• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

All things Weird & Wonderful


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Cube of Phò: this dice-sized cube magically fills any empty soup bowl into which it is dropped with a thin but fragrant & nutritious noodle soup. It can do this multiple times per day, but nobody knows how many times it may be used this way. Still, it definitely only works once per person per day: anyone trying to eat the conjured food a second time in a day will see it disappear on the way to their mouth.

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Object 149: this rectangular object resembles a smartphone or tablet computer, but its physical dimensions are all wrong: it is 1" thick, 4" wide, and 9" long (hence its name), with rounded corners. Besides its metallic blue color, it is featureless. It is made of unknown materials- it is resistant to traditional analysis, even by destructive methods, and weighs 15lbs. Nobody knows its intended function. However, persons within a 30' radius of it are known to experience short (1-3 minutes) hallucinations, ranging from single sense perceptions to full-sensory immersions. In some cases, the hallucinations have been reported to be of past or even future events (noticed after they finally occurred). Most, however, have no known relation to actual events.


Staff member
The Self-breaking Machine: this is a large device made of multiple materials. It consists of a large steam engine, a spinning wheel of brass wedges bolted together, a large, empty, heavy duty metal-bound steamer trunk, and a large, comfortable leather chair in a cockpit full of dials, levers and so forth. When first found, it was broken with missing pieces, but the person who discovered it in a run-down building reverse-engineered and restored it. Its function was a mystery, however. And a week later, it was broken again, with different pieces missing than before. Suspecting vandalism, he relocated it to a more secure location, and restored it again.

But even within this new location, it eventually was discovered broken again...with other parts missing.

When restored again, it was moved into a vault monitored by 24 hour audio & video surveillance. After 3 months, it was discovered broken again, as before. Nobody was seen entering or leaving the vault, and the video from within the vault had a 21 minute gap full of static.

And its function remains a mystery.

Hand of Evil

Staff of Infections - use of staff causes infections

Ring of Peta - wearer is unable to hurt any animals and refuses to wear fur or leather armor

Robe of the Coward - you run away but while doing so you are impossible to hit

Dagger of Night Vision - as long as you gasp the dagger you can see in the dark like a drow

Vest of Phase Shift - wearing the vest shifts area covered 5 feet in a random direction which is out of phase with current time increasing AC by +3 but any roll of 1 on any attack roll will be a CRIT damage to wearer.

Port-a-Portable Hole - Port-a-Potty D&D style

Monster idea: Mimic toilet seat
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Hand of Evil

Figurines of House Hold Pets -
  • Cat, always underfoot and causes tripping, also will disrupt people from read from scrolls of spell books by jumping on the pages
  • Dog (small), barks at every sound and will cause distraction by biting heels and ankles of foes
  • Bird, tell jokes and repeats phases, will distract foes by flying at faces
Wand of Spell Storing - as ring but wand

Rind of Squirrel Command - Command all squirrels

Amulet of Communication - Will allow you to communicate with any other Amulet of Communication by saying the wearers name

Tablet of Communication - As amulet but you write out what you are communicating
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The Miser's Pouch: this small, worn coin purse always has exactly enough money in it for a minor/casual purchase in whatever the local currency is. The money is always in small coins. They are real coins. There is no explanation for the coins' origins, and they are not forgeries or copies of known coins. They do not disappear analogously to the way they appeared, but remain in the stream of commerce.


Ouijipedia: This looks like a standard ouija board, but it provides extensive information on any subject about the user inquires. The information is spelled out letter by letter, and is not always reliable.

Marvin: This 6" statue of an iron golem causes a Crushing Despair effect in a 30' radius. For every day that a person remains in the area of effect, the effects worsen by -2.


Staff member
The Ash Crown: this is a wooden crown carved of ash. The wearer can take a small ash branch (no more than 12" long) and, upon uttering the command word engraved in the interior of the headband, animate it into a crude Servitor. The ash Servitor lasts 1 day per level of the crown's wearer. During that time, it can act as if it were a familiar (even if the wearer already has one), and it communicates with its master via a telepathic link. Non-casters can use a Servitor to observe an area, but cannot hear through it. Lacking hands, Servitors cannot carry things easily, and can only climb with difficulty.

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