OotS 996

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Naked and living in a barrel
Fairy Fire and Silence. Vamps can turn into wolfs. Why the halfing loses energy when running is a bit of a mystery.


Once A Fool
Pretty sure Belkar activated (and suffered from) his Protection from Evil amulet (bought in Tinkertown). That and Silence appear to be the only magical effects in play.


First Post
Pretty sure Belkar activated (and suffered from) his Protection from Evil amulet (bought in Tinkertown). That and Silence appear to be the only magical effects in play.
Does belkar have ranks in climb? Because he looked surprised when he couldn't grab the sloped roof. That could have been a magical effect. And then one Belkar passed the slope, look carefully at his aura's flight path. High winds could have changed his descent path, but he was blown upwards as he went away from the Cathedral.

No Xs in Belkar's eyes yet. He's down, but not out!
He dies when he lands man. Unless the airship saves him, he's on his one way trip to the Abyss.


Once A Fool
Does belkar have ranks in climb? Because he looked surprised when he couldn't grab the sloped roof. That could have been a magical effect.

Or a failed reflex save to catch the ledge. Of a perfectly smooth, hewn-by-magic round feature.

And then one Belkar passed the slope, look carefully at his aura's flight path. High winds could have changed his descent path, but he was blown upwards as he went away from the Cathedral.

I thought he bounced upward or was launched as off of a ramp. The spiraling down he appears to do in the next panel is curious, though. Could be a feather-fall effect. Which would mean another magic item that we don't know about.

He dies when he lands man. Unless the airship saves him, he's on his one way trip to the Abyss.

Maybe not. Assuming no feather-fall, falling damage is still capped at 20d6. We know that there were a lot of healing potions on the Mechane, so he probably has some on him--and could conceivably be back to full hit points by the time he hits the ground if it takes multiple rounds to fall. Which would give him about a (slightly better than?) fifty-fifty chance of survival.

Of course, even if he survives, he still might die when his rage wears off (when the extra hit points go away).

Remus Lupin

Well, Belkar is due to die "before the end of the year," according to the Oracle, so it must be getting close to time for his ticket to get punched. Going out via Durkon would be rough, but I wouldn't put it past Rich, particularly lately. He's been pruning the Dramatis Personae like crazy.

While Belkar's coming up on his appointment with prophecy, it'd be fairly cheap to off him exactly at the moment he's showing the most character growth, so I'm thinking we'll see a rulesy sort of save, in that he lands *hard* and rapidly takes potions before rage ends, yes. Or at least, that's what I'm hoping for, at the moment.


First Post
While Belkar's coming up on his appointment with prophecy, it'd be fairly cheap to off him exactly at the moment he's showing the most character growth
I'd say it's the perfect time. the author has shown Belkar is still evil via his agony from the amulet so the audience knows he's going straight to the Abyss or maybe Pandemonium at best.

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