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D&D 5E [OOC] A Light Hearted Princes of Elemental Evil Hack and Slash

Forged Fury

First Post
Unfortunately, that included some stuff we didn't end up bringing along, but left at the keelboat or in Riverguard. I have another post that had our loot totals up to the end of Riverguard. I don't think I kept track of what we recovered from the Monastery. Maybe Steve did?

Here's what I had through the end of Riverguard:


9 GP & 190 SP (Shoalar's Chest)
10 GP (Shoalar)
18 GP (Avian Attackers)
600 GP (Jolly's Bedroom)

(3x) Small Malachite @10GP (Shoalar)

Magic Items
Potion of Healing (Shoalar)
Scroll of Haste (Library)
Scroll of Wall o
f Water (Library)
Mote of Elemental Wa
ter (Jolly's Bedroom)
Cloak of Water (Jolly's Bedroom)

Trade Goods
4 Dwarven Tomes @25GP (Keelboat)
12 Bundled Pelts @40 GP (Keelboat)
12 Casks of Ale @ 10GP (Kitchen)
12 Books of Nautical Concern @25 GP (Library)

I figure we didn't take the pelts or casks or ale.
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
(Oops. -- I put the 281 and the two scrolls on my character sheet at the time. All I know is that there hasn't been anything since then I've thought to add!. In any case, there's going to be cash for studded leather no problem I'd have thought.)

I'll check Dent's sheet when I get home for what I recorded about the keel boat and River Guard. Can't remember off the top of my head (though 281 gp rings a vague bell).

Dent got bitchin' magical full plate in the monastery, and I think some of you also got a few scrolls there, too, but I don't exactly recall (to be honest, my eyes glazed over in a haze of avarice after Dent got the plate mail).

More later from me.

Forged Fury

First Post
I know I grabbed a ring of fire resistance at the Monastery. I'm mostly trying to figure out liquid assets that we can split easily. I don't recall if we ever came across a treasury or anything like that.

Steve Gorak

Hmm... does anyone have a list of all the loot we gathered? I think I had started one, but it's been a while.

I just need enough for a suit of studded leather armor, assuming Red Larch has that available for sale.

I have an excel sheet with everything we've found up to now but it's in my work computer. I just got home from the hospital, and I'm exhausted, so I'll post the info tomorrow. Getting ready for baby's first bath at home ;-)


Steve Gorak

Hey guys,

This is what we've found so far. Can I kind soul please do the math? Thanks!

Also, this is the list of magic items by wearer. If Aridha is leaving (is this still happening), perhaps the motes need to go back to the group (Thaliss wouldn't mind the mote of shape water, as he already has the mold earth cantrip; perhaps Carradoc wants it?).

healing potion held by Tolan
Scrolls - Carradoc

Mote of shape water held by Aridha
Cloak of water worn by Thaliss

Earthplate Armor worn by Dent
Mote of mold earth held by Aridha
Ring of fire resistance Worn by Damien[/sblock]


Shallow Graves	"black stone plate mail 
white robe with black feathers"
Shoalar Fight	"chest in the deckhouse holds 190 sp and 9 gp
Shoalar belt pouch containing 10gp 
Potion of healing 
3 small malachites worth 10 gp each
Boat, cargo hold full of loot:
casks of ale 
Salted fish
 12 bundles of cured pelts worth 40gp each
2 light crossbows with 10 ammunitions each"
Graves at Caravan End	"black leather armor with a strange triangular symbol on it
mask is made of gilded tin and not particularly valuable

Caravan End Fight with Flyers	"10 throwing daggers
black feather decorated leather armor"
Riverguard Keep fight	"http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?466522-IC-Creamsteak-s-Princes-of-Elemental-Evil/page43&p=6689125&viewfull=1#post6689125 

There is not much treasure in the immediate room. Grimjaw's maul is his only meaningful equipment. The reavers have a few javelins, their longswords, and shields. On the ground floor you find the kitchens and some servants quarters. The kitchens are full of worktables with old battered crockery, sacks, casks, and barrels. There is a supply of cheeses and smoked fish hanging from the ceiling, as well as a dozen casks of ale (worth 10gp per cask) and barrels filled withsalted meat.

On the upper floor you find an old library. One old shelf has been cleared and restocked with a selection of tomes. The books, a dozen in all, are worth 25 gp each. Most cover nautical topics and include charts, excerpts from ships' logs, and the like. There are also two magic scrolls among the possessions here.

In the main room on the upper floor you find Grimjaw's chambers. There you find 600 gold pieces, and an unfamiliar cloak (magic Cloak of water). Finally, in a small silk bag, you find a spherical lapis lazuli (magic mote shape water)."
item description	

Post 687 fight against minotaurs & monks	60gp

Post 1000 treasure box	"1000 sp and 90 pp as well as a suit of earthplate armor (+1, cast, cast stoneskin once per long rest), a bag of gemstones, and a pile of paper.
Bag: A swatch of cowhide contains 12 turquoise stones worth 10 gp each and a strange swirling jasper (mote of mold earth).
post 1167 room of many dwarves	118 gp
Post X skeleton room	ring of fire resistance
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Here's my subtotals for the cash:

1. Cash or equivalent:

190 sp and 9 gp
3 small malachites worth 10 gp each
600 gp
1000 sp and 90 pp
12 turquoise stones worth 10 gp each
118 gp


2. Supplies, perhaps not taken:
* Boat, cargo hold full of loot: casks of ale Salted fish 12 bundles of cured pelts worth 40gp each

* There is a supply of cheeses and smoked fish hanging from the ceiling, as well as a dozen casks of ale (worth 10gp per cask)

* The books, a dozen in all, are worth 25 gp each.

3. Various magic items:
* an unfamiliar cloak (magic Cloak of water
* a spherical lapis lazuli (magic mote shape water
* a suit of earthplate armor (+1, cast, cast stoneskin once per long rest),
* a strange swirling jasper (mote of mold earth).
* Potion of healing

Steve Gorak

Thanks for the calcs [MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION]!

FYI, Dent and Carradoc started sharing the loot after the fight with the flyers, when we first met,
So cash equivalents need to be split 4 ways up to the fight, and 6 way for the rest of the adventure. It won't have a big impact since we starting making the

We'll also collect money from the adventurer's guild, 1000 gp six ways if I'm not mistaken ;-)

Also, [MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION], are you still ok with sharing all of Carradoc's ritual spells with Thaliss? If so, Thaliss will return the favor and we'll have a transcription party. [MENTION=552]Creamsteak[/MENTION], I'll take the transcription costs into account during the leveling-up calculations and subtract it from Thaliss' wealth.

Finally, Noblesse Oblige, Thaliss will give money to the destitute commoners that seem to need it, that showed proper deference and manners to his noble status during the trek to red larch, and don't look like scoundrels. [MENTION=552]Creamsteak[/MENTION], how many of the commoners would that be?



Steve Gorak

Question for you Creamsteak: during our trek to Red Larch, did the Dwarf sage mention that he wanted to recover his manuals? Thaliss would have asked him.

Also, the Did the Knight commander and the Dwarf sage mention weather there were other nobles in their caravan? The mission was to find a caravan of nobles from Mirabar, so are these two enough nobles? Perhaps these and the bodies we found were all the nobles? This would have been discussed during the journey

Also, FYI for the rest of the group, the mote of earth is one of the items we needed to recover and bring to the guild, so we'll likely loose it.


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