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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
Back in the Grotto

Caerth whistles, hoping that Screech the owl knows whether the area is truly clear, and secretly hoping that its presence will scare away the crow.

The black bird was just another animal, but under the circumstances the druid would rather have no crows around.
Screech comes when called and, indeed, when he appears the crow makes a hasty retreat. Once in the grotto, the bird hoots when it sees the young scrag and when the water troll dives into the water, Screech flaps over to the boat and lands on the bow. It hoots again and flaps his wings.

Caerth can feel that Screech is nervous about something and it's not the scrag. The bird wings back to Caerth's arm and climbs up onto his shoulder. The bird is on high alert.

Aureus makes her way back from wence they came, all the while in deep conversation with Cruel Justice. "What do you remember of your previous wielder and how did you end up stuck in a rock? What do you know of Kang, or perhaps you'd like to tell me yourself?" directing the second question at Kang.
Cruel Justice speaks to Aureus telepathically. "My previous wielder was a good warrior, but he and I clashed about morality. His heart was pure but he was to forgiving of those that broke laws. He and I rarely spoke. He did take good care of me, however, and we fought bravely together against the rooks before he fell. And I fell from the tower's heights when he died and found myself embedded in the stone where you found me.

"As for Kang, he is the quiet sort and likely won't speak to you. He, like myself is a Star Arm. We were forged from a magical rock that fell from the sky. There are five of us and we are all intelligent, if not moral. Kang is the least moral among us. Yet, he is still my brother and we have a desire to be together. He is happy, although he will not share you with me. You should pass him to one of the others."

OOC: Whoops, I forgot to mention that Cruel Justice is made from adamantine, and so is Kang, although he is so encrusted with dirt it is impossible to see. Kang needs a good cleaning. :)

Aureus can sense that Kang is touched by evil, but she cannot sense anything else about the weapon. If she tries to weild the magical stiletto dagger, she gains one negative level (as would any good character). That makes both Caerth or Quinn the best choices to weild Kang amongst the PCs. Lorien could as well, but it would not be ideal.)

Quinn looks nervously about as hes says, "This is indeed disturbingly easy, we should all be at the ready for anything." he pulls his spiked chain off its strap and continues to look about.
Quinn remains on alert on the edge of the quiet grotto. The dancing shadows on the walls remind him of the bats in the cavern, which makes him look up inadvertently. There aren't any bat but shadows are a bit unnerving.

OCC: Did you want to make official Listen and Spot checks?

"I'm not worried about that scrag, unless there are many more of them, but we should be careful," Lorien says. He notes Screech's behavior and once the bird is back with Caerth he says to the druid. "He seems nervous. Can you sense anything through him?"

Phar is unusually quiet as the make their way back to the boat. He shudders viably once as the pass the holes where the undead crossbowmen savaged them. He holds his bow ready and considers taking a shot at crow, but it hardly seems worth an arrow. "Speed is our ally now I think let us take the boat."
After Screech flies back to Caerth, Phar moves over towards the boat, but he doesn't untie it right away. He sense his familair is nearby, eating a mouse. He almost forgot about her/him (?). The bird is somewhere outside the grotto. Phar can sense that the bird is annoyed with him but is also worried — not about Phar but about something else that it sees. The bird feels threatened but doesn't seem to be in immediate danger.

Lorien notes the look on Phar's face. "What is it?"

OOC: What's your familiar's name again?
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Phar turns to Lorien and speaks quietly, "Featar (male hawk fyi) senses some danger. A bit of caution may be in order." Phar's eyes seek for trouble as he speaks.

OOC: [roll0]


Aureus dips Kang in the water and cleans the blade while speaking with Cruel Justice. "So what exactly is your agenda, and can you speak to Kang's agenda? My apologies for all the questions. Since we've found you there's been little down time to understand each other."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Caerth hesitates.

"Screech senses something wrong, too. I just can't seem to understand what he tries to warn us about, though."

The half-orc druid carefully scans the environs, alert for any threats.

OOC: Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Also, Caerth isn't likely to wield Kang, a metal blade. He's more a wood person, being a druid.


World of Kulan DM
Aureus dips Kang in the water and cleans the blade while speaking with Cruel Justice. "So what exactly is your agenda, and can you speak to Kang's agenda? My apologies for all the questions. Since we've found you there's been little down time to understand each other."
The blade`s adamantine is soon exposed but still a bit tarnished. Kang has been in filth so long that it will likely take a good oiling to clean it properly.

"My goal has always been to defeat the guilty. To punish those that have broken the laws of the land. Good and evil aren't as important as the law, but good is usually better for society. But when good lets corruption fester, then darkness can balance the equation, although it rarely does. No, it is better to stick to the laws, even if unjust, in order to root out the guilty and punish them accordingly. That is my purpose.

"Kang is more dedicated to the ideals of either 'mercy' or 'murder' depending on your point of view. Kang kills and it is often-"
Cruel Justice stops speaking internally and brightens its light. "Beware, Aureus, there is danger in the water!"

Aureus comes out of her reverie with the inteiigent blade and glances towards the grotto's water. She notes that Phar and the others are studying the grotto intensely, looking for danger.

Phar turns to Lorien and speaks quietly, "Featar senses some danger. A bit of caution may be in order." Phar's eyes seek for trouble as he speaks.
Phar immediately spots what is upsetting Featar, just at the edge of the grotto. The fins of several sharks are circling the entrance. They seem to be hunting.

occ: Official listen and spot:

spot and listen: 1D20+1 = [8]+1 = 9;1D20+1 = [5]+1 = 6
i hear nothink, i see nothink, i know nothink!
While keeping an eye out for baby scrags, Quinn notes a splashing sound that isn't a scrag. He sees that Phar is watching something in the water just outside the grotto. Then he sees it too. Sharks swimming back and forth.

Caerth hesitates.

"Screech senses something wrong, too. I just can't seem to understand what he tries to warn us about, though."

The half-orc druid carefully scans the environs, alert for any threats.
Caerth easily detects the sharks at the edge of the grotto. He sees two fins in the water. Then all of a sudden one of them turns and rushes into the grotto at full speed. The large shark dives deep and snaps at a young scrag that comes out of its hidden place, for a second. The shark barely misses causing the little scrag to flee back into a hidden place.

Another one of the juvenile scrags swims away and upward and then climbs up into the boat and stares down into the water hissing. The young aquatic troll then sees the group standing there, watching him. It lets out a sound that could be a yelp and tries to crawl out onto a nearby outcropping, but it falls into the water.

The shark rushes the little scrag and easily snatches it up in its jaws and tears it to pieces. Caerth has seen sharks do this to seals but never to something like a scrag. The shark doesn't seem interested in eating the scarg, just killing it.

The ichor in the water causes the shark to frenzy and soon the other shark is swimming into the grotto and thumping against the boat and then diving down to seek more scrags. The sharks cause the young scrags to panic and soon the water is churning with a dozen of the little beasties, as they try to escape the sharks in the grotto.

Five of them manage to climb up out of the water where they come face to face with the group. Two hiss from within the boat while two others climb out right near the heroes` feet. The fifth one find purchase on the outcropping that the other young scrag tried to climb up on. It picks up several loose pebbles and instinctively throws them at the sharks in the water. Then, all of a sudden a trident flashes out from somewhere unseen and skewers the scrag, pinning it to the wall.

There is a howl of primal joy that echoes through the grotto. Whatever made it is either invisible or so stealthy that the group cannot see it or hear its movements. Two more tridents flash out. The first just passes over Lorien's head and clangs off the rock behind. "Gods! That was close!"

The second trident catches Quinn unaware, as he watches the sharks in the water. It flashes out of the shadows near the grotto's entrance and slices his arm, nearly entangling with his chain. The trident falls to the ground in front of him where one of the scrags is crawling out of the water. It looks at the wepaon, considering its options. There is another primal howl and this time, the group can see the source.

A medium-sized humanoid, thing, is clinging to the inside of the grotto's rocky wall. It seems to be sticking to the wall, half facing the group. It's torso is above the water and visible, but it's lower half is nearly invisible in the water. It's head is covered in scraggly hair and it carries another trident on its back. It's body is covered in shells that look like barnacles encrusting it. It's face is covered by the shell of a long-dead sea creature and it's eyes peer through holes that have been hollowed out of the shell. It howls again and two others of its kind suddenly appear, as almost out of nowhere. One comes through the grotto's opening being pulled along by a third shark while the third humanoid appears at the edge of the ledge, clinging to the wall, half submerged.

OOC: Roll Initiative!

Surprise Round attack vs. Lorien: Thrown Trident > 1d20+10=11 (misses flat-footed AC)
Surprise Round attack vs Quinn: Thrown Trident > 1d20+10=22 (hits flat-footed AC); Damage > 1d8+2=3 (nuts, I rolled a 1. :p )
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Caerth was already alert, and the half-orc shoots an arrow at the first sight of their opponent.

OOC: Attack with longbow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


World of Kulan DM
Caerth was already alert, and the half-orc shoots an arrow at the first sight of their opponent.
The arrow flies true over the water and into the torso of one of the humanoids. It, he, yells in anger. Caerth senses a familiarity regarding these creatures, but he's not sure where he might have heard of them before. It wasn't his mentor. No, it from someone else, if her could only remember...

OOC: This would be a Knowledge (local) check, if you (or anyone else) choose to roll.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
The gladiator considers the arena he is in: All of his compatriots are in the boat, sharks in the water, scrags are in the boat and some sort of enemy who throws tridents while hard to see. Taking his trusty chain in hand he sees the scrags as the threat to be dealt wit first, the sharks will have to wait for his justice.

Then it occurs to him where he has seen the trident throwers before, a long time ago! as he is fighting the scrags he inform everyone what he remembers.

Quinn's Result
Quinn's memory flashes back to his time in the arena. He once fought a match against aquatic opponents in a flooded coliseum. Most of them were just animals, but the main draw that day was a single warrior who looked exactly like the ones Quinn is facing now. This had been in his earliest days fighting for the crowd, and he remembers that it took four men to kill even one of these creatures. It was called a Koalinth, a type of aquatic goblinoid that was covered in shell armor and could blend with the water, making it nearly invisible to the untrained eye.

Attack/Damage 10 ft reach: 1D20+14 = [7]+14 = 21;1D20+9 = [5]+9 = 14;2D4+7 = [1, 2]+7 = 10;2D4+7 = [4, 1]+7 = 12
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