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"Force lightning ability was not restricted to dark-siders. Jedi and other light-siders who were strong of will and character could learn this power without falling to the dark side—but its use was viewed as inherently corrupting, and most Jedi Councils forbade its use." From the Star Wars Wiki, I guess by that logic you could add that but I still think it takes away from the Jedi and Sith specialness. Might as well just make one class like a Cleric or something at that point,
actually its specifically that the dark users can use abilities that cause the force to directly harm someone else. Remember for light side users they typically use the force for non lethal stuff, like restraining a person, pushing someone away or moving a heavy object away from another. Lightning and force choking technically can be used by light side users but only the most in control users like yoda because use of these abilities channel anger (an emotion commonly channeled by the dark side). Also according to Yoda himself, neither of the sides are more 'powerful', merely that the dark side's way is brute force and as such faster. So only really skilled Jedi should be able to use lightning and choking while sith would gain this ability earlier


actually its specifically that the dark users can use abilities that cause the force to directly harm someone else. Remember for light side users they typically use the force for non lethal stuff, like restraining a person, pushing someone away or moving a heavy object away from another. Lightning and force choking technically can be used by light side users but only the most in control users like yoda because use of these abilities channel anger (an emotion commonly channeled by the dark side). Also according to Yoda himself, neither of the sides are more 'powerful', merely that the dark side's way is brute force and as such faster. So only really skilled Jedi should be able to use lightning and choking while sith would gain this ability earlier
So do you recommend moving them further through the levels while putting stuff there to do ranged combat maneuvers and non-lethal damage?

So do you recommend moving them further through the levels while putting stuff there to do ranged combat maneuvers and non-lethal damage?
hmmm, kind of? not really unlethal per say but jedis are all about control while sith are about raw unrestrained emotion. so jedis should be maneuvers and enemy control while the sith should be all about brute force and blasting enemies away. but maybe allow some deviation? for example darth maul uses anger to focus his martial prowess and mostly using the force to crush but Sidious is dark manipulator who is most famous for his extreme force prowess


So I showed this to Beefermatic and he said I should post it. It's something I made for Pathfinder 1e a long time ago.

Blue Devil (Azuragon)
CR 10
LE Medium Outsider [devil,evil,extraplanar,lawful]
Init: +3, Senses: See In Darkness, Perception: +8
AC 23 (+3 dex, +10 natural) touch: 13, flat footed: 20
Hit Dice: 11d10+44 (115 hp)
Saves: Fort +8 Ref+8 Will+ 10
Immune fire, poison, mind-affecting effects; Resist acid 10, cold 10; DR 10/Chaotic OR good; SR 21
Aura: Despair (30 ft)
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: 2 claws +17 (1d8+5 plus slowing claws)
Space: 5 reach: 5
Spell Like Abilities (CL 11)
At will: Crushing despair (dc 18), Deeper darkness.
3/ day Disruptive crushing despair (dc 18)
3/ day: Overwhelming Grief (dc 18)
1/ day: Scarring ovewheling grief (dc 18)
1/ day Terrible Remorse (dc 18), Summon (level 4 1 blue devil 50%)
Ability Scores: STR 20, DEX 16, CON 20, INT 12, WIS 16, CHA 20
Base atk: +11 CMB +16 CMD 29
Feats: Iron Will, Ability Focus (slowing claws), weapon focus (claws), Scarring spell like ability (Overwhelming grief), disruptive spell like ability (crushing despair), Extraplanar conjunction.
Skills: Bluff +16, Intimidate +14, Perception +8, Sense Motive +16, Stealth +12
Languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Telepathy 100 ft

Special Attacks: Aura of despair (su): a blue devil emits an aura of intense despair and sadness. This functions as the antipaladin ability except it has a radius of 30 feet rather than the usual 10. In addition, any morale bonuses enemies in the aura have are reduced by half (minimum 0) for as long as the remain in the aura. This is a mind affecting effect.

Slowing Claws su): anyone struck by a blue devil's claws must make a will saving throw (dc 22) or be slowed for 2d4 rounds, as the spell. The effects are cumulative. A creature that makes a successful save is immune to that blue devils slowing claws for 24 hours. The saving throw dc is charisma based.

Description: Blue Devils, or Azuragons personify sadness and despair This creature looks like your stereotypical devil i.e a skinny humanoid with horns, instead of red however it is a deep blue color.


Fury (Barbarian Archetype)
This is based on the archetype for the Legendary Barbarian of the Legendary Games. I converted it to the base Barbarian.
Modifies rage, rage power;

For a broken few, the rage never ends. Furies are ever consumed by bloodlust, charging from foe to foe in ceaseless wrath.

Ceaseless Rage (Ex) A fury’s rage never ends. She is at all times consumed by a barbarian rage. There is no limit to her rounds of rage, and she is always raging. A fury cannot willingly end her rage, except into a calm. Exiting a rage does not fatigue the fury. Furies do not exit a rage even when unconscious, though their twitching and growling may upset others. While in a rage, a fury gains all the normal benefits and penalties of her rage whith the following difference: while in a rage, a fury takes a –10 penalty on any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) and cannot perform any action which requires patience or concentration (such as spellcasting). A fury may select rage powers and use rage powers during her rage. This alter rage.

Calm (Ex) At 1st level, a fury can calm for a number of minutes per day equal to 4 + her Wisdom modifier. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. For each level after 1st she possesses, the fury can calm for 1 additional minute per day. Temporary increases to Wisdom do not increase the total number of rounds that a fury can calm per day. A fury can enter a calm as a standard action. The total number of minutes of calm per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours need not be consecutive. During a calm, a fury is no longer raging. She may use Charisma, Dexterity, and Intelligence based skills without penalty, and perform actions which require patience or concentration. When a calm ends a fury re-enters rage and the rage powers of her choice reactivate.

Fury Powers (Ex) At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the fury gains a rage power as normal. At any time while raging, she may choose which of her rage powers to activate. Unless otherwise stated, activating a rage power is a move action, and the power remains until the fury dismisses it as a move action. She cannot use rage powers that require the expenditure of rounds of rage or have a limit on the number of times per rage they can be activated. This ability modifies rage powers.


SCP 106

CE Medium monstrous humanoid (evil, scp)
Init +36; Senses darkvision 60 ft., dimensional sight 120 ft., see in darkness, true seeing; Perception +48; Aura horrible presence (60 ft., DC 42), unholy aura (DC 33)


AC 40, touch 27, flat-footed 39 (+4 deflection, +1 Dex, +13 natural, +12 profane)
hp 558 (36d10+360); regeneration 30 (deific or mythic)
Fort +26, Ref +25, Will +33;
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +12, freedom of movement; DR 30/good and lawful; Immune ability damage and drain, acid, aging effects, charm and compulsion effects, cold, death effects, disease, electricity, energy drain, fear effects, fire, mind-affecting effects, petrification, paralyzed, poison; Resist positive energy 30, sonic 30; SR 37


Speed 50 ft., defy physics
Melee 2 touch attack +49 (4d6+12 bludgeoning plus corrosive mucus and grab)
Special Attacks corrosive mucus (DC 38), life eater, persistent wound, rip from reality (DC 42);
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 30th)

Constantfreedom of movement, mind blank, true seeing, unholy aura (DC 30)

At willgreater teleport (in pocket dimension only);

3/daywish (in pocket dimension only);


Str 34, Dex 13, Con 30, Int 32, Wis 28, Cha 35
Base Atk +36; CMB +48 (+52 grab); CMD 72 (76 vs. grab)
Feats Ability Focus (corrosive mucus), Ability Focus (horrible presence), Ability Focus (rip from reality), Charismatic Initiative, Cornugon Smash, Dazzling Display, Greater Vital Strike, Hurtful, Improved Vital Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Muscle Reaction, Power Attack, Presence of Mind, Shatter Defenses, Signature Skill (intimidate), Skill Focus (intimidate), Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (touch attack);
Skills Acrobatics +37, Bluff +48, Disable Device +37, Escape Artist +37, Heal +44, Intimidate +69, Knowledge (arcana) +19, Knowledge (dungeoneering, engineering, geography, history, local, nature, nobility, planes, religion) +12, Perception +48, Sense Motive +45, Spellcraft +47, Stealth +40, Survival +48, Swim +51, Use Magic Device +48;
Languages Abyssal, Common;
SQ intangibility, lord of nightmare, terrible grappler, undead nature;


Corrosive Mucus (Ex)
SCP 106 is covered in a substance that eats through object. The mucus destroys a 1-foot cube of any material it contacts. Any creatures or objects that touches SCP 106 or that hit him with a melee attack must make a DC 38 Fortitude saving throw, a creature with a reach weapon not need to make the save. On a failure, a creature or object takes 10d6 acid damage and is nauseated for 1d8 rounds and sickened for 5d6 rounds there after. On a success, a creature or object takes half acid damage and is sickened for only 1d4 rounds. If a creature hits SCP 106 with a weapon, it must make a Reflex saving throw with the same DC or have the weapon affected by the mucus. A creature or object takes 1d3 acid damage every round until at least 1 gallon of water is used for wash tha acid away, this have a maximum duration of 1 hour for SCP 106's constitution modifier (10 hours) after which its mucus decomposes into a disgusting but harmless gray substance. The save DC in Constitution-based.

Defy Physics (Ex)
SCP 106 can move in any direction on a solid surface and can remain suspended upside down indefinitely.

Dimensional Sight (Su)
SCP 106 can see 120 ft. into his pocket dimension when he is on the Material Plane and vice versa.

Horrible Presence (Su)
Each creature within 60 ft. of SCP 106 that can see him must succeed on a DC 42 Will saving throw or be panicked for 1 minute. If the save fails by 10 or more, the target rolls two times and take the worst on saving throws made against SCP 106 while panicked. A panicked target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of his turns, ending the panicked condition on itself on a success. If a target's saving throw is successful, or the effect ends for it, the target is immune to SCP 106's Horrible Presence for the next 24 hours. This is a fear, mind-effecting effect. The save DC in Charisma-based.

Intangibility (Su)
As a move action, SCP 106 can move through a surface to enter his pocket dimension to move where he chooses. Whenever he does, he leaves behind a 10-foot square of Corrosive Mucus (see above) centered in the area he moved through (the Mucus deals 10d6 damage only in the first round, thereafter only 1d3. The effect area is difficult terrain. When SCP 106 enters the pocket dimension from a surface, it can exit from any surface that is physically connected with the original surface (ex: it can enter the floor and exit the ceiling, it can enter a wall and exit from the other side of the wall, can enter a wall and exit the wall 10 rooms away because they are adjacent and in contact with each other, can enter a wall and exit the wall 10 rooms away because they share the same floor, etc.).

Kidnapper (Su)
Exploiting its dimensional sight SCP 106 can set up ambushes that hardly leave a way out. As a standard action, SCP 106 partially exits its pocket dimension, makes an attack on a target and if it wins the grapple check the creature must immediately make the Will saving throw against Rip from Reality or be dragged into the pocket dimension by SCP 106.

Life Eater (Su)
A creature killed from damage dealt by SCP 106 in is pocket dimension can't be revived by any means short of a wish or miracle spell.

Lord of Nightmare (Ex)
Within its pocket dimension SCP 106 is far more powerful. His powers are listed in the pocket dimension section.

Persistent Wounds (Su)
Damage dealt by SCP 106 does not heal naturally: it require magical healing (such as heal light wounds or channel energy) and a caster level check against SCP 106's spell resistance (supernatural effects that normally don't require spell resistance such as channel energy must do the check). This is a curse effect and can be removed early for easier healing with wish, miracle or break enchantment heightened to 9 level.

Rip from Reality (Su)
When SCP 106 maintain a grapple and chose to enter his pocket dimension as a move action, the victim must make a Will save DC 42 or be dragged with him in the pocket dimension. Dimensional Anchor and similar effect that prevent planar travel protect from this. The save DC in Charisma-based.

Terrible Grappler (Ex)
SCP 106 never gains the grappled condition if he is in control of the grapple. SCP 106 can grab creature of any size, ignore freedom of movement or similr effect that prevent grapple and gain a bonus on grapple check equal to the victim size bonus to CMD.

Undead Nature (Ex)
Although SCP 106 is a living being, his decomposed body makes him interact with negative and positive energy as if he were an undead. SCP 106 despite is a Monstrous Humanoid doesn’t need to breathe, eat and sleep. SCP 106 is ageless and immune to aging effect.

Pocket Dimension​

The pocket dimension is practically a sentence to an end so atrocious that death is a liberation. SCP 106 once dragged a victim into the pocket dimension changes the time flow, usually setting it in a ratio 1 round in the material plane = 10 years in its pocket dimension and then exploiting the fact that it can alter the place as it wishes to torment a victim up to to madness. SCP 106 exploits the fact that in his pocket dimension he is the only one who can use magic (the victim will not be able to use spell as a plane shift to escape) to eventually also use his wish spell-like ability to bring back a creature that he killed to resume torturing her. Within its pocket dimension SCP 106 is extremely more powerful: its DR increases to 30 /—, its maximum hit points increases by 200, its regeneration cannot be stopped by anything, increase his SR by +10, gain his Wisdom modifier as an insigth bonus to AC (+9), it adds its charisma modifier to saving throws (+12) and as a free action it can modify the demiplan: from the most basic changes such as change a road to change the planar traits. Within his pocket dimension he is practically a god and does not accept challenges: all mythic creatures within the pocket dimension instantly lose their ranks and mythic tiers becoming the normal version of monsters (for those with ranks) or creatures without mythic abilities (for those with tiers).

The Pocket Dimension as the following planar traits:

  • Gravity flowing (chosen by SCP 106)
  • Divinely Morphic: SCP 106 can alter the demiplane at will
  • Time erratic (chosen by SCP 106)
  • Realm immeasurable
  • Structural erratic (chosen by SCP 106)
  • Essence none
  • Alignment strongly evil-aligned
  • Magic dead magic (SCP 106 is unaffected by this trait)


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Can you make SCP-999? Also, was SCP-106 meant to go on the other thread? He doesn't seem very sub-epic to me (i'd estimate he'd be at least CR 40 or so.)
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