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Enemies, Allies, and Ideas for Sidereals, Eternals, and above

Wow, this is a lot. Great work Beefermatic. How are your Star Demons made?
Thank you!

Star Demons aren't very strong they're more like bacteria in the pleroma like a disease to the Time Lords. They're just Half Fiend Human of Legends. I give them 15 hit dice each though that's just from life experience and not racial and just use basic human stats but gain the Half Fiend and Monster of Legend templates and that's all.

They come in in swarms of billions moving throughout the pleroma like locusts. One special ability they have is they have a jaw that can unhinge and split in the middle granting them a d8 bite attack and also have an ability called adaption that allows them to survive in any environment and without the need to breathe in space or underwater or need any protection on say the plane of Fire.
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Can you make stats for a low level Hyperborian (like 15 or so?) I know you gave a template but I'm curious on what exactly they are like..
I have used an Hyperborean for an NPC of level 9th in my campaign. At that level the only particular thing is Cha or Wis at AC, +1/2/3 Perfection bonus, a little of natural armor, 2/3 Divine Ability (much of it you cannot take because you neet 40+ to ability score or epic feats you cannot take), a weak Prana Blast [Effect] at that level, a little of DR and Spell Resistance 11/12+HD. At that level its not very impacting. (In my campaing the NPC was totaly destroyed by 3 PC 3 levels lower.)
Edit: and maximized hp, I didn't write it because it's something I use by default
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Can you make stats for a low level Hyperborian (like 15 or so?) I know you gave a template but I'm curious on what exactly they are like..
I'll absolutely drop the stats. I actually have several low level Hyperboreans. 2 Level 15ish ones and a level 30 and 50 one as well.

You may be a little underwhelmed though. They're able to hang with Gods but they're not really able to easily win. Not unless in groups.

I have a dbzish class I use called the prana warrior I use for them as well, so I'll drop that on here as well.
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Aether, Hyperborean 2nd Class Soldier, CR 37

This large bald dark skinned man wears a form fitting spandex suit with strange armor seemingly made of enamel with matching boots and gauntlets. He is enormously muscular and has vibrantly glowing emerald eyes. His eyes, shining with cold malevolence rest upon you, watching you. A wicked smirk slowly creeps across his lips as a brilliant green aura suddenly surrounds him.

NE Medium Humanoid (Paragon)
Init +21, Senses: Perception +43, Darkvision 30, Low Light Vision

Speed 1,000ft Fly 2,000 (2,000ft base, 4,000 Fly in Boost)

AC: 86 ( +7 Armor, +18 Dex, +12 Natural, +1 Dodge, +15 Deflection, +15 Luck, +15 Insight, +3 Perfection) Touch: 63, Flat Footed: 54
Hit Dice: 15d12 Prana Warrior, +15 Favored Class, +15 Toughness, Max HP (585 hp 615 Boost)
Fort +59, Ref +59, Will +53 (+2 in Boost)
Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 34/+2 (14/-), Spell Resistance 43, Fast Healing 20, Force Field 50/+1 regen per round, Disheartening Dodge, Infinite Reflection, Fire/ Cold Resistance 10

-Fists 2d6 +47, +1d12 Force, +15d3, +Dazzle DC 43 Fort x2 Crit(+69/+69/+69/+64/+64/+59)

-Barrage 2d6+23, +1d12 Force, +3d3, +Dazzle DC 43 Fort x2 Crit (+67/+67/+62/+62/+57 Ranged Touch)

-Prana Blast 8d10+23, +1d12 Force, +3d3, + Dazzle (Ranged Touch +69)

Special Attacks: Prana Blast, Prana Effect, Iatric Effect, Explosive Blast, Aura Blast, Line Blast, Barrage, Sunderer, Constant Stream, Asunder, Spell Like Abilities

Special Qualities: Luck, Insight, Constant Training, Sunderer

Str 48 +19 (52 (+21) while Boosted)
Dex 43 +16 (47 (+18) while Boosted
Con 42 +16 (46 (+18) while Boosted)
Int 33 +11
Wis 35 +12
Cha 36 +13 (40 (+15) while Boosted)
Base attack+15; CMB +77; CMD 95

Feats: Toughness, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Deflect Arrows, Endurance, Diehard, Second Wind, Snap Kick

Epic Feats: Infinite Deflection, Reflect Arrows, Exceptional Deflection, Fire Baptism, Mathesis, Expert Strike

Divine Abilities: Disheartening Dodge, Multifaceted, Force Field, *Celerity, *Prana Hand

Skills: All Skills 31+ Relevant Ability Modifier

Languages: Polyglot

Environment: Outer Space
Organization: Unique, with Hyperborean Soldiers (1d6+1

Treasure: Space Armor, Boots of Celerity, Pranic Focus Gauntlets, Tracking and Targeting Computer, Universal Translator, Personal Warp Hole Generator, NPC Hyperborean gear

Aether is a powerful Hyperborean Soldier, a natural born Paragon, he was quickly recruited by the Hyperboreans and quickly rose through the ranks to reach the status of a Second Class Soldier meaning he works closely with superior officers and commands a small squadron of men himself. Sociopathic and violent, he is nonetheless a capable warrior and trusted and loyal soldier. He will do whatever it takes to conquer the cosmos in the name of Hyperborea and the Ultimate, and for himself..


Aether is a relentless combatant and a terrifying foe. He is blindingly fast and makes judicious use of his prana blast abilities to crush those who resist him. He gets off on allowing foe’s despair to take root within them before forcing them to beg before he breaks them in half, killing both their body and spirit, in his mind, this is true conquest.

Aether relies on his speed, durability and prana based abilities to pressure foes until they capitulate. He is remorseless and cruel, taking delight in watching hapless cities fall to his wrath and watching the light in so called heroes eyes fade away as they realize they cannot win and everything they held dear will soon melt away in Pranic fire.

He uses his superior abilities to outperform opponents, his natural luck and skill to keep himself safe and his force field and fast healing to protect him from attacks. He targets spellcasters first before going after melee types drawing the battle out to the point of exhaustion like a cat toying with mice.

Against serious threats he creates a Shadow Image, and tries to find weaknesses in their capabilities, he knows if he draws a fight on long enough, his Fire Baptism, Expert Strike and Disheartening Dodge will allow him to defeat even powerful foes, he is willing to use bystanders and an enemy’s loved ones as bargaining chips and will mercilessly attack population centers if he feels it will grant him an advantage, but he is not willing to die for a pointless or lost cause and will flee if he is badly injured.

If utterly outmatched he will attempt to use his ship to provide an orbital bombardment before fleeing to it’s location using his warp hole generator and using his ship to escape into deep space.

Special Abilities:

-Spell Like Abilities: CL 30

At Will: Dimension Hop (Immediate Action)

1/Minute: Dimension Door

1/Hour: Teleport (no chance of failure)

3/day: Greater Dispelling, See Invisibility, Haste

1/day: Greater Teleport

Prana Effect (Su): Aether Assaults foes with his own Life Energy, naturally he can only imbue his Aura with Prana and fire a weak Prana beam, his Pranic Focus Gauntlets allow him to deal Prana Damage with his fists as per the ‘Hand’ effect and allow him to deal Prana Effect damage with his ‘Prana Blast’ abilities. His Space Armor creates terrifying and epic music within the range of his Aura granting him some additional abilities with his Aura as well.

-Beam (Ray) 12d3 120 ft range

-Hand 15d3 Melee Touch or with Unarmed Strike

-Storm 3d3 75ft radius, Ref DC 43/half or None DC 43 Fort vs Dazzled 1 round, constant effect. Applies Space Armor’s musical effect as well

Prana Use (Su): Aether can manifest a number of powerful effects with his mastery of Prana, his own Life Force. He gains a Perfection bonus to AC, Saves, Attack, CMB and CMD equal to his Charisma Modifier. Burning his Life Force away like this makes him age much quicker and he loses 1% of his total max lifespan every level.

Prana Pool (Su): 156 Prana Points per Day

Prana Blast (Su): Aether can unleash blasts of pure Life Energy, these use Prana Points to manifest and can be modified in a number of ways, these attacks deal bludgeoning damage equal to the dice indicated and stack with Prana Effect dealing an additional 3d3 damage and his Luck Paragon ability dealing +25 additional damage. He can manifest his Prana Blast in the following ways:

-Prana Blast: Prana cost 8
As a Standard Action Aether deals 8d10 Bludgeoning Damage at a range of 120 feet as a Ranged Touch Attack, boosting effects can be stacked if applicable, damage can be Maximized for 8 additional Prana

-Barrage: Prana cost 0
Aether can opt to use small Prana Blasts in lieu of normal attacks, this use of Prana blast uses no Prana and hits with a Ranged Touch Attack out to a range of 120 feet, but deals damage as an unarmed attack with no Strength Modifier, this cannot be stacked with any other ability

-Area Blast: Prana cost 4
Range 40 Feet radius centered on Aether
Aether unleashes a charged aura of Prana that deals 4d10 Bludgeoning damage and sends foes hurtling 75 feet away from Aether. A Reflex Save DC 43 reduces the damage by half and simply checks targets instead of flinging them backward

-Linear Blast: Prana cost 10
Range 250 Feet (Medium)
Aether can fire his Prana Blast as a 250 ft Line dealing standard damage or maximum damage for 8 additional Prana to all foes within range who fail a Reflex save DC 43

-Explosive Blast: Power Point cost 13
Range 1000 Feet (long) 75 ft radius explosion
Aether can trigger a massive explosion at a point of his choosing within 1000 feet of himself dealing standard Prana Blast damage or max damage for +8 Prana to all foes who fail a DC 43 Reflex Save

-Constant Stream: Power Point cost 1
Aether can empower his other Prana Effects to ignore damage reduction after the first round by concentrating and keeping an unending barrage of attacks upon a single foe. This ability can be used with Barrage and Prana Effect. If his first round failed to deal damage due to Damage Reduction blocking all damage dealt the following round the damage dealt is deducted from the DR. If Aether fails to hit the target at least once per round the ability must be reestablished starting from scratch.

Sunderer (Ex): Aether deals double damage to all objects and Hardness is halved against his attacks

Dimension Hop (Su): Aether can teleport 75 feet as an immediate action once per round for 1 Prana

Flurry of Blows (Ex): Aether can use Flurry of Blows as a Monk of equivalent level.

Haleness (Ex): Aether does not need to breathe

Constant Training (Ex): Aether constantly does rigorous and grueling exercise and bodily conditioning every 3 levels he gains a +2 inherent bonus to 1 physical stat of his choice. He must train 2 full hours every day to receive these bonuses. If he foregoes his training for 2 full months, his Constant Training bonuses are lost and he must train for an amount of time equal to the time spent away from his training to recover these bonuses.

Flight (Su): Aether can gain a flight speed of double his land movement speed for 1 hour per point of Prana spent

Asunder (Su): Aether’s blows are so strong they deal concussive force with each strike. He deals an additional 1d12 points of Force damage per hit, this applies to all melee and Prana based attacks including Prana Effect

Boost (Su): As a swift action, Aether may increase his Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Charisma scores by +4 points and double his movement speed for 1 Prana per hour outside of combat and 1 Prana per Round in combat.

Shadow Image (Su): Aether moves so fast he can create an afterimage giving him a single ‘Mirror Image’ duplicate that cannot be fooled by magic or true seeing. It costs 1 Prana per round to use and is dispelled if hit granting him 50% concealment until dispelled.

Celerity (Ex): x3 movement speed

Force Field (Su): a barrier of energy surrounds Aether’s skin blocking the first 50 points of damage he takes. This barrier regenerates at a rate of 1 point per round and blocks all damage and other effects as a wall of force until it is broken.

Multifaceted (Ex): Aether has advanced training far beyond his years granting him 6 epic feats

Infinite Reflection: (Infinite Deflection, Exceptional Deflection, Reflect Arrows) Deflect any number of projectiles shot your way per round, can be any kind of projectile so as long as an attack roll is required. (Ranged Touch attacks or Ranged Attacks) any projectile deflected is immediately reflected back upon the attacker using Aether’s attack modifier

Fire Baptism: As long as Aether focuses on the same foe, he gains a stacking +1 dodge AC per round against that target.

Expert Strike: As long as Aether focuses on the same foe, he gains a stacking +1 attack bonus per round against that target.

Disheartening Dodge (Ex):
Aether has mastered inflicting hopelessness into his foes, every round they fail to hit him they gain a stacking -1 debuff to their Attack Rolls

Luck (Ex): As a Paragon, Aether gains a +25 Luck bonus to attack rolls, a +20 Luck bonus on damage rolls and +12 Luck to AC

Insight (Ex): As a Paragon Aether gains a +13 Insight Bonus to AC, +10 Insight Bonus on all Saving throws, and a +13 Insight bonus on DCs for any abilities.


Space Armor:
Armor made of an elastic enamel, can fit most beings between small and large size comfortably, this armor is weightless and provides +7 Armor bonus to AC with no downsides. Grants +4 Str, +10 Movement Speed and creates a musical effect not dissimilar to Bardic Music within the Hyperborean’s Prana Aura. This creates 3 effects the Hyperborean can switch between as a free action once per round.
-Hopelessness: -3 morale penalty to AC, Attacks, and Will Saves
-Bravery: +3 morale bonus to AC, Attacks, and Will Saves
-Awe: Fascinated if failing a DC 43 Will Save

Personal Warp Hole Generator: Folds the fabric of space allowing near instantaneous travel like teleportation magic but is simply a scientific and therefore an Extraordinary ability, but must recharge. 1/ minute can Dimension Door 1000 Feet as a move action, 1/hour can Teleport with no chance of failure, 1/day can Greater Teleport

Tracking and Targeting Computer
: A modification to the Space armor but may be applied to belts, gauntlets, eyepieces, or any other item slot if one desires. Grants a passive +20 Survival check for purposes of tracking a foe and once a target has been designated can mark a target and provide basic directional information even lightyears away. This can target invisible or incorporeal foes but the foe must remain within 10 lightyears and must remain on this plane of existence.

Boots of Celerity: High performance boots allowing for lower level hyperboreans to move much quicker. Grants the Celerity Divine Ability.

Pranic Focus Gauntlets: Gauntlets with energy conduits allowing for more effective control of one’s Pranic capabilities, ineffective at higher levels and only used as a crutch for weaker Hyperboreans to be able to be able to more effectively use their abilities. Grants the ability to channel Prana Storm damage into all Prana Blast class feature attacks and grants a single additional Prana Effect ability.

NPC Hyberborean gear: Hyperborean Carrying Case (type 4 bag of holding, weighs 1 pound regardless of internal contents, uses a computer to easily switch through inventory) 1d4+1 Healing salves (1d4 lethal damage converted to subdual damage), 100 food pills (pills providing a full day’s worth of sustenance and hydration) protein wafers, 1d3 poison and disease tonics (+5 vs poison or disease allows immediate new saving throw), healing kit, emergency computer with distress beacon good out to 10 lightyears, emergency rations, change of form fitting high mobility clothing, other various personal items
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What alignment are most Hyperboreans? From the description, I would guess LN/LE
I did not understand this either. From the description of their lore they are purist fanatics bordering on psychotic, clearly LE. But in the one he posted years ago in this thread, he was CN.

What alignment are most Hyperboreans? From the description, I would guess LN/LE
They can be of any alignment, the Hyperboreans are conquerors and conscript populations once conquered, the attrition rate of such conscripts are very high with those who fail being killed outright or left to die. The main thing that holds the hyperboreans together is domination by other hyperboreans and a sort of mass stockholm syndrome. Loyalty breeds loyalty and zeal is rewarded, so they tend towards Neutral through Lawful Evil, but can be of any Alignment

I did not understand this either. From the description of their lore they are purist fanatics bordering on psychotic, clearly LE. But in the one he posted years ago in this thread, he was CN.
Why would you expect all the members of an entire civilization, a civilization spanning the multiverse, to be the same alignment? The Hyperboreans are a conglomeration of millions of different species thrust together into a situation. The template I made was just that, a template, something to be added to a preexisting being, not a race like the Drow or Demons or something.
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Why would you expect all the members of an entire civilization, a civilization spanning the multiverse, to be the same alignment? The Hyperboreans are a conglomeration of millions of different species thrust together into a situation. The template I made was just that, a template, something to be added to a preexisting being, not a race like the Drow or Demons or something.
I understand this, but I find it strange in a society so focused on those issues to find a non-LE Hyperborean. I think a non-LE Hyperborean is really as common as a good demon, unless a creature becomes a Hyperborean with the teaching of a Hyperborean master that its itself dissident with the central body and allows the pupil to mature and get its own idea away from the toxic environment of the standard Hyperborean.

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