Would you work...

...in the porn industry? Not necessarily as an actor.
...as a car salesman?
...as a drug traffickers?
...as a politician?
...as a soldier?
...as a tabacco PR rep?
... in the Hollywood movie industry?
Why/why not?
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Staff member
...in the porn industry? Not necessarily as an actor.
...as a car salesman?
...as a drug traffickers?
...as a politician?
...as a soldier?
...as a tabacco PR rep?

Why/why not?

the porn industry? Not necessarily as an actor.
...as a drug traffickers?
...as a tabacco PR rep?
No- each of them has some element that clashes with my personal ethics or self-image.

...as a car salesman?
...as a politician?
...as a soldier?

Yes, since I feel each can be done in a way consistent with my morals.


Probably not any of those since it'd be a waste of my talent, training and interests. The porn one is the most realistic as I could at least work on the back end of their websites or something.

That said, if I were suddenly in dire enough straits to be looking for a job and any of those would have me...

Porn can be done ethically and safely, so if the company I was considering did so, sure, why not.
Probably not a car salesman, I'm just not personally charismatic enough.
Drug traffickers? Eh... no, 'cause the risk-reward is too heavy on the risk. The real reward/profit goes to the people far removed and as an entry level trafficker I'd be the first under the bus. Just not worth it. I'm also for the legalization of all drugs and letting people take what risks they want with their own bodies, so you could even say I'm opposed to the job being able to exist.
Politician... eh. I'm not suited for the charisma side of the job. I'd be better as the assistant or material expert that advises and informs the politician. Which is actually something I would like to do. Spending a year or two in DC being the go-to guy in support of weapons projects when Congress has questions? That actually sounds really interesting to me.
Soldier... eh. I'm not suited for it and again, it'd be a waste of my skill/training/so-on. I'm happier being the Q to the 007, even if in the real world both of those are hundreds of people.
Tabacco PR rep [sic]? Um... no. While I have no moral opposition to people willfully and knowingly poisioning themselves, I have no intention of lying to people to get them to do so.


...in the porn industry? Not necessarily as an actor.
...as a drug traffickers?
...as a tabacco PR rep?

No. Like Bullgrit, I find that each of these inherently conflicts with something in my ethics.

...as a car salesman?
...as a soldier?

Sure, but I doubt they'd have me - my talents don't lie in this area.

...as a politician?

Sure. If all we do is complain about politicians, and good people actively avoid the profession as a result, how can we ever expect it to get any better? And it's a field where a few good people really could make a huge difference to the lives of many.

...in the porn industry? Not necessarily as an actor.
...as a drug traffickers?
...as a politician?
...as a tobacco PR rep?

None of the above, because ... ick. Too compromising.

...as a car salesman?

Sure. This industry may be full of sleazeballs, but not all of them are, and there's no reason they have to be. No compromises required to actually help people.

...as a soldier?

No question.

Soldier... eh. I'm not suited for it and again, it'd be a waste of my skill/training/so-on. I'm happier being the Q to the 007, even if in the real world both of those are hundreds of people.

You probably don't know that there are soldiers that perform just the role you describe. And as "waste of skill/training" ... cyber is a huge growth area for the military.


First Post
...in the porn industry? Not necessarily as an actor.
Not my first choice, but it could happen. I did some early education in film and while I'd rather be making other types of films, I have no inherent objection to nudity or sexuality.

...as a car salesman?
Yes, but only if I was absolutely desperate for money. I've done retail, and sales to me is a job with very little substance and not something that I'd enjoy or get much out of, and not something that would have a positive impact on the world.

...as a drug traffickers?
No. It's too dangerous, and I would not want to associate with some of the people who do business in this type of illicit marketplace.

...as a politician?
Yes. My trademark brutal honesty probably wouldn't play well though. Being an amateur actor as I am, could I learn to be a good politician? Perhaps.

...as a soldier?
No. I don't believe in using violence.

...as a tabacco PR rep?
No. There's some jobs that have a positive impact, and some that are just picking up a paycheck and going through motions, but I wouldn't be part of one of the ones that is actively harmful to people and/or the world at large. Nor would I get into that level of deception and manipulation. There's plenty of things other than tobacco PR that I'd rule out on the same grounds.


Naked and living in a barrel
...in the porn industry? Not necessarily as an actor.
I'd make a create director.

...as a car salesman?

...as a drug traffickers?
I'd deal pot, it will be legal soon anyway.

...as a politician?
Yes, a very important job in our societies. Vision is needed.

...as a soldier?
Do I look like I'm receptive to propaganda and want to die or kill people?

...as a tabacco PR rep?
Might as well PR rep for a sugar compagnie.

...in the porn industry? Certainly not in front of the camera, but if the job was steady and the salary sufficient, why not?
...as a car salesman? I am a very poor salesman in general, I would not make it in car sales.
...as a drug traffickers? No, I wouldn't do anything illegal unless I had absolutely no other choice.
...as a politician? Ugh, probably not.
...as a soldier? No if I had to be in harm's way. I could see myself in the army in a support job.
...as a tabacco PR rep? Probably not, no. I'm no good at convincing people in general.


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