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Races: Any race can become a Jedi.

Alignment: Any Lawful.

Starting Gold: 6d4x10 gp (120 gp).

Starting Age: As a monk.

Hit Die: d10.

Jedi Code:

Although the Jedi have no real code of conduct, they must follow the principles of the origin of their powers: the pure control of their emotions and detachment from others. A Jedi who gains an inappropriate alignment or transgresses the Jedi code (lose control of his emotion) loses his powers: he loses access to all of his Jedi class features except his weapon proficiency. Only through hard work or an atonement spell offered by a lawful creature he can regain his powers.

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.

The Jedi’s class skills (and the key ability modifier for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), and Swim (Str).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Table: The Jedi
Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Access to the Force, Calm Mind, Force Block, Lightsaber, Jedi Mage Hand
Force Strength
Grace of the Calm, Jedi Mind Trick
Evasion, Uncanny Dodge
Deflection, Force Lightning
Dominion on the Emotions
Throw Lightsaber
Force Jump
Improved Deflection, Telekinesis
Improved Evasion, Improved Uncanny Dodge
Contact with the Force, Force Choke
Suppress the Emotions
Wholeness of Body
Improved Throw Lightsaber
Greater Contact with the Force, Improved Force Lightning
Force Field
Improved Telekinesis
Emptiness in the Emotions
Control the Force
Jedi Master

Class Features​

All of the following are class features of the Jedi.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Jedi are proficient with all simple weapons, the lightsaber (see below) and light armor. However, they are not proficient with any shields.

Access to the Force
Jedi, like Kineticist and Mesmerist is an occult class and gains access to the occult skill unlocks.

Clear Mind (Ex)
A Jedi add ½ his level (minimum 1) as a bonus against effects with the emotion descriptor like the spell rage.

Force Block (Su)
At 1st level, a Jedi can make a concentration check as an immediate action, using is Jedi level plus is Wisdom modifier, versus a DC of 10 + rounds concentrating + any damage taken in this round, for block any airborne object coming his way. In case of projectile the DC is instead equal to the result of the attack roll. A Jedi can block 10 pounds of matter per Jedi level. This ability can only affect objects within 30 ft. from the Jedi.

The Lightsaber is made from a unique crystal that is unbreakable and emits a glow. Different crystals can be used to achieve different color glows. The hilt is also unique in sturdiness and can come in many designs. A Jedi can choose whatever design for a hilt and whatever color of a crystal he wishes. His Lightsabers is a one-handed exotic weapon, belongs to the heavy blades weapon group, deal force damage, score a critical hit on a natural 20/x2 and scaling like a monk unarmed strike, using his Jedi level in place of a monk level. The Lightsaber count as a light weapon for the Weapon Finess feat. This weapon can only be used by those who have access to occult power (see Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures) and they too have a -8 penalty to attack rolls with the weapon and treat their occult level as equivalent to half a monk level (minimum 1) for calculating the damage of the lightsaber if they don’t have the Lightsaber class feature. Occult level from multiple source (ex: Jedi 4/Mesmerist 2, Occultist 3/Kyneticist 6) stack when calculating the lightsaber final damage. If the Jedi or another class with the lightsaber class feature take level in a non-occult class, that level stack with the Jedi level for calculating the final damage of the lightsaber but those levels count as half when calculated in monk levels. Occult character who do not have the lightsaber class feature can’t use non-occult level when calculating the lightsaber final damage damage.

A lightsaber cost 2,000 gp and require the Craft Technological Item and Technologist feats and the Lightsaber class feature to be crafted.

Jedi Mage Hand (Sp)
Starting at 1st level, a Jedi gains the ability to use Mage Hand once per Jedi Level + Wis modifier per day with a caster level equal to his Jedi level. They may use this to call their lightsaber, regardless of it's usual weight restrictions. The Jedi gains Magic Trick (mage hand) as a bonus feat.

Force Strength (Su)
At 2nd level, a Jedi gains a bonus equal to his Wisdom bonus (if any) on all Saving Throws.

Grace of the Calm (Su)
At 3rd level, when unarmored and unencumbered, the Jedi adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his AC and his CMD. In addition, a Jedi gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every four Jedi levels thereafter, up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.

These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the Jedi is flat-footed. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless, when he wears any armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load.

Jedi Mind Trick (Su)
At 3rd level, once per day per point of Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), a Jedi is capable of slightly influencing the minds of others. This works exactly like a suggestion spell. The save DC is 10 + ½ Jedi level + Jedi’s Charisma modifier.

Evasion (Ex)
At 4th level, a Jedi gains the Evasion ability as a monk of the same level.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
At 4th level, a Jedi gains the Uncanny Dodge ability as a barbarian of the same level.

At 5th level, a Jedi gains Cut from the Air as a bonus feat without the need to meet its prerequisites but can only use it with his Lightsaber.

Force Lightning (Su)
At 5th level, a Jedi can launch a bolt of lightning to an object or creature within 30 ft. + 10 ft. for every 3 level after 5. This ability require a ranged touch attack roll, deals 1d6 damage per 2 Jedi levels which half is electricity damage, but the other half results directly from the Force and is therefore not subject to being reduced by resistance or immunity to electricity. If the target does not succeed a Reflex save (10+ ½ Jedi level + Jedi’s Wisdom modifier) he is knocked prone. A Jedi can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + Wisdom modifier. [Setting info: if set in the universe of star wars, the Jedi, even if they can use the lightning of force, they do not do it except in the most extreme of circumstances because they are associated with the release of emotions, the Dark Side and the Sith. If a Jedi abuses it too often, the GM can estimate that it slips to the Dark Side and becomes a Sith, just like abusing spells with the evil descriptor brings you down to evil alignment].

Dominion on the Emotions (Su)
At 6th level, a Jedi project an aura of calm. Each ally within 10 feet of him gains the Clear Mind bonus on saving throws against emotion effects. This ability functions only while the Jedi is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead.

Throw Lightsaber (Su)
At 7th level, a Jedi as a full-round action may throw his lightsaber 10 ft. + 10 ft. per 2 Jedi level. The lightsaber is treated as having the "Returning" magic weapon ability.

Force Jump (Ex)
At 8th level, a Jedi is always considered having a running start when trying an Acrobatics check made for jump, don’t have a maximum vertical reach and add double the Jedi level as an insight bonus on Acrobatics check made for jump.

Improved Deflection
At 9th level, a Jedi gains Smash from the Air as a bonus feat without the need to meet its prerequisites.

Telekinesis (Sp)
At 9th level, a Jedi gains the use of the spell telekinesis as a spell-like ability once per day for every three Jedi level using his Jedi level as caster level.

Improved Evasion (Ex)
At 10th level, a Jedi gains the use of the Improved Evasion ability as a monk of the same level.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
At 10th level, a Jedi gains the use of the Improved Uncanny Dodge ability, as a barbarian of the same level.

Contact with the Force (Sp)
At 11th level, the Jedi can ask the spirits of the departed Jedi for advice on how to behave. The Jedi gains the use of the spell augury as a spell-like ability once every six Jedi level per day using his Jedi level as caster level.

Force Choke (Su)
At 11th level, a Jedi gains the ability to use Force Choke. This ability can be used one per day for every four Jedi level, deals 2d8 + Wis mod bludgeoning damage and can be maintained for a number of rounds equal to the Jedi level + Wis modifier. This is a ranged combat maneuver, with a range of 5 ft.+5 ft./2 Jedi level and using the Jedi Charisma modifier in place of the Jedi Strength or Dexterity modifier. Every round in which the Jedi successfully maintains the maneuver (every round the Jedi must make the combat maneuver as a standard action and if the Jedi take damage it must make a concentration check using his Jedi level plus his Charisma modifier against a DC of 10 + damage taken or stop maintaining the Force Chock), the creature cannot speak or use spell with verbal component and if the creature effected need to breathe, it must hold his breath or immediately begin to suffocate.

Suppress the Emotions (Ex)
At 12th level, whenever a Jedi fails a saving throw against any emotion effect, he can attempt a new saving throw at the end of his turn to remove the effect. Doing so takes no action. A Jedi can attempt a new save to end the effect as often as he wishes, but can attempt to remove only one such effect per round.

Wholeness of Body (Su)
At 13th level, a Jedi can heal his own wounds. He can heal, one per day, as an immediate action when brought below 1 hit point, a number of hit points of damage equal to twice his Jedi level. If this effect bring back the Jedi above 0 hit points, the Jedi is not disabled and can keep fight. If this effect bring back the Jedi below 0 hit points but is not dead, the Jedi is unconscious and stable (unless the Jedi use Diehard or similar ability).

Improved Throw Lightsaber (Su)
At 14th level, a Jedi can now throw his lightsaber as a standard action instead of a full-round action.

Greater Contact with the Force (Sp/Su)
At 15th level, the Jedi can ask the Force itself for advice on how to behave. The Jedi gains the use of the spell contact other plane as a spell-like ability once per year using his Jedi level as caster level. The Force use the entry Outer Plane (greater deity) but the Jedi never risk Int/Cha Decrease with this ability and the 91-99% give Don’t Know answer (as well 89-90%) instead of Lie. He also gain blindsense 60 ft.

Improved Force Lightning (Su)
At 15th level, Force Lightning now use d8 in place of d6.

Force Field (Su)
At 16th level, a Jedi gains spell resistance equal to 11 + Jedi level.

Improved Telekenesis (Sp)
At 17th level, the Jedi may now manipulate with his telekinesis spell-like ability triple the amount of weight that can normally be manipulated and no longer has a maximum limit at 15th level (this effective allow a Jedi to manipulate 75 pound of object per level with telekinesis).

Emptiness in the Emotions (Ex)
At 18th level, a Jedi gains immunity to emotion effects but cannot longer benefit from moral bonus.

Control the Force (Sp)
At 19th level, a Jedi has grown so close to the Force that they can listen to it more clearly than other Jedi. A Jedi gains Detect Thoughts as constant spell-like ability and Clairaudience/Clairvoyance as at will spell-like ability, both with caster level equal to his Jedi level.

Jedi Master (Sp/Su)
When the Jedi reach the 20th level, they attain the status of Jedi Master, which confers the ability to have the spells Freedom of Movement and Mind Blank as a constant spell-like ability with caster level equal to their Jedi level. He add as an axiomatic bonus is Wisdom modifier to attack and damage rolls, half his Wisdom modifier to saving throw (which stack with force strength) and armor class. If Jedi Master die after this moment, he does not follow the normal passage of souls in the Outer Planes. Instead he becomes one with the Force. This means that he can always be resurrected even if he died of old age (in the case of death from old age, if resurrected he returns with the minimum Old age). The Jedi Master can now use force choke, force lightning and telekinesis at will and wholeness of body a number of time per day equal to his Wisdom modifier.
Curious why you gave the Jedi Force Choke, Force Lightning and other traditionally Dark Side powers? Seems to me like they should have gotten different Saber styles and divination abilities. Or make the Force Lightning instead like a Telekinetic thrust of sorts that instead of dealing damage bull rushes enemies back based on jedi level and Reflex save vs being knocked prone. Maybe make it a small aoe like a 10 ft square or something. Force Choke is a little more neutral I guess.
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This is great. I'm surprised he's not epic or at least level 20 though.
I didn't make it epic for one simple reason: while he is the most powerful Sith known to the "common" public, Palpatine is actually neither the most powerful nor the most skilled. He came to reign over the galaxy out of pure and simple strategy and intelligence. He never had epic or legendary powers.


Curious why you gave the Jedi Force Choke, Force Lightning and other traditionally Dark Side powers? Seems to me like they should have gotten different Saber styles and divination abilities. Or make the Force Lightning instead like a Telekinetic thrust of sorts that instead of dealing damage bull rushes enemies back based on jedi level and Reflex save vs being knocked prone. Maybe make it a small aoe like a 10 ft square or something. Force Choke is a little more neutral I guess.
I gave them because the Jedi have them but prefer not to use them. Jedi and Sith in 99% of cases have the same abilities. What differentiates them is the mindset.

I gave them because the Jedi have them but prefer not to use them. Jedi and Sith in 99% of cases have the same abilities. What differentiates them is the mindset.
"Force lightning ability was not restricted to dark-siders. Jedi and other light-siders who were strong of will and character could learn this power without falling to the dark side—but its use was viewed as inherently corrupting, and most Jedi Councils forbade its use." From the Star Wars Wiki, I guess by that logic you could add that but I still think it takes away from the Jedi and Sith specialness. Might as well just make one class like a Cleric or something at that point,

I didn't make it epic for one simple reason: while he is the most powerful Sith known to the "common" public, Palpatine is actually neither the most powerful nor the most skilled. He came to reign over the galaxy out of pure and simple strategy and intelligence. He never had epic or legendary powers.
I mean he did beat the sh-it out of like 4 Jedi at once, besides Windu of course who did beat him and would have killed him if Anakin didnt get involved, and also fired lightning bolts so powerful he disabled a fleet of ships. I would say that's pretty epic honestly.


I mean he did beat the sh-it out of like 4 Jedi at once, besides Windu of course who did beat him and would have killed him if Anakin didnt get involved, and also fired lightning bolts so powerful he disabled a fleet of ships. I would say that's pretty epic honestly.
Of the 4 Jedi, 3 were "normal" nothing in particular, levels 7-8. Even by Star Wars standards, Windu was a monster, the most powerful and skilled Jedi of that historical period. I will say 18-19-20 full Jedi.

Of the 4 Jedi, 3 were "normal" nothing in particular, levels 7-8. Even by Star Wars standards, Windu was a monster, the most powerful and skilled Jedi of that historical period. I will say 18-19-20 full Jedi.
I think even higher than that, and the jedi he brought with him all had stories, they just died quick I think they were higher than 8, but it's totally up for interpretation.

Drizzt from old Forgotten Realms was only lvl 17, not even that strong tbh, but you wouldn't know that reading his books.

Voidrunner's Codex

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