As far as hyperbole goes, good grief, seriously? Cite or it didn't happen? Gimme a break. Then again, considering the last time we had a "discussion" that went on for a while, it turned out that you completely misunderstood the entire discussion because you couldn't bother to actually read the discussion, so, perhaps I shouldn't be surprised. Really, this sort of thread shares a lot of similarities to the whole canon "discussion". It's an rhetorical strategy to be able to shut down the other side of a discussion without actually having to bother coming up with any sort of argument against the other side. Instead of "Well, change is bad, you're changing things, therefore it's bad, unless I happen to like the change, in which case, it's not really change and it's good" it's, "Well, no one actually wants what you think you want, so, why don't you stop asking?"