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Rumour that Disney will have to sell Lucas Film and some parks to pay for Hulu

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I think Revenge of the Sith benefits from the very, very low bar set by its two predecessors. It at least dispenses with the kiddie stuff altogether (unless we count actually murdering kiddies), and it has that final lightsaber battle which, while highly overrated, IMO, is iconic.


I think Revenge of the Sith benefits from the very, very low bar set by its two predecessors. It at least dispenses with the kiddie stuff altogether (unless we count actually murdering kiddies), and it has that final lightsaber battle which, while highly overrated, IMO, is iconic.
I liked thr soundtrack.


It's very different in pacing.

Starts out slow more character driven vs pew pew.

Its like some of the old Legends material.

It's good but wasn't as amazing for me as raved about on the net.


I tried watching it armed with the foreknowledge that it was mind numbingly bad and I still couldn't finish it. I can enjoy watching a bad movie like Battlefield Earth or Hell Comes to Frog Town, but the Holiday Special isn't even fun to watch in a it's-so-bad-its-good kind of way. It's just an awful experience all around.

Bingo. The sequel series was an incoherent mess. The Last Jedi was so bad that for the first time ever I refused to see a Star Wars movie in the theater when Rise of the Skywalker came out.

Yup each ST movie could be stretched out to a trilogy if tweaked IMHO.

RoS is essentially dark Empire, TFA is ANH rehashed and TLJ is doing its own thing.

The Last Jedi actually had the guts to try to expand the Star Wars universe past a simple fable of a magical family and to present the possibility of a universe with other stories to tell. An idea that Andor has built upon. It is the only Star Wars film since Empire that had fresh ideas and moments that were not entirely predictable. I think this is why a certain, vocal segment of the fan base hates it: that group are inherently reactionary and just want Star Wars to keep going back to the same comfortable narrative. (You can dislike it for other reasons, but here I am referring to crowd that likes to review bomb films, etc.). Note that critics loved The Last Jedi, and I think they were right.

Star Trek should be so lucky, since nothing in Star Trek has ever had writing remotely at that level. Star Trek is basically formula with sometimes exceptional casting, and I say that as a moderate fan (enough of a fan that I have watched and mostly enjoyed every series). However, I get the comparison in that Andor is the first Star Wars property to actually make the Galactic Empire feel like a real, functional setting, the home of actual people, akin to but much more believable than the Federation of Planets.

so getting back to the ACTUAL topic instead of going down the rabbit hole of star wars itself

this is the most recent actual news (next time link something in the op @Henadic Theologian )

then back in February:

and in March: https://www.thestreet.com/retail/disney-considers-making-major-change-to-hulu

So basically at this point, I don't think even Iger knows what he plans to do. The next earnings call is August 09, 2023. So, we may find out then.

The Last Jedi actually had the guts to try to expand the Star Wars universe past a simple fable of a magical family and to present the possibility of a universe with other stories to tell. An idea that Andor has built upon. It is the only Star Wars film since Empire that had fresh ideas and moments that were not entirely predictable. I think this is why a certain, vocal segment of the fan base hates it: that group are inherently reactionary and just want Star Wars to keep going back to the same comfortable narrative. (You can dislike it for other reasons, but here I am referring to crowd that likes to review bomb films, etc.). Note that critics loved The Last Jedi, and I think they were right.

Star Trek should be so lucky, since nothing in Star Trek has ever had writing remotely at that level. Star Trek is basically formula with sometimes exceptional casting, and I say that as a moderate fan (enough of a fan that I have watched and mostly enjoyed every series). However, I get the comparison in that Andor is the first Star Wars property to actually make the Galactic Empire feel like a real, functional setting, the home of actual people, akin to but much more believable than the Federation of Planets.

Even I know the trilogy disrepected the central characters of Luke, Solo, and Princess Leia, and killed them off and that was just unnneeded. There was a right way to expand what Star Wars setting was and could be and this wasn't it.

And no, Star Trek is far supior to ANYTHING Star Wars has ever done and at least Star Trek had the guts to take on the Utopian Genre which is the hardest genre to do.

And yes most, but not all of the series are exploration based primarily, but that is so broad, its not formulic.

I can’t see Disney selling Star Wars for the simple reason that they’d rather not have to compete with it. They’ve also doing some pretty interesting things lately with the IP, like Visions and Andor. At least for me. So I hope this rumour is as unfounded and click-baity as it appears.

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