IC - Mad King's Monkey II

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Huh, this coat cost me too much. Lets get something to eat" He stuffs the old coat, possible to use later, in his pack and follows the instruction of the seasoned fighter.

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Day five, early morning, somewhere in the city backstreets

She gets food and drink as she heads for the orphanage, and hopes Libros and Thuan are ready as well.

Libros, Thuan and Ullara and Bran

The orphanage is not far, and easy enough to get to with a few simple questions. Its located on a street not far from the docks, you can smell the river, and hear the gulls. The houses in the street are surprisingly large and imposing compared to the rest of the area. This was once a well to do area, it would seem. Once. Most of the buildings are now in a sorry state. Many appear to have converted into shared residences, with the building rented out by the room. There are a few exceptions, one of them being the orphanage.

The orphanage consists of a three story building set in a garden, decidedly gone to wild, all surrounded by a decent stone fence. The main gate stands open, and inside you see children, some of them in masks. Occasionally some of then wander in or out of through the gate. A old man dozes on a stool at the gate.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Ullara Halx, female human druid with dog companion Bran

Libros, Thuan and Ullara and Bran

The orphanage is not far, and easy enough to get to with a few simple questions. Its located on a street not far from the docks, you can smell the river, and hear the gulls. The houses in the street are surprisingly large and imposing compared to the rest of the area. This was once a well to do area, it would seem. Once. Most of the buildings are now in a sorry state. Many appear to have converted into shared residences, with the building rented out by the room. There are a few exceptions, one of them being the orphanage.

The orphanage consists of a three story building set in a garden, decidedly gone to wild, all surrounded by a decent stone fence. The main gate stands open, and inside you see children, some of them in masks. Occasionally some of then wander in or out of through the gate. A old man dozes on a stool at the gate.

Ullara approaches with a smile on her face, petting Bran. "Sir? Pardon to interrupt your rest..." She calls softly, then a bit more loudly if need be, and then maybe with a gentle shake of his shoulder, if the old man is still asleep. "It is a lovely day, isn't it? Pardon, I was looking for someone who is supposed to be around her, and was wondering if you knew where he might be. The mask-maker?" She keeps herself looking curious and pleasant as possible, patting Bran as he sits down and scratches behind his ear.


Guest 11456

Li Thuan, male human monk

When Ullara went to gather information Thuan had decided it was best to wait with Bran and Libros. Once she returned he went with her to the orphanage. He kept watch as they went to make sure no trouble followed them.

OOC: Perception 15


Day five, early morning, in front of the orphanage

Libros, Thuan and Ullara and Bran

There are about a dozen children around, either playing in the street or in the garden behind the walls. They watch with wary interest as it becomes apparent that you are heading for the orphanage.

"Sir? Pardon to interrupt your rest..." She calls softly, then a bit more loudly if need be, and then maybe with a gentle shake of his shoulder, if the old man is still asleep.

Ullara gets no response from her first attempt to get the gatekeeper's attention, and is considering having to give him a shake when it looks like her second attempt will meet the same result.

"Yes, what?" the old man mumbles as he wakes from his snooze.

"It is a lovely day, isn't it? Pardon, I was looking for someone who is supposed to be around her, and was wondering if you knew where he might be. The mask-maker?"

Still a bit dopy with sleep, it takes a moment for the gatekeeper to process what Ullara is asking. Eventually a light goes on. "The mask maker? What you be wanting with him?"

As it becomes apparent nothing interesting is going to happen, the children drift back to their games, mostly.

"Excuse me Miss", interjects a young girl standing a few paces away taking advantage of the pause in the conversation. She has dark eyes and a serious face. Behind her stands another child, a boy in a slightly battered lion mask. He is much bigger than the girl, but Ullara suspects not much older. Without pausing for a response, questions tumble out of girl; "Is this your dog? What's his name? Are you a druid? Is he your companion? Can I pat him? Is it a boy dog or girl dog? How old are you? Can you turn into a lion? Does he eat rats?"

Thuan waits, keeping an eye on the street. Apart from there children there are a few people coming and going in the street. You get a few looks, but nothing out of the ordinary. When the gatekeeper rubs his face, you notice that his hand and forearm are covered in scars. Beside him, propped against the wall is a stout staff.

As Ullara talks to the old man, the monk is approached by a small skinny boy with a smudged face. The boy tugs on a corner of Thuan's robe.

"Are you from the Xiao Empire? My daddy says people from the Xiao Empire have black hair, black eyes and hearts to match. He was an explorer. Then he was eaten by a dragon. Have you ever seen a dragon?"

Isida Kep'Tukari

Ullara Halx, female human druid with dog companion Bran

Still a bit dopy with sleep, it takes a moment for the gatekeeper to process what Ullara is asking. Eventually a light goes on. "The mask maker? What you be wanting with him?"

As it becomes apparent nothing interesting is going to happen, the children drift back to their games, mostly.

"I just wanted to ask him a question about a young man who knew him. Is he about?"

"Excuse me Miss", interjects a young girl standing a few paces away taking advantage of the pause in the conversation. She has dark eyes and a serious face. Behind her stands another child, a boy in a slightly battered lion mask. He is much bigger than the girl, but Ullara suspects not much older. Without pausing for a response, questions tumble out of girl; "Is this your dog? What's his name? Are you a druid? Is he your companion? Can I pat him? Is it a boy dog or girl dog? How old are you? Can you turn into a lion? Does he eat rats?"

Ullara's eyebrows shoot up at the relentless questions of the children. Oh, to be so young and energetic!

"Yes, this is my dog. His name's Bran, and he is my druid's companion. You may pat him, he enjoys having his ears scratched, but don't tug on his tail, or he'll get quite cross! I'm old as a young tree, and I'd be lyin' if I said I could turn into a lion. Bran has been known to eat rats sometimes." She smiles at the boy. "That is a very good lion mask! Who made that? Did you?"


Day five, early morning, in front of the orphanage

Ullara and Bran

"I just wanted to ask him a question about a young man who knew him. Is he about?"

The gatekeeper scratches his head and squints up at Ullara, before glancing over at Libros and Thuan. "He don't live here at orphanage. Umm, ... Maybe not my place to speak on it. I think you had best speak to Frau Wollinger. She runs the orphanage."

Ullara's eyebrows shoot up at the relentless questions of the children. Oh, to be so young and energetic!

"Yes, this is my dog. His name's Bran, and he is my druid's companion. You may pat him, he enjoys having his ears scratched, but don't tug on his tail, or he'll get quite cross! I'm old as a young tree, and I'd be lyin' if I said I could turn into a lion. Bran has been known to eat rats sometimes."

The young girl begins patting Bran almost as soon as the frist words Ullara says are not "Don't pat the dog." She pauses momentarily as Ullara describes her age; you can almost see the wheels turning as the young girl considers the answer. When Ullara mentions that Bran eats rats sometimes, the girl jams a fist on her hip, assumes a serious expression complete with pursed lips, and shakes her finger at Bran. "Bad dog. Don't eat rats! Leave the rats alone."

She smiles at the boy. "That is a very good lion mask! Who made that? Did you?"

The boy shakes his head, then points down and across the street.

"Leon!" exclaims the girl. "You know Uncle Murinae doesn't like visitors. Although, well ... you both being druids and all, maybe its OK."

"Enough now Heddy," interjects the gatekeeper gently. "Take Leon and go and play somewhere else. These people are obviously busy."

Turning to Ullara, the gatekeeper adds, "If you come with me, I will show you through to Frau Wollinger."


Guest 11456

Li Thuan, male human monk

As Ullara talks to the old man, the monk is approached by a small skinny boy with a smudged face. The boy tugs on a corner of Thuan's robe.

"Are you from the Xiao Empire? My daddy says people from the Xiao Empire have black hair, black eyes and hearts to match. He was an explorer. Then he was eaten by a dragon. Have you ever seen a dragon?"

Not being very comfortable around people, Thuan is a bit surprised that the boy approached him. "Hair white. Eyes black. From Shaanxi. What more want?"

Isida Kep'Tukari

Ullara Halx, female human druid with dog companion Bran.

Ullara and Bran
The gatekeeper scratches his head and squints up at Ullara, before glancing over at Libros and Thuan. "He don't live here at orphanage. Umm, ... Maybe not my place to speak on it. I think you had best speak to Frau Wollinger. She runs the orphanage."

"I'll go do that..."

The young girl begins patting Bran almost as soon as the frist words Ullara says are not "Don't pat the dog." She pauses momentarily as Ullara describes her age; you can almost see the wheels turning as the young girl considers the answer. When Ullara mentions that Bran eats rats sometimes, the girl jams a fist on her hip, assumes a serious expression complete with pursed lips, and shakes her finger at Bran. "Bad dog. Don't eat rats! Leave the rats alone."

"Bran only eats bad, nasty rats, not nice rats," Ullara assures the girl.

The boy shakes his head, then points down and across the street.

"Leon!" exclaims the girl. "You know Uncle Murinae doesn't like visitors. Although, well ... you both being druids and all, maybe its OK."

"Enough now Heddy," interjects the gatekeeper gently. "Take Leon and go and play somewhere else. These people are obviously busy."

Turning to Ullara, the gatekeeper adds, "If you come with me, I will show you through to Frau Wollinger."

Privately pleased that they had a name and closer location, she wished desperately that Libros could go and try to seek this Murinae out, but she had no way of saying so out loud. She could only go along and hope that none of the children mentioned to Murinae and scared him off again.

"Of course, let us go see her," Ullara says with a short bow of respect, and follows.


Day five, early morning, in front of the orphanage


Not being very comfortable around people, Thuan is a bit surprised that the boy approached him. "Hair white. Eyes black. From Shaanxi. What more want?"

The boy shifts his weight from one foot to the other, then back again.

"Umm ... Do you have any coins?" he says eventually. "From Shanzi," he adds by way of clarification, although stumbling a bit over the pronunciation. "Wanna swap? You probably can't use your coins here. I have some SaxImperious coins. You can use them here.

"Why are you interested in the mask man?", he says suddenly changing tack. "Heddy thinks he is a druid. He does have a dog that can disappear, so maybe he is a druid. And some children, but I don't think that they are real children."

He reaches into his robe and pulls out small pouch and spills the contents into his hand; three copper coins, two local and one not, as well as a quarter bit of silver.

"These are my swap coins. I have other coins, including a real gold coin. I don't have them now. Frau Wollinger keeps them safe for me. They are not swap coins, so you can't have any of those."

[sblock=OOC]White hair! Who knew? ... Um, sorry about that.[/sblock]

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