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Scheduling Thread for IRON DM 2014


I suspect Wicht and others have a couple of templates handy to paste into to make their entries pop.

You would in this case be mostly wrong...

While I do have some templates for creatures and magic items and such and they are very helpful, for adventures themselves, there is no pre-saved plug and play template I use. What I do, however is arrange my writing in the format used by Paizo and others with an introduction, adventure summary, hook, etc. The introduction is used for background. The adventure summary provides a rough outline of the expected chain of events in the adventure. The hook, of course, is to detail why the PCs should be involved. While alterations to the presentation can be made, these three parts should be more or less standard. Remembering to break it up this way also provides a visual reminder of just how much back-story to adventure you actually are providing in your entry.

It turned out to an adventure I’d really like to run.
In the end, I think that is a good thing to have done with any entry.

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Once A Fool
[MENTION=976]Imhotepthewise[/MENTION], I have some have some specific commentary I'd like to make related to your exposition, there, but I would like to do so in the other thread. Would you mind depositing in that thread, please? EDIT= Nevermind. Deuce quoted your post in its entirety over there, so I'll just reference that.

I'd like to keep talk in this thread focused on scheduling, if possible, for a few reasons:

  • During the tournament, it will be easier to keep track of when contestants are available if those posts are all bunched together.

  • Likewise, it will be easier to follow discussion of the tournament and it's entries if those posts are together.

  • Also, we intend to archive that thread, but not this one. One of the reasons we ask questions about the process is so that interested parties can learn from them and, for this reason, we like to preserve your responses for posterity.

I appologize for my previous lack of clarity on this point.

( [MENTION=221]Wicht[/MENTION], your response to Imhotepthewise could also be valuable, if you'd like to repost it in the other thread, also.)
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Once A Fool
Okay, everybody, Judge #3, [MENTION=114]Plane Sailing[/MENTION], seems to have disappeared off of the face of the (EN)world, so [MENTION=2342]phoamslinger[/MENTION] has agreed to step in as an alternate judge. His IRON DM envolvement in years past was primarily at the Rat Bastard DMs' Club and, I think, Nutkinland (but no records survive, and my memory is fuzzy).

Sorry for the unintentional bait-and-switch, but the format will not change.


Could you more experienced give me one bit of advice: How long do you actually do this? do you use the 24 hours to the fullest, drink thousand gallons of coffee and get serious sleep deprivation?


Could you more experienced give me one bit of advice: How long do you actually do this? do you use the 24 hours to the fullest, drink thousand gallons of coffee and get serious sleep deprivation?

"I remember the old days, when the original Iron DM allowed only 1 hour. Today, you young'uns have it easy with your 24 hours..."

I don't know about others, but I normally spend only 1-2 hours of actual typing to put mine together. I ruminate on it, perhaps jot down some notes as they come to me while going about other business, but when I actually get to work, its not that long.

"I remember the old days, when the original Iron DM allowed only 1 hour. Today, you young'uns have it easy with your 24 hours..."

I don't know about others, but I normally spend only 1-2 hours of actual typing to put mine together. I ruminate on it, perhaps jot down some notes as they come to me while going about other business, but when I actually get to work, its not that long.

Pretty much this. For one, it is usually impossible to get more than 2 hours of writing time in a day anyway . I usually think on ingredients and come up with something rudimentary. Don't worry too much about all the ingredients fitting in while thinking; they usually don't. However, once you start writing things tend to fall into place by themselves. So I'd encourage you to start writing and let the characters drive your adventure to wherever it ends up.

Deuce Traveler

I prefer an evening or night scheduled start so I can sleep on it. I'll eat dinner, wind down, and even lay in bed before sleep thinking of how the ingredients fit together. When I wake, I start typing down the ingredients followed by a short synopsis. Then I expand on those ideas chronologically in order to create a greater narrative.

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