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D&D 5E How to stop a Thief

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Oh, in that case your first resort should be to ask him to stop, because you're supposed to be friends.

If that doesn't work, then cut off his hands.

+100 This.

Bullcrap between party members is for 12 year olds, you are roleplaying a group of allies that go into dangerous situations where your lives rely on each other inter party trust is a must. If you can't trust the character to keep his hands out of your pack, then how can you trust him to keep watch or have your back in combat, to not betray you for a few gold coins to the bad guys?


I'm going to go with the others and say the DM needs to put a stop to this unless this kind of thing is part of the dynamic you're going for and all the characters have opportunities to get one over on each other.

BUT - just for the sake of making a fun, vindictive, antisocial suggestion, it's kind of like standing up to a bully. Make stealing from you not worth the cost. You know he did it. Use a damage dealing cantrip on him and let him start the adventuring day with fewer HP. It's a cantrip, you can throw it at him all day. Or use prestidigitation to cause minor effects that screw up his actions. In role-playing situations throw him under the bus with NPCs - charm them and convince them to refuse him business so he can't buy or sell goods and they know to call the watch down on him if the item he was eyeing winds up stolen. Use disguise self to assume his form and have him wed an orcish princess. But do it titt for tat. Only on the days he steals from you. The message is don't mess with me and I won't mess with you.

But seriously - just get the DM to have him quit.


First Post
+100 This.

Bullcrap between party members is for 12 year olds, you are roleplaying a group of allies that go into dangerous situations where your lives rely on each other inter party trust is a must. If you can't trust the character to keep his hands out of your pack, then how can you trust him to keep watch or have your back in combat, to not betray you for a few gold coins to the bad guys?

quoted because your reply is very reasonable. I'll propose teamwork as a house rule. I don't mind a character going off to commit crimes/ do his own thing, but when he robs his teammates, it's no good.

Hand of Evil

First, I will assume that your character has noticed this, not just you being informed of it by the GM and that you have not lost the goods on the way to the dungeon.

1) Talk to the GM, just to make sure he does not have a reason.
2) In game as character confront the party, "There is a thief among us!" And explain goods have gone missing.
3) Turn out your stuff, every one shows what they have, this is up-end your bag in front of you and turn out your pockets, no one leaves the room. Reason, are you sure, it is who you think it is?
4) Kill the character with the stolen stuff. DO NOT ask the character why, they can use all sorts of skills on you and you don't want to keep him around.
5) Have a backup plan to kill the thief.
6) Take your stuff back and his stuff too.​


The spell list isn't a lot of help at low levels. Assuming you have 2nd lvl slots to burn, Arcane Lock is a decent choice. Otherwise, Find Familiar. Instruct it to hide among your belongings and keep watch. Notes to the GM are best. May I suggest a poisonous snake. Any creature, though, can notify you telepathically when the bag is opened.


I'm looking for all your creative uses of spells that keep annoying rogues from stealing from your pack. mage hand or no mage hand.
The ideal solution is to talk to the player and get him or her to knock it off. You may also want to quietly ask the DM to provide more opponents who can be pickpocketed; perhaps the thief is using his/her toys on other PCs for lack of anyone else to try them on.

However, the thief player may just be an obnoxious griefer type. I usually recommend not playing with such people. If you're not willing to quit the group, the best spell for this purpose depends on your and the thief's level:

Low levels: Magic missile.
Mid-levels: Blight.
High levels: Finger of death.

Okay, so these aren't exactly "creative" solutions, but they get the job done. (I strongly disagree with the poster above who recommended fireball and disintegrate. You're wasting your time with spells that target the Dex save.) As a player, I have very little patience for this kind of thing. You want to use your class abilities against me? Fine, I'm gonna use mine against you, and mine are nastier.

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