• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Xanathar's Guide to Everything -- new mechanical expansion/UA book! -- November 10 with a limited-edition cover by Hydro74


Maybe I don't see a solo Eberron book coming anytime soon, but maybe a multiverse book with rules for multiple settings, and some reprint of the flavor would fit well. It would be a perfect place to put the artificer and mystic in 2018.

That indeed has been my hope and request for several years now. We'll have to see what the fall of 2018 will bring! :)

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Dances with Gnolls
Sounds like a fair book to purchase.
Pretty sad that the Mass combat rules won't be in. I was really looking forward to those. Ah well... maybe next time.

As a point of perspective, I don't totally know who Xanathar is, other than a beholder in charge of a thieves guild apparently, and this was all learned from this thread. Frankly, that he is part of some FR lore will factor exactly 0% into my decision to by this book. I find it pretty weird that someone would get hung up on something like that. It has to be titled something, may as well be that. Probably better than what I would come up with.

Just my 2 cp.

I would've liked functional mass combat rules in, which the UA attempts weren't. I guess they thought it'd take too much effort to go back to the drawing board on those in time for publication.


Sounds like a fair book to purchase.
Pretty sad that the Mass combat rules won't be in. I was really looking forward to those. Ah well... maybe next time.

I would have been upset about it if the rules had ever been any good, but especially the previous mass combat rules had so many problems I found them causing problems that never existed before on top of not fixing the problems that did exist... which really would make putting them in the game officially a massive mistake. IMO


Of course... that indeed begs the question why they would ever bother to develop and print a 5E Eberron campaign setting book if all of the non-mechanic sections (basically 95%) are the same as what they've already printed twice before. Personally, I don't see it happening. Not for this setting at least.
Presumably because the older books are out of print, and no longer available in most shops - out of sight, out of mind - so providing a concise setting book for Khorvaire (aka Eberron Adventurer's Guide) would be beneficial for new or returning players who would potentially want to play Eberron in 5e.

I would like to see books similar to SCAG providing a sort of lite gazette for the Worlds of D&D. That may even be one way to approach a setting book: Worlds of D&D. A single hardbound book providing some info and basic mechanics on the various famous settings of D&D that aren't FR.


Presumably because the older books are out of print, and no longer available in most shops - out of sight, out of mind - so providing a concise setting book for Khorvaire (aka Eberron Adventurer's Guide) would be beneficial for new or returning players who would potentially want to play Eberron in 5e.

I would like to see books similar to SCAG providing a sort of lite gazette for the Worlds of D&D. That may even be one way to approach a setting book: Worlds of D&D. A single hardbound book providing some info and basic mechanics on the various famous settings of D&D that aren't FR.

Oh absolutely... if WotC was to release any setting material for the non-FR settings, I definitely think it will be in either a large tome that has significant chapters on the "big five" or so settings with both setting info and mechanics... or they decide to do smaller SCAGish books for the settings individually.

The one thing I don't think will happen though is the full and complete "Campaign Setting" tome that many people keep wanting/demanding for even Forgotten Realms. Where (like in the 3E FRCG) they have write-ups on every kingdom in the Realms, there are huge sections on Realms history, on magic, and religion, and the gods, etc. etc. If they aren't willing to spend their production budget of time and money to make a tome like that for the Realms (a setting you could possibly justify because indeed the timeline advances so there is conceivably "new stuff" going on in a lot of those areas)... then they are NEVER going to do those giant books for Dark Sun and Eberron because they just did them for 4E, and nothing will have changed (other than game mechanics for PCs and the statblocks for NPCs).

At that point... easiest and cheapest thing to do (for both WotC *and* the players would would like to play in those settings) is for just the "Worlds of D&D" type of book to point to DMs Guild and tell people "If you want even more detail... the setting info you can get from any of the setting books released during 1E/2E/3E/4E are all still valid, unchanged, and because they are PDFs of older books, much less expensive for you the consumer."
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Will they be featuring any of the UA feats?

Not necessarily. I think a lot of the UA feats were being presented to us not for "balance checks" per se, but whether the type of feats they gave us were things we might be interested in. So for instance, the "weapon group" feats (like Spear Master or whatever it was called), if respondents said that type of feat wasn't interesting to them, then they could shelve those feats and they wouldn't appear in the book.

I have no doubt there will be some feats in XGtE... I just can't say for certain that the ones they gave us in UA would make the cut.

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