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D&D 5E What do you think of this WotC retweet?

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Staff member
She’s posting a message of NOT letting game design being the Kingdom of All White Guys being a self-fulfilling prophesy by asking more women and POCs applying for this job (and by implication, others in the industry). WOTC’s retweet is merely echoing the sentiment.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I don't think there is wrong with anything the lady said(other than the risk part.....there is zero risk to applying for this job),

Every time I've really wanted a job and been rejected from getting it, I felt bad about it. Sometimes it's even influenced how I felt about applying for other jobs after that, as defeatism can sink in. It can make you doubt yourself and your experience and abilities.

Similarly, every time my wife auditions for a role she really wants and doesn't get the part, she feels an aspect of defeat (however fleeting that disappointment feeling may be - she's becoming pretty immune to it after all these years in that industry).

There is risk in applying for something you want. The risk is that feeling of rejection. Nobody likes that feeling. People react to it in different ways, and tend to feel the sting of it more keenly when it's something they really want. It can be defeating and harm ones self confidence.

That's the risk. It's a real risk. This person who Tweeted is just encouraging people, particularly people who may already feel intimidated by an industry that doesn't have a lot of people who look like them in it right now, to face the risk head-on despite the potential disappointed and rejection.

I like that she said that, and that WOTC re-tweeted that. I know when I felt those self-doubts when applying for things in the past, it's always been nice to hear a positive voice encouraging me to take the risk anyway. Hopefully her tweet was helpful to some people.

I have seen that other thread, and I don’t think this shows bias on WotCs part at all. We know minorities and women are underrepresented in this industry......

Let' say hypothetically 90% of people that play D&D are white men, if white men make up 90% of the jobs...are they over represented in that case?

I have seen that other thread, and I don’t think this shows bias on WotCs part at all. We know minorities and women are underrepresented in this industry, and all they are doing by retweeting is to say they support women and minorities to apply when they otherwise wouldn’t because they’d think they wouldn’t have a chance anyway because white men keep getting all the jobs. Just look at the OP. He was implying that he shouldn’t even bother to apply because this means he doesn’t have a chance. Well, that’s how women and minorities have been feeling the whole time.

It's against the law to discriminate. This isn't the 70s....there is literally no reason to be afraid now. This is America, racism is in it's death throws...the racists/sexists are an extreme minority.


Well, if that’s what you think, then you’re divorced from reality and have been living under a rock, that there is no point in continuing. And this thread will probably be locked in short order.

It's against the law to discriminate. This isn't the 70s....there is literally no reason to be afraid now. This is America, racism is in it's death throws...the racists/sexists are an extreme minority.

This isn't a political forum, and I don't mean this as a personal attack, but maybe pick up a newspaper. You can even stick to the headlines on the front page.


Let' say hypothetically 90% of people that play D&D are white men, if white men make up 90% of the jobs...are they over represented in that case?

It's against the law to discriminate. This isn't the 70s....there is literally no reason to be afraid now. This is America, racism is in it's death throws...the racists/sexists are an extreme minority.
This is demonstrably untrue.

I have no problem with the re-tweet. I'm secure in myself that I encourage everyone to compete.

Does this mean I support quotas? Nope. I didn't get into the college of my choice because I'm not a minority. It means I have a totally different life now than if I had attended that college. But I have taken my opportunities and have run with them. I'm happy with who I am and what I have accomplished.

I have no idea who I would be had I gotten into that college. I'm glad I didn't. Who knows what that life would have held, but it's not this one.

So, quotas bad; competition good.

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