DUNE Movie: Thoughts, Opinions, and Impressions


Yes, but in the book we get told about her state, and how she is exerting that control. The movie doesn't give us internal monologue - so they have a choice of whether to show the internal, or leave her stony, but leaving the viewers with questions about her as a mother.
That was one of things the Lynch version gets excoriated for, but I thought was a clever touch- the occasional 'hearing' of the character's thoughts- especially when the actors acted along with it, like in the case of the Reverend Mother contemplating whether Paul would be 'ours to control' if he was, indeed, the Kwisatz Haderach. In particular, the scene with Paul in his bedchamber and the hunter-seeker was tense and exciting in the Lynch version, where in the new movie it was just a stunted scene where people who didn't know the story already were probably just confused until after it resolved.

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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
That was one of things the Lynch version gets excoriated for, but I thought was a clever touch- the occasional 'hearing' of the character's thoughts- especially when the actors acted along with it, like in the case of the Reverend Mother contemplating whether Paul would be 'ours to control' if he was, indeed, the Kwisatz Haderach. In particular, the scene with Paul in his bedchamber and the hunter-seeker was tense and exciting in the Lynch version, where in the new movie it was just a stunted scene where people who didn't know the story already were probably just confused until after it resolved.
This is something that was often done on the stage for plays. It's also in quite a bit of 60's-70's TV. I think soaps used it to death and a lot of folks associate internal monologues as cheesy. It does seem a little odd in the visual medium, where it makes a lot of sense in literature. I prefer the modern method of coming up with exposition that lays out the character's thoughts for the audience. An example (I made up) from Baron Harkonen, "...because my nephew we cant be seen as colluding with the Emperor against the Atreides, the other houses would revolt. This is why we spend so much time on subterfuge as opposed to an outright war we couldn't win alone."


Did a second theater viewing today, and enjoyed it even more than the first. Second and third viewings are good for picking up little things you missed the first time around because your brain is doing that initial processing of the big things. Love this movie. Will probably see it a third time in the theater in a week or two.


LOVED the movie. I thought it absolutely awesome.

I think that both Dunes before this one (the 80s movie and the miniseries) were actually more accurate to the book (This movie has bald harkonnens and NO redheads? Really???, only the Beast and no other besides the Baron??? Duncan does WHAT after the attack...he gets this glorious big battle scene all on his lonesome???).

They took some liberties with the book. I suppose the second part should be more accurate than the 80s movie's second half (wierding way and all) if they at least try, but the way they are going I would guess the miniseries will still be the most true to the books after it is released.

I still loved the movie, thought it was GREAT!


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
But we don't get real differentiation to show us them being totally awesome. I was waiting for it! Visually and plot-wise the invasion seemed like it succeeded because of surprise, chicanery (ahem... you know what I mean), and overwhelming force. There was never a moment visually when I remember seeing the Sarduakar do something impressive ... not even in comparison to the Harkonnen.

....maybe that one scene where the Harkonnen troops were advancing, and the Sarduakar landed behind, but it didn't work for me. I just never saw/felt their relative strength. Heck, Aquaman was taking them out with no problem. ;)
I have not read the books, but enjoyed this movie. IMO, the more important take-away from the Sardaukar involvement was not so much that they were elite badasses, but that they represent the Emperor taking an active role in House Atreides' fall. That they are elite warriors can be told and not necessarily shown in this case. If it was merely told that they participated in the attack, and we never saw them engaged (as overwhelming warriors or not), it would be a weaker film.

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