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D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Storm King's Thunder: Waterdeep


"Greetings and salutations!" Gul addresses the Ettin, "This is a most grand establishment you have. We desire rooms for the night."

Gul feels a little ill at ease, given that they have just been fighting giants, but sees this as a good opportunity to learn more about how these folk think. He is happy to share a single room, since one may well be sufficient for the whole party!

When he is next in private, he will use the rod of the Vonindod again, to pin down the location of the previously detected adamantine!

The right Ettin head smiles down at Gul and says, "Oh boy, we're glad to see you! Not many small folk want to stay around here."

The other head swings to attention, "Are you really sure you want to do that? There are accommodations all over the city. Your golds good here, but we've had problems with small folk in the past."

The rod of the vonindod detects something on the ground floor, down the hallway.

The stable-boy is a very young hill giant who knows a little common and a little giant, but not a whole lot of either. "You want to stay here? Did Guh chase you out of your home too?"

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Willow watches with a conflicted look as Bell and Davaros leave. She understands how they feel, but doesn't want to pass up a chance to spend some time among peaceful giant-folk, and perhaps learn to understand them a little better.

She shrugs at Gul with a helpless look. "Let's stay for a drink, at least?"

The half-giant woman at the bar has mugs in normal proportions or quite a bit larger if necessary. She mostly serves a frothy herbal concoction, not quite heavy on the alcohol. "Rules are we can't serve anything that would cause a giant to pick a fight or the like. So root beer and water mostly. If I can be a bit forward, I presume you're not looking around here for novelties sake. If you've got business, just have at it and be on your way, no reason to stir things up and make a problem for us, right?"

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
The stable-boy is a very young hill giant who knows a little common and a little giant, but not a whole lot of either. "You want to stay here? Did Guh chase you out of your home too?"
"No one chased us," says Bellalalalalinda, keeping an eye on the shovel n the stableboy's hand. "But yes we want to stay. You won't tell anyone will you? What's your name?"

She waits for his answer. Depending on how he responds, she will ask about Guh, or offer some money, or offer to sit with him and learn what his understanding of this unusual place is.

With her Primeval awareness, Bellalalalalinda can communicate with beasts, and this might help with any skittish animals in the stable.


"Muk." The giant boy says. "Mama always called me Muk."

"Mama had to run away cause Guh became chief. Guh said all the other women had to die, and Guh would keep all the men for herself. She said she was the biggest so she was the best. Mama took Muk and ran, but she got hurt, but she'll get better and come back some day for me. Until then, uncle two-heads said he'd keep me around to help."


Gul smiled disarmingly at the barkeep, "Well, it's kind of a combination of factors really. So I'm glad that there will be no drunken giants causing fights, since that's the last thing we want."

He took a drink of the herbal brew and continued, "How many giants do you have staying here, there's one in particular whom we wish to speak amicably with, but in addition to that, we'd like to speak to anyone who knows about a connection between a cloud giant and magically animated puppets..?"

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Muk." The giant boy says. "Mama always called me Muk."

"Mama had to run away cause Guh became chief. Guh said all the other women had to die, and Guh would keep all the men for herself. She said she was the biggest so she was the best. Mama took Muk and ran, but she got hurt, but she'll get better and come back some day for me. Until then, uncle two-heads said he'd keep me around to help."

"That was kind of your uncle, Muk." Bellalalalalinda recoils at the thought of a leader killing all the women in her tribe -- this Guh was nasty business; like the giants she has learned about. "This Guy sounds like nasty business, Muk. Your mama didn't deserve that."

Was this pity in her voice? Surely not. But she nevertheless continued to talk to the boy, and offer any help she can, remaining unobtrusive.


Inside the inn the party there notices the arrival of a grumpy goblin to the establishment holding a massive paper box on a Tenser's Floating Disk. He gets to the front desk, and the room fills with the smell of warm baked bread, slightly burned cheese, and a tomato sauce. Gul and Davaros may recognize the goblin from "Dorkath's". He yells at the Ettin from under the box, "Delivery for you-know-who."

Almost simultaneously in response one of the hallway doors opens and a huge frost giant appears with a huge goofy smile on his face. "Skeez, my man! I didn't believe it could be true!" The frost giant stomps out to pick the paper box up off the disk and hands down a nice heavy bag that clinks with the sounds of coinage.

Skeez, the goblin, looks back and says, "Hey, portalier's work for tips you know."

The giant looks back, says, "oh", and then thumbs out a few more coins from a satchel on his belt.

Skeez looks up and says, "Thanks Harshnagg."

Voidrunner's Codex

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