D&D 5E The Fifth City - Episode 1: The Gathering

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Well, as long as there is room, we can squeeze you in. It is said to be haunted anyway so maybe the ghosts will pester our guest instead of either of us." more humor of course, this time a lot less hidden, almost DARING someone to be gullible enough to believe him.

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Queen of Everything
"Well, as long as there is room, we can squeeze you in. It is said to be haunted anyway so maybe the ghosts will pester our guest instead of either of us." more humor of course, this time a lot less hidden, almost DARING someone to be gullible enough to believe him.

Amisi tries to keep additional giggles and not roll her eyes. "Of COURSE there is room, we have over ten empty rooms right now! And that is with me taking one of the extra rooms for my closet for all my clothes, " she grins.


"Staying in the Corps building sounds great. Though I would wager the only spook there is ghost of Markus' sense of humor" says Korgon laughing loudly. While Korgon wasn't Corps or Watch, he had been around enough to know both Markus and Felix. And shoveling manure all morning is a bonding experience for anyone.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Ouch" says Markus dryly. "Oh, and by the way, she is not kidding about using a second room, But now I know what she is using it for. I was afraid it held contraband or a torture chamber."


Queen of Everything
"Markus, Markus, Markus... My dear fellow," Amisi takes him by the arm, "Now why would you think that little ol me would do such illegal things? I wouldn't want to get," she squeezes his arm, "YOU in trouble, now would I?" She chuckles. "Korgon you don't already have a place to stay?"
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
A look of thought sets in suddenly on the wizard's face, then with a smile he says, "I don't need YOU to get me in trouble," He thumbs toward Korgon, "Trouble seems to follow me."


A look of thought sets in suddenly on the wizard's face, then with a smile he says, "I don't need YOU to get me in trouble," He thumbs toward Korgon, "Trouble seems to follow me."

Korgon just smiles wider. "Heh, yes indeed my friend, but not only is the trouble fun, I solve much of the trouble as well. Besides, do you want to live forever?"


Queen of Everything
Korgon just smiles wider. "Heh, yes indeed my friend, but not only is the trouble fun, I solve much of the trouble as well. Besides, do you want to live forever?"

Amisi stares at Korgon for a moment. He sounded exciting but it was distracting at the same time.

She clears her throat. "Well we have room for all at the moment. So, let us be on our way!"

Amisi leads anyone who wants to come along to the Corp building and lets them all in.
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Rhal followed Amisi and the rest of their group. "Your hospitality is recognized, if only to vagabonds. Someday may you allow me to return such kindness, though I hope you never want," said Rhal, seeming to get his legs under him with the help of his staff.

"After we feast, is there something a newcomer is especially inclined to see of the city?" he asked openly.

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