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D&D 5E Curse of Strahd 'Revamped' Boxed Collector's Edition

If you're in the market for a revamped (geddit?) edition of Curse of Strahd (which is my favourite of all the D&D adventures so far) in a coffin-shaped box with additional material, you're in luck! This boxed set is coming out in October and costs $99.99. There's a whole bunch of stuff included: Updated softcover of the adventure itself, including errata and presumably some of the other...

If you're in the market for a revamped (geddit?) edition of Curse of Strahd (which is my favourite of all the D&D adventures so far) in a coffin-shaped box with additional material, you're in luck!


This boxed set is coming out in October and costs $99.99.

There's a whole bunch of stuff included:
  • Updated softcover of the adventure itself, including errata and presumably some of the other adjustments to Vistani talked about recently.
  • A short 20-book of monsters called Creatures of Horror.
  • Double sided poster map of Barovia and Castle Ravenloft.
  • A Tarokka deck and 8-page booklet.
  • Handouts for players.
  • A dozen 'postcards' from Barovia.
  • A DMs Screen.
Screen Shot 2020-07-27 at 7.37.59 PM.png

Updates to the original adventure include errata, minor tweaks, and sections of text which have been identified as problematic regarding the Vistani.

IGN has a video looking inside the box.

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Dire Bare

There's no point in putting a hardcover book in a boxed set. The whole point of a book's hard cover it to make it essentially its own "box" so that it can stand upright on shelves and not get creased or bent badly. But if you're putting the all information into a cardboard box... why spend the extra weight and extra cost by binding the books in a hard cover? That's a complete waste of money and resources, plus raising the price unneccesarily.
Good point!

Although, I suppose, a hardcover feels more quality than a softcover . . . even if that's just silly perception.


Because you're handling the books at the game table and reading them for fun away from the table?
I am neither disagreeing with you nor agreeing with you, but....

Games Workshop does this

...is never a valid argument. 😉

Okay, except when it comes to the quality of their minis (says the person that hasn't played 40K since its 5th edition, but bought the Prophecy of the Wolf set when it went on preorder---the new Ghaz and Makari looked too good to pass up for this old warboss).

Also, GW doesn't do this with all their boxed sets (Prophecy of the Wolf being the most recent, plus at least a couple starter sets in the past--not sure about 8th or, now, 9th edition).


I might get this one. Not a fan of the shape of the box, neither of the softcover but I really dig the rest.
I'm in much the same boat. On the shape of the box—I like it for its kitsch factor, but hate it for the more practical reasons of shelf real estate and clashing with the presentation of the existing rule books and boxed sets. As for the soft cover... I get why they did it, but I'm not a fan of the decision.

All that said, though, I might end up getting it. I never picked up CoS or the Tarokka deck, so this is tempting.


Rotten DM
I check my hardcover of Strahd. I think it is a third printing. The 10 and 1 are missing on the credits page.
Vistani Bandits Changed. Page 32 COS. Drop “evil” & “Smoking”. Basically edited first line in paragraph.

Page 231 under Ezmerelda’s secret. Put a period after appendage and dropped the rest of the sentence.
That is all I could find comparing to D&D beyond version of Strahd.
Oh does anyone have links to legal pdfs of the pull out. Generally if I dm a hardcover, I send a pdf to Office Depot and get a 2 by 3 foot poster printed up.


But those are not big changes. Yes, they are important ones, but those don't make this a new edition. They just corrected those issues (he even mentioned surgically), but nothing more.

A real update would be to include things like:
  • Flowcharts, like all the recent campaigns have them
  • Encounters that scale to player number (like in the Essentials Kit)
  • Rewrite parts of the adventure if there was feedback about (gameplay, logic) issues. I haven't run or played the adventure, but I'm sure there was a lot of feedback regarding this
  • And / or whatever they might come up with, that woul make it version 2.0 (or at least 1.5. This seems to be nothing more than 1.1)

I totally agree, I don't think people, who already have the "old" module will buy this again. Even I, as a big DnD collector will not buy this one (I have the 1st book with the same map included, also the DM-screen and the Tarokka deck, so nothing new here). They could have solved the "problems" with an errata on de wizards site.

Also this is the second time they do a "reprint" of a module.. like they also did with Hoard of the Dragon queen. I hope not that that wizards will do that for more modules. They better spent time to produce new content. But, if I understand Chris Perkins well in the IGN video, there is a possibility that they will do this more often.


#1 Enworld Jerk™
I check my hardcover of Strahd. I think it is a third printing. The 10 and 1 are missing on the credits page.
Vistani Bandits Changed. Page 32 COS. Drop “evil” & “Smoking”. Basically edited first line in paragraph.

Page 231 under Ezmerelda’s secret. Put a period after appendage and dropped the rest of the sentence.
That is all I could find comparing to D&D beyond version of Strahd.

Between these minute changes and the minor corrections made to Tyranny of Dragons I'm pretty cynical about these "new & improved" versions of these releases. Why isn't this just a new printing with corrections? In both cases now they had the opportunity to go back and really improve these adventures (Tyranny of Dragons especially) and they didn't. Instead it's just, really, a corrected printing with some fancy extras or a new cover to get you to buy it twice. I know a fugazi when I see one.


@eyeheartawk I can see them combining the books to make Tyranny as long as they let the two go out of print. The box set of I6 is not a problem publishing wise but just a hip grandma gift. And I do hope the whatever printing of Strahd is updated with the new editing. :) :) had to look up fugazi.

Fugazi: had to look it up too ;)
For others"
fugazi. (US, chiefly military, especially during the Vietnam War era, slang) naughty word up; broken, damaged beyond repair. quotations ▽. Synonyms: FUBAR; see ..." LOL


I totally agree, I don't think people, who already have the "old" module will buy this again. Even I, as a big DnD collector will not buy this one (I have the 1st book with the same map included, also the DM-screen and the Tarokka deck, so nothing new here). They could have solved the "problems" with an errata on de wizards site.

Also this is the second time they do a "reprint" of a module.. like they also did with Hoard of the Dragon queen. I hope not that that wizards will do that for more modules. They better spent time to produce new content. But, if I understand Chris Perkins well in the IGN video, there is a possibility that they will do this more often.
@eyeheartawk I can see them combining the books to make Tyranny as long as they let the two go out of print. The box set of I6 is not a problem publishing wise but just a hip grandma gift. And I do hope the whatever printing of Strahd is updated with the new editing. :) :) had to look up fugazi.

Yes, the same changes are in the new hardcover printing, and Dan Dillon confirmed on Twitter that the Errata document will be on the website soon.

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