Spooky action at a distance

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
So, if A is spinning left or right and B is spinning up or down, and until you observe either one they are doing both according to Schrodinger. right?


the hope is for the 'duel state' of the electrons in their entanglement allows a 'device to transfer data' now that the two entangled electrons are 'in agreement' with one another and will transfer data freely

UNLESS something or someone observes either one or the other and breaks the 'Schrodinger duality' of the entangle electrons and shuts off the transfer device.

An eavesdrop proof secure safety switch.

is THAT what we are looking at?

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In all of this, do folks ever consider that the pair of particles as just one object which has a presence in two locations? Is there anything to be gained by such a consideration?



Extradimensional Explorer
In all of this, do folks ever consider that the pair of particles as just one object which has a presence in two locations? Is there anything to be gained by such a consideration?

They are represented mathematically as a single state aka wavefunction (ie, single mathematical object) if that's what you mean. Technically speaking, the whole universe has a single highly complicated wavefunction, but fortunately in normal circumstances it is possible to separate out and ignore stuff that is "far away."


Extradimensional Explorer
So, if A is spinning left or right and B is spinning up or down, and until you observe either one they are doing both according to Schrodinger. right?
Yes, I think you have it. The spin of any one of the entangled electrons is indeterminate; they are set up so the total spin of both electrons adds to zero, though (so we know that in advance).

the hope is for the 'duel state' of the electrons in their entanglement allows a 'device to transfer data' now that the two entangled electrons are 'in agreement' with one another and will transfer data freely
So, again, the entangle electrons don't transfer information at all, interestingly enough.

UNLESS something or someone observes either one or the other and breaks the 'Schrodinger duality' of the entangle electrons and shuts off the transfer device.

An eavesdrop proof secure safety switch.

is THAT what we are looking at?
So this is the interesting point. If someone in between observes one of the electrons in transit, then, yes, that breaks the entanglement. So you can in fact set up a way to know whether you're being spied upon. There are some loopholes to the basic argument, I think, but I also think they can be closed with a clever set-up.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I need to muse on this. My brother has a business that is required to be HIPPA compliant and he and i were touching on this several months ago and it is now starting to make sense.


Extradimensional Explorer
I need to muse on this. My brother has a business that is required to be HIPPA compliant and he and i were touching on this several months ago and it is now starting to make sense.

Well, I don't think anyone has a working system for quantum cryptography built yet, so he'll probably need to figure something else out in the meanwhile. ;)

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Well, He is always on the up with pre cutting edge tech.

*response to post 29*

I know, right??

spooky mechanics at work
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