Converting Oriental Adventures creatures


Tentacle +X melee (1d4+grab), constrict 1d10 works. And yes to the grapple bonus.

Ought to be pretty straightforward. How's this:

Octopus: An octopus origami has Speed 30 ft. plus the special attacks Improved Grab and Constrict. They attack with arms +X melee (1d4+3 damage). If their arms hit they can establish a hold without provoking an attack of opportunity by succeeding at a free action grapple check. Octopus origami can constrict a held opponent for 1d10+4 damage with a successful grapple check. Their grapple modifier is +Y and includes a +4 racial bonus.

Oh, and I forgot to add the Bee Warrior to the Working Draft.

Updating the Paper Warrior Working Draft.

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Extradimensional Explorer
Looks good to me!

The last origami is the locust: "Leaping Locusts: Distract one foe a round, treat as a protection from good (-2 to PCs attacks, +2 to shukenja saves)." The description of this as distraction doesn't really fit how protection from good works now (as a deflection bonus to AC and a save bonus, plus other effects). If we want to treat it as a distraction to an opponent, I guess we could have it move into the opponent's space and dazzle the opponent, maybe with some other effect. But it could be like the shield beetle, providing cover to the paper warrior for a fixed length of time or something. What do you think?


Looks good to me!

Updating the Paper Warrior Working Draft.

The last origami is the locust: "Leaping Locusts: Distract one foe a round, treat as a protection from good (-2 to PCs attacks, +2 to shukenja saves)." The description of this as distraction doesn't really fit how protection from good works now (as a deflection bonus to AC and a save bonus, plus other effects). If we want to treat it as a distraction to an opponent, I guess we could have it move into the opponent's space and dazzle the opponent, maybe with some other effect. But it could be like the shield beetle, providing cover to the paper warrior for a fixed length of time or something. What do you think?

The way it says "Locusts" plural and makes a distraction attack reminds me rather of a swarm.

Perhaps have it work a bit like a 1-square swarm?

Also, the wording suggests the locusts only distract their target when they make an action against the Paper Warrior (the shugenja in question).


Extradimensional Explorer
I like making it work like a normal swarm.

Leaping Locusts: Speed is fly 30 ft (poor). This origami can enter the space of another creature with no penalty. Any living creature that begins its turn with the leaping locusts in its space must make a DC X Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Strength(??)-based.

Not sure about Str-based for the DC, but it's probably better than Con. :p


I like making it work like a normal swarm.

Leaping Locusts: Speed is fly 30 ft (poor). This origami can enter the space of another creature with no penalty. Any living creature that begins its turn with the leaping locusts in its space must make a DC X Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Strength(??)-based.

If we literally make it move like a swarm shouldn't it provoke an attack of opportunity when moving into opponent's spaces? Also it ought to be able to squeeze through Diminutive gaps.

SRD said:
In order to attack, a single swarm moves into opponents’ spaces, which provokes an attack of opportunity.

…and it can squeeze through any space large enough to contain one of its component creatures.

I think I'd prefer to make the distraction Dexterity-based rather than Strength-based, it just feels "right". The DC's the same either way.

That'd make it:

Leaping Locusts #1: This origami is formed from thousands of paper insects but fights as a single Medium creature. Speed is fly 30 ft (poor). It attacks by moving into an opponent's space, which provokes an attack of opportunity. A leaping locusts can occupy the same space as a creature of any size, and it can squeeze through any space large enough to contain a Diminutive creature. Any living creature that begins its turn with the leaping locusts in its space must make a DC 16 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Dexterity-based.​

I am willing to entertain the previous "with no penalty" space entering if you can persuade me around to it:

Leaping Locusts #2: This origami is formed from thousands of paper insects but fights as a single Medium creature. Speed is fly 30 ft (poor). It can enter the space of another creature with no penalty. A leaping locusts can occupy the same space as a creature of any size, and it can squeeze through any space large enough to contain a Diminutive creature. Any living creature that begins its turn with the leaping locusts in its space must make a DC 16 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Dexterity-based.​

In closing, I'm wondering whether we should let it do a small amount of damage. I guess giving it 1d6 swarm damage would make it too good compared to the other origami.

…hold on, what happened to the Octopus origami I added to the Paper Warrior Working Draft. last update? It's vanished!

Better re-update it.


Extradimensional Explorer
No, that's funny, I don't know why I put in the no penalty bit. Let's go with option 1, like the regular swarm.

Any other special abilities left?


No, that's funny, I don't know why I put in the no penalty bit. Let's go with option 1, like the regular swarm.

Updating the Paper Warrior Working Draft.

Any other special abilities left?

Yes, Chomei has some martial special abilities:

OA2 said:
Chomei’s martial arts special maneuvers are: pain touch, prone fighting, one finger, fall, missile deflection, iron skin and speed.

While we do that we also need to decide on the Paper Warrior's Martial Training (or Martial Artistry) ability. So far we've used:

Martial Artistry (Ex): The Veiled Maidens possesses the bonus feats, evasion, fast movement and unarmed strike abilities of a 3rd-level monk. Furthermore, the Veiled Maidens possesses the base attack bonus and base saving throw bonuses of a monk of a level equal to its Hit Dice.

Martial Training (Ex): The Reaper was a master martial artist in life, and retains the martial skills it once possessed. The Reaper possesses the base attack bonus of a fighter of a level equal to its Hit Dice, and qualifies for fighter feats as if its Hit Dice were fighter levels. It is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and gains an insight bonus to AC equal to its Wisdom bonus.

The General has the same as the Reaper, except it starts "The General was a masterful fighter in life, and retains the martial skills it once possessed."

Martial Training (Ex): The Shadow Walker was a masterful fighter in life, and retains the martial skills it once possessed. The Shadow Walker possesses the base attack bonus of a rogue of a level equal to its Hit Dice, and qualifies for fighter feats as if had fighter levels equal to its BAB. It is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and gains an dodge bonus to AC equal to its Intelligence bonus.

As a shukenja, the original character presumably had access to that class's special abilities, the game-relevant ones being:

Religious Rituals: Among these is the ritual of purification, which can lift curses (5% per level) and ward off evil influences (5 ft. radius, grants everyone in circle +1 on hit rolls and saves when fighting evil spirits while shukenja in circle).

I guess we could reverse these into a bestow curse SLA and a magic circle against good SLA? Maybe give one or both a longer than usual caster time and duration?

Ki Ability: usable once per day per level (so 8/day in this case), grants a +3 on the next saving throw.

We also need to qualify the Paper Warrior's Rejuvenation and Special Weakness.


Extradimensional Explorer
Whew. Well, let's start with the Martial Artistry/Training. What SRD base class is a shukenja closest to? Sounds vaguely ranger-ish (ie, some casting, some fighting) or maybe monk/cleric hybrid.


Whew. Well, let's start with the Martial Artistry/Training. What SRD base class is a shukenja closest to? Sounds vaguely ranger-ish (ie, some casting, some fighting) or maybe monk/cleric hybrid.

It's a subclass of cleric.

They basically have worse armour selection than a standard AD&D cleric, 6-sided Hit Dice instead of d8s, but get roughly equivalent weapons, a free unarmed martial arts plus a ki power and a few miscellaneous religious powers.

They had their own spell list and spells-per-level table which is roughly equivalent to a regular cleric.


Extradimensional Explorer
Well, if it's mostly a cleric, I probably wouldn't even have Martial Artistry or Training, maybe just Imp. Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. But I could see giving it Martial Artistry with the powers of a quite low-level monk if you'd prefer, not that there's much difference. Does that work for you?

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