• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D General Let's pitch D&D themed shows for WotC's new upcoming streaming channel

Deathtrap Dungeon (Fighting Fantasy)/Undermountain-styled game.

Separated players (own rooms) play characters in a timed turn-based game where they battle against a Deathtrap Dungeon/Undermountain-styled game.
They can meet up and join against the Dungeon (all interaction between the two or players is facilitated by the unseen DM, Big Brother style). They can split up again and go their separate ways.
They can also betray each other and end up in PvP scenarios.

Corpses of the fallen remain in the dungeon as new players replace old players who've had their characters killed.
The winner are the surviving characters who eventually make it out successfully.

Cash Prizes or Item Prices for the winners or survivors at check points.

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* A contest for new mangaka and fantasy artists.

* A machinima serie about Minecraft: D&D.

* Castle Greyhawk: the fabulous sitcom for all the family! (something like the kid-friendly version of Robot Chicken).

This castle is a demiplane created by Zagig Yragerne, or maybe his astral domain, to joke+test the dungeon crawlers. Some visitors are from "real world", and they return with some special reward, but with some harmless secondary effect, for example a cure for a disease, but becoming a wererabbit for a year.


The Druid of Vibley -- the residents of a town somewhere in the Forgotten Realms is quite surprised when the newly-installed local druid is utterly unlike what they were expecting ...

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