What is the single best science fiction or fantasy franchise?


That's something of a joke. The third Star Trek movie was The Search for Spock and it was pretty decent. The only original cast movie that has absolutely no merit is Star Trek V. While The Motion Picture was dull as dishwater, the premise was actually good and it could have been great had they cleaned up the script and trimmed out the fat.

There were four TNG movies and only one of them, First Contact, was good. The worst one was Insurrection with Nemesis coming in at a close second. I was sad the TNG movies ended on such a disappointing note.

Think First Contact is still my favorite Trek movie, IV probably the next.

Found the movies a bit dull generally as a I and I didn't know who Khan was in Wrath of Khan.

I watch Trek not because I'm a trekkie but generalky like Sci Fi.

Hence whi I said it's batting 50/50 approx. Alot of Sci Fi has better season 1s or maybe the bad stuff didn't make it here or we didn't watch it.

My theory is trekkies have a high tolerance for pain or will watch anything Trek related;)

TNG was 50/50 really good or bad, DA9 was good Voyager, Enterprise meh, Discovery season dependant, Picard season dependant, SNW good.

Movies might not even be batting 50/50 2 good ones first 6, 1good TNG movie, 2/3 new ones? Liked the first new Trek one.
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Look, I was just responding to.the notion that only 3 Star Wars movies were bad.

Well 3 are obvious what else is bad? Few average ones sure. Don't think Trek has a RoS equivalent but the movies were dull in the 80's (cept II and IV).

V is the one that's bad and Shatner directed it?


Well 3 are obvious what else is bad?
At the risk of starting something that ends in tears:

All 3 prequels are terrible, but they have a single good movie about Obi Wan buried in them.

Star Wars itself gets a pass because it started the thing, but even by the standards of Empire, it is boring AF.

Empire and RotJ are hoth uneven but pretty solid overall.

Force Awakens is a rehash lifted up by a nostalgia, and a great climax.

Finally, both Last Jedi and Rise are hot garbage.

Of the two side projects, Solo is the better film by a mile. Rogue One is well loved because it was different and that final Vader scene. But it doesn't hold up to scrutiny, especially given the re-shoot seam you can clearly see in act 3.


At the risk of starting something that ends in tears:

All 3 prequels are terrible, but they have a single good movie about Obi Wan buried in them.

Star Wars itself gets a pass because it started the thing, but even by the standards of Empire, it is boring AF.

Empire and RotJ are hoth uneven but pretty solid overall.

Force Awakens is a rehash lifted up by a nostalgia, and a great climax.

Finally, both Last Jedi and Rise are hot garbage.

Of the two side projects, Solo is the better film by a mile. Rogue One is well loved because it was different and that final Vader scene. But it doesn't hold up to scrutiny, especially given the re-shoot seam you can clearly see in act 3.

4 bad movies, TFA and RotS is more average than bad imho.

If George Lucas had started with Episodes 1-3 before moving onto 4-6, would they have been better? I like to think so. But only because we would have watched them without immediately knowing the fate of some of the characters beforehand.

As for Episodes 7-9, I think they should have stuck with the post Episode 6 books. Which kind of came off as Star Wars: The Next Generation because of the kids of Han and Leia, and Luke and Mara Jade. ;)


I agree to disagree. A lot.

It's not for everyone I suppose much like Trek.

Neither franchise is the best on quality wise only on terns of pop culture impact and quantity.

Nothing else has that amount of movies and shows.

3 more vad Star Wars movies if you count animated and the 2 made for TV movies (they cost 1/10th of the others so built in excuse).

Fairer way to rate stuff maybe make a good, average, bad list and divide them shows and movies evenly.

Some are hard to Raye eg Last Jedi people love or hate it its a low average for me as a movie, poor sequel.


It's not for everyone I suppose much like Trek.

Neither franchise is the best on quality wise only on terns of pop culture impact and quantity.

Nothing else has that amount of movies and shows.
I still think The Clone Wars is by and large one of the best things ever made, and I was deeply disappointed that Obi Wan did not get a much larger budget because I thought the story, the character, and the actor deserved it.

I have not been able to bring myself to watch either the most recent season of Mandalorian, or the Ahsoka series. There are moments of greatness in the Star Wars TV stuff, but it is often surrounded by real dross.

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