D&D 5E Can Objects Be Hidden?

Can Objects Be Hidden?

  • Yes. Objects can be Hidden.

    Votes: 71 89.9%
  • No. Objects cannot be Hidden.

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Joke Answer. Insert LOLs here.

    Votes: 7 8.9%

How? Show the rule. I mean, clearly you can hide an object, but the game doesn't provide any way to do so. A DM has to come up with his own rules for it.

What the world become? I suppose no one in the game world wipes their behind after doing their business either because, after all, there are no rules for it. :hmm:

Heck, there are no rules for waste elimination at all so I suppose no creature in the game world can do it. Extrapolating from that, since there ARE rules for required nourishment but no rules for pooping we can assume that every creature in the multiverse just blows up! No more game world, thank you for playing.

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Morkus from Orkus
What the world become? I suppose no one in the game world wipes their behind after doing their business either because, after all, there are no rules for it. :hmm:
False Equivalence is false. There are is no need for a rule to wipe your behind. There is a need for rules on hiding objects, or there wouldn't be any rules for finding them.


Oh this is where the title goes?
Yes, but digging a hole doesn't really require a DC the way hiding an object does. I also agree that there are lots of ways to come up with reasonable rules for hiding things. It just seems odd to me that the game would provide rules for finding objects, but not actually hiding them. It doesn't seem like it would have take a lot of time to add it to investigation or stealth as wisdom checks. As it stands, hiding objects will vary quite often from table to table.
I reckon that is because in a typical game, players have to find objects a lot more often than they have to hide them.

False Equivalence is false. There are is no need for a rule to wipe your behind. There is a need for rules on hiding objects, or there wouldn't be any rules for finding them.

So start there. There are numerous examples of hidden objects in adventures over the years. Some are easier to find than others. If you place an object in the top drawer of a desk it is "hidden" from view. How does one find such a hidden object? Opening the drawer would be a good bet I suppose. Some objects may be more carefully hidden. A great example is a pirate treasure buried on some island. The map is the key to finding the treasure, but once you have the map, some knowledge about where to start is required. Which island? Depending on circumstances, this kind of thing cannot always be distilled into a simple DC X check. Therefore no simple "one rule to rule them all" is going to suffice for all hidden objects.

Not every single aspect of play is going to map to a simple beat value X by rolling die Y and adding modifier Z. If it did then I would have no interest in playing.

...It just seems odd to me that the game would provide rules for finding objects, but not actually hiding them....

See my original post about people mining the rules to find 'odd' inconsistencies in the rules then complaining about them. Yes, the rules are not perfect as a set of perfect rules would be infinite. As a DM your job is to fill in the holes via interpolation from other, similar rules or whatever seems to make sense at the time. A recent poll of players I read showed that they value 'flexible' DMs, ie ones who can bend to the situation and continue the story regardless of what's thrown at them, in a fun and exciting way. That's D&D.

...As it stands, hiding objects will vary quite often from table to table.
[Bill Murray in Stripes] "That's a fact, Jack!" [/Bill Murray in Stripes]


There are no rules for hiding an object??! What shall we do? How do we make a determination without a codified rule!
And what about breathing? There's no RULE for it!!
Or which foot goes first when walking!
The rules are broken.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


False Equivalence is false. There are is no need for a rule to wipe your behind. There is a need for rules on hiding objects, or there wouldn't be any rules for finding them.

Actually it's pretty clear that some people need rules for everything. If somebody needs rules for hiding an object they need clear rules for bum wiping too.

Seriously people. Hiding an object?
'Ok, how do you hide the widget?'
'I'll cover it with a blanket'
'So... DC15 perception check for anyone to notice something amiss, DC10 investigation for 'looking under the blanket'

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Oh this is where the title goes?
There are no rules for hiding an object??! What shall we do? How do we make a determination without a codified rule!
And what about breathing? There's no RULE for it!!
Or which foot goes first when walking!
The rules are broken.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

WOOT! Burn down those straw men!


False Equivalence is false. There are is no need for a rule to wipe your behind. There is a need for rules on hiding objects, or there wouldn't be any rules for finding them.

But what if I hide the object up my behind? Wiping might affect the Investigation DC positively.

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