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Kulan: Bard's Gate PbP Campaign (IC) [Game Cancelled]


World of Kulan DM
An elf in woodland color travel clothing returns to the ramshackle looking building near the burned out part of town south of the market. Bard's gate is nothing like Thasgatown, where he is from. He wandered the forest of that region's northern area learning its many secrets and eventually found his way to Bard's gate.
The burned section of the Market District was mostly likely the work of some disgruntled arsonist trying to get back at the rulers of the city. Instead, all he, she, or it did was hurt those suffering with less. The southern edge of the district sits on the edge of the Canal District, and, indeed, the fire consumed parts of that district as well. The ramshackle building sits across from the home of Lady Garga -- a known fortune teller for the bold (and foolish). While Shrough hadn't been in the city long, he had arrived in Bard's Gate only days after the fire.

The aftermath had been brutal. Many died that night or so he was told by the owner of The Last Stop -- a funeral parlor that sits on the northern side of the street known as Merchant's Circus, near the Canal Bridge. Queltin was one of the first of the city's citizens that Shrough befriended. As much as an elf can befriend a short-lived human, let alone one surrounded by death.

All his actions were of a particular path, He was sent to look for creations of the mighty Elvin people's and recover them. He is a Knight Protector of the Order of the Rose, part wizard, part warrior. Seeker of ancient artifacts of Elvin make, and thorn in the rump of the elve's enemies. He is on the trail of a treasure hunter, Rihards Ozolinsh by name. Mercenary to the core, selfish and greedy. He was tracked here and now he hunts him and a chance to recover the Exiled Mask.

He chose as a safe house a building on the edge of the burned section of town to the southeast of the market; not too far from west gate, the market or the docks. He can find a lot of information around his neighborhood. He walks out of the troubled looking door and watches his back. He has been in contact with another knight, his handler and teacher.

For today he has no new leads.
If Ozolinsh was in Bard's Gate, he was in hiding. The Market Watch hadn't seen anyone matching his description. The Market District's dedicated guards were a helpful bunch who didn't seem concerned with race, gender, or affiliation. As long a newcomer could pay his way, they were welcome in district. The Lyreguard have been less helpful in Shrough's search for the treasure hunter. In fact, they had warned him not to hassle any merchants dealing in magical goods. His questions had already gotten him banned from Xacanthia's Magical Transcriptions.

The mask is a elvish treasure that could be dangerous in the hands of any other races. Shrough must get it back. Failure is not an option.

The Elvin knight was handed a note by one of his contacts here, something about riches. Well, he needs some cash anyway so let's see what he can find out from this Willy mentioned. Not to mention he needs allies to find some of his target items.

So he heads toward the Market Bridge looking for 'Willie'.
Meghan couldn't tell Shrough anything about the note after she gave it to him. She had found it in her pocket a day ago with instruction to find Shrough and deliver it in person. She had behaved oddly about it. It was almost like she was under some sort of magical compulsion, but Shrough hadn't detected an aura around her. The half-elf harlot disappeared back into the Canal District. She didn't know of this Wilie, but she had heard of a halfling by that name who works as a toll-taker in the Grand Plaza.

It is nearly dusk when Shrough arrives in the plaza. The nightlife is still in full swing. Bard's Gate rarely sleeps and its never truly quiet in the Market District. Night hawkers start selling cheap goods to the tipsy and naive. Trollops and young nobles crawl from one tavern to another. The Felled Ogre was in full revel already. Bards and lesser musicians dueled outside its doors. Locals danced in the street and coins flowed out of peoples pockets into the eager hands of tavern-owners and the occasional sneak-thief.

The Market Watch were good people but a bit overwhelmed on the warmest nights. If things got truly out of hand, Shrough had already learned that the watch 'whistle for the Lyreguard'. These tough guardians can even handle unruly spellcasters.

Shrough quickly finds his way to Market Bridge. Once he had the bridge in sight, he remembered the halfling who stood on his soapbox and greeted newcomers to the city. Shrough had failed to hear the halfling's name over the noise of the plaza. It had been very loud that day. A festival of some kind. The halfling had seemed nice enough. Could he be this Wilie fellow?

Shrough came upon an unusual scene. The halfling was there. He was more excited than normal. There were two obvious adventurers standing in front of Wilie. They looked like they could handle themselves if a fight broke out. What was unusual was that one was a tiefling while the other was one of his kind. Another gray elf! Here in Bard's Gate! What were the chances?

"Hey there friend," the halfling notices Shrough and calls him over. "You're not going to believe it. There here! Hmm, I can't remember if I told you last week or not. I got this cryptic note that told me eight heroes were coming to see me. That all has been arranged for the wealth that is supposed to be waiting for them. And here two of them are! What a great day this is turning out to be!"
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World of Kulan DM
Kisep eyes the curious halfling in his avian way, looking first with one eye, then both together. In the same Kenku tongue, he replies, "You have mastered my kin's language very well, good sir; or perhaps you have ways to appear like a small-folk while you are not. Either way, I can assure you I mean no harm to your friend or his coins, or anyone's within the city walls. I was merely curious why this Wilie, or one of his acquintances, would request my presence here."
"I spent my youth traveling through the Eastern Lands and much of the Lands of Fate," Helman says. "So, you're saying you were sent for? Wait do you have-"

Deciding on impulse to trust the halfling, Kisep produces the mysterious note from within his robes and shows it. "Can you introduce me to your friend?"
Helman looks at the note and then at Kisep. "You're one of them. The heroes he's been talking about. I thought he'd just ate some bad shrooms. Come on!"

The halfling man half pushes and half drags Kisep over to Wilie. So much so, that it causes Kisep's cousin to caw in annoyance. Kisep sees that several others have gathered around the halfling as well. Two very distinct elves and a... gods, a tiefling.

"Wilie," Helman says to his friend. "And here I thought you were pulling my leg. But here is one of those heroes you told me about. He has a note! By the lyre, I can hardly believe it."

"Another," Wilie turns to look at Kisep. "Well, I wasn't expecting, um, pardon me but I'm not sure what you are. And, no offense," Wilie waves his hands apologetically. "All are welcome in Bard's Gate. It's just I wasn't expecting, ah..."

"He's a kenku."

"Really? How amazing! You told me about how you met those kenku street fighters in Drakhorn City, right?"


"Amazing, three heroes now." He looks to the other elf standing nearby who is staring at the other elf intently. "Or is it four?"

If Kisep wanted to keep a low profile, it wasn't likely now.


World of Kulan DM
Vak'tiel looks to the halfling and says "It would appear you know as little about this as we do, perhaps we should put up at an inn for the night while we try to sort this all out."
No sooner were the words out of Vak'tiel's mouth than the situation became way more interesting. A tough-looking halfling pulls a strange bird-man towards Wilie shouting something about notes and shrooms. A quick conversation later and Vak'tiel knows that this 'kenku' has a note like his and Cal's.

"What do you think we should do Caldrin?"
Vak'tiel turns to see another elf with feature's very similar to Cal's standing nearby. He is staring intently at Cal with sidelong glances at the tiefling. Wilie asks the other newcomer if he too has a note. Cal stands there quietly looking at the other elf, half in shock.


Sarten replies "So your cousin's a Halfling, eh? I didn't know that was possible for you humans, but all right. Why don't you tell me more about your cousin and I'll lead you to him, for I happen to be looking for Willie too. I bet I've been drawn into some half-brained attempt to recruit a looting team. I could use the work about now though. By the way, my name's Sarten. And you?"

Sarten leads the man to the Market Bridge.

"Borya friend," the large human says as he reaches out a hand to shake hands.

"As for Cousin Willy, he's been a friend of the family so long he might as well be related."

"it's been so long," The large man sighs looking sad for just a brief moment before that glint and strangely infectious smile returns.

"Looting you say? That sounds like the potential for adventure and I have a feeling, I was asked to come along for quite the same reason. Cousin Willy always seems to be involved in some quick rich scheme."

"What else have you heard?"
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Sarten shakes Borya's hand.

"I don't know much more. Only that someone stuck a note in my pocket advertising the job. Probably they did that to anyone who looked able to hold a knife or cast a spell.

The note said to go to the Market Bridge. Let's go."

With the big man in tow, Sarten is able to make his way through the crowd without too much difficulty.

They soon arrive at the Market Bridge only to find a Halfling speaking to a bird-man and a few other big folk. "Is he your cousin?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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