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Most frustrating quirk of 5E?


Yes, it has always been wonky. However, there are degrees of wonkiness and this is quite a bit past being at 1 hit point without penalty. I'm personally fine with walking around on a light sprain and not seeing a doctor. I can't say the same about a broken ankle. ;)

I'm going to try a long rest taking a full week to happen and spreading out the encounter day. If that doesn't work, I'll try something else.

My group has played 5e, but my first time as DM will begin in January, so I'll know more about what I do and don't like then, and know better how I'm going to "fix" the things that bug me.

So, the wizard and sorc will get their slots and most abilities back over a week's rest but fighters, warlocks and other short rest guys are hourly rests?

i will be very interested in hearing how that goes.

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I'm partial to just imposing exhaustion and/or a lingering wound (as per the DMG) when characters drop to 0 hit points, for campaigns where overnight healing is inappropriate.


For a campaign running nearly 18 months i used the following:
Long rests do not regain any HP, just all your spent HD (so no HP but raise HD from half to full)
At any time a character gets healed they can spend HD to increase the healing gained (limited by spell level, making the HD a in-game in-play resource, not just a between encounters/sessions resource.)

The net result was that the short/long rest healing (spending HD) was put into competition for in-game in-play resources (HD spent to boost healing when in dire straights.)

There wasn't any overall increase in "time spent sitting and brooding over the adventuring we are not doing" with weekly delays in play, but the net result was fewer spells used for healing during combat and the emergency healing being able to help keep folks up and avoid going down to zero. But after things got to "get better for tomorrow, there were effective healing thru spells+HD to use (and various abilities that maximize those effects were golden.)

So, magic played a role and verisimilitude was maintained, without enforced downtime and 7-1 rations between short and long rests.

This led to more of a choice - the characters could choose downtime when they wanted, not be forced into it after some bad rolls cost them their Hp and weekly refresh rates demanded they sit things out (and that storylines be shoved into that square peg of a weekly recovery time frame as well.)

Carrying much of that forward into the next campaign as well, since it worked well last time. Considering dropping bits and fiddlies that in themselves did not really matter much and just complicated it.


While overnight healing may compound the issue, D&D, hit points, and near death experiences have always been wonky. You can be at 1 hp and you're as physically able as if you were at full hit points. You could be at -4, and with some minor healing magic you pop up with no ill effects. Now, like you said, you can be at death's door, and 8 hours of rest makes you right as rain.

While that's fine with many people (I just don't care, myself), I can see why it's a sticky point with some and why there are alternate rules (of questionable worth to some) in the DMG that addresses this. It's definitely something that I've seen people here address time and again.

Not quite going below 1hp you just popped back up with some healing....

"Any character brought to 0 (or fewer) hit points and then revived will remain in a coma far 1-6 turns. Thereafter, he or she must rest for a full week, minimum. He or she will be incapable of any activity other than that necessary to move slowly to a place of rest and eat and sleep when there. The character cannot attack, defend, cast spells, use magic devices, carry burdens, run, study, research, or do anything else. This is true even if cure spells and/or healing potions are given to him or her, although if a heal spell is bestowed the prohibition no longer applies."

AD&D 1e DMG pg 83 second paragraph under Zero Hit Points.

AD&D 2e DMG (black 'revised' printing) pg 104 Hovering on Deaths Door (optional rule) is slightly different from 1e. Otherwise 0 hps is ded dead.
(sorry cant copy paste from pdf I have)
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The only thing we changed was no full hp recovery on a Long Rest. Everything else is as written. Seems to be ok. Of course only 2 of us are old school.


My list is going to be a little different, as I started playing DnD with 3rd edition, and have little use for "old school".

1. 1 hour short rests. I get that 5 minutes from 4e was too short ... but I generally run a short rest at 15-30 minutes. Warlocks, Monks and other classes feel a little too handicapped by that length of rest. Also, I wish other classes also had more short rest resources.

2. Spellcaster Monsters. DMing 4e with complete monster stat blocks was a revelation, and I really hate running monsters that force me to flip through the Magic chapter of the PHB.

3. For all the talk of Magic items are not necessary, there's an awful lot of monsters that are resistant to non-magical weapons.

4. While I'm pleased with the restraint of the development team and lack of splatbook glut, I'm also annoyed that I still don't have proper Eberron (my favourite campaign setting) and Psionics support yet.

5. Subraces are not my thing.


Some of the things I'm not a fan of in 5e.

Dex to Damage.
That, without magic, small sized PC/NPCs such as halflings, gnomes, goblins, etc can reach a 20 str.
No ability score minimum for classes.
Full hit point recovery on long rest.
Attunement to few.
Skills need work.
Spell casting reduction for balance.


Morkus from Orkus
So, the wizard and sorc will get their slots and most abilities back over a week's rest but fighters, warlocks and other short rest guys are hourly rests?

i will be very interested in hearing how that goes.

I imagine there will be very little difference. Having multiple encounters in a day will usually allow for short rests before most, if not all encounters. Having multiple encounters over a week will be just about the same, but will virtually guarantee short rests before all encounters.


One thing I'll admit to not liking is the attunement limitation. the attunement requirement for some items is nice in that it's a logical way to prevent someone from just grabbing a newly acquired magical doodad and having full use. In some cases it makes perfect sense. But limiting it to three total?

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