I appreciate the enthusiasm you display here, but I did not say all Muslim countries act like Saudi Arabia OR that all Muslims approve of the death penalty for apostacy. What I did say was:
[QUOTE = Sadras] (snip)....I don't believe Hinduism, Taoism, Christianity, Shintuism or Buddhism speak about apostacy in the same manner that Islam does.
[/quote]Yes, I know, but when I say that you're lumping Islam into one homogenous body, it is because you present things as if Islam, thus Muslims, thinks the same about apostacy. If you agree there are many Islams, why talk as if their is one view of apostacy?
I'm willing to bet that the standard for apostacy you use is Saudi Arabia. Certainly not Albania, because if Albania was used, apostacy wouldn't be a problem for Islam, right?
Thank you, I think so too.
Went right over your head.
And yet you critic me for critiquing you, right after you say critiquing the Muslim world is your personal mission. Double standards, as you put yourself above critics while critic others.
Pot. Kettle. Black (refer above)
Ok, so show me again where I say I'm against Christianity?
No, now you are mixing issues again. And if you read my initial post again maybe things might become clearer. I said it is fine in the USA where the numbers are trivial but when they become significant then it is only human nature for this phobia to grow.
And it moved past that a while back, when you had to prove Muslims were bad.
This is what I answered to your position on fear of immigrants when they grow to big:
Fearing what you discribed is islamophobia by definition. No Western country is facing that scenario. It isn't a rational fear. Yet it is the fear behind many critics of Islam in the Western world.
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You didn't refute, but then try to make it about Muslims refugees in Europe and how it was rational to fear them.
LOL. True USA and Canada are far from the mess they caused in the middle-east and with the Arab Spring. Europe is bearing all the brunt. I wonder if their fear is deemed rational or don't you consider Europe as Western?
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So then I countered by saying it wasn't rational with this:
You think the tide of refugees is problematic for Europe because it is mostly composed Muslims? If that is the case, I'd say that is an irrational fear of Islam right there. The refugee crisis would still be problematic if it was composed of Buddhists or Hindus.
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And you agreed:
But you had to make the debate about something else, cause it is very important for you that we should fear Muslims or that they are bad, so out of nowhere comes apostacy.
but I don't believe Hinduism, Taoism, Christianity, Shintuism or Buddhism speak about apostacy in the same manner that Islam does.
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So if we moved past your initial comment about fear of immigrants, it is because you moved away from it.
You might want to ask the Arabs of Palestine how they felt when the Jews started settling in now, Israel.
Do you consider that Western countries are being colonized by Muslims?
You mentioned I was generalising about said Muslim world but then never provided any information that I was inaccurate after several posts.
I need to prove that Muslims countries apply Islamic principales differently and that their are differences in interpretation of the Qur'an depending on which branch of Islam we are talking about? Really?
Christianity has through various religious figureheads like the Pope and other religious leaders spoken about its wrongdoings and apologised. That is a fact! In fact the Pope even apologised to the Christian Orthodox Church for the Schism.
Please can you point me to a large body of the Islam world that has accepted the Armenian Plight, The Copts of Egypt, The Zoroastrians Persecution, The atrocities in the Hindu Kush valley....
As [MENTION=27897]Ryujin[/MENTION] said, there are lots of Imams and Muslims who spoke on such matters. But as you said to him, there aren't enough for you. There will never be enough for you.
One could have easily laughed at the Palestinian 'Jewophobes' in 1935-1945 in Palestine, saying that their fears were irrational. Hindsight.
So, if you compare Europe to Palestine, is it because you believe Muslims are organized in the colonisation of Europe, like Jews were organized in the colonization of Palestine?
Do you think that entire European Governments exaggerate the influence of Islam in their countries by altering the immigration policies? You do know it is really in an attempt to preserve their culture and heritage.
Unlike you, I'm not a big fan of conspiracy theories. I'm not sure what is that "entire European Governments" you are talking about, but I do know that it is some politicians and political parties that exagerate the influence of Islam in Europe. Islamophobia pays.
As for manipulating immigration policies to foster fear, that is rather colorful. What else was decided at ShadowCon?
Perhaps that is not a solid argument for people across the Atlantic.
Or rational people.
I can understand that point of view, since I too live in a mixed salad country - but that doesn't mean the fear is completely irrational.
So, if it is just a bit rational, that means you believe Muslims are taking over Europe just a bit, right?