are a cool motif I wish we'd seen more of early on in the campaign.


Saxby, Macbannin and Creed are being misled about the overarching goal of the conspiracy, but they're still in it pretty deep, and have pretty solid places in the Ob hierarchy. Compare them to Finona (who has a ring), whose only connection to the conspiracy is Caius. Xambria describes Saxby as being "sideways" from Caius in the conspiracy, and says that Saxby worked for Macbannin. The campaign guide says Macbannin is tier 4 and that Lorcan Kell, Kaja Stewart, Cillian Creed and Saxby are tier 5 members.

I think that justifies giving some of them rings, especially because, as you say, it's a cool motif. Although since the party is taken off the Macbannin case by the end of Adventure 2, there's a good chance they might end up overlooking Macbannin and Creed's rings and their inscriptions unless they're particularly thorough about examining their possessions during the arrest. After the events of Adventure 3, though, when they get access to all of the evidence (and whatever progress Carlao's team managed to make) the PCs can become aware of rings (that's how I'm running it, anyway).
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I'll definitely integrate some of this stuff more smoothly. I mean, I don't think we'd thought up the ring thing while I was writing #2.

And it'll be nice to involve Saxby more thoroughly in adventure 2. Like, have her swoop in the moment the party stops Macbannin, take them off the case, and say that for the sake of politics and appearances, another group needs to pursue the investigation from this point, because people might think the PCs are trying to frame a standup citizen!


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In the campaign guide, Asrabey is said to be Kasvarina's son. In the first adventure, it's said he's one of her many husbands.

I'm hoping one of these statements turns out to be untrue.

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