Recent content by Acid_crash

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    Pathfinder 1E The Pathfinder Campaign Setting ??

    Is Pathfinder Chronicles setting 3.5 or pathfinder compatible in the crunch area?
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    Storytelling vs Roleplaying

    I think the problem, if there is a problem at all, is the term 'roleplaying game'.... and we all kind of know what a rpg is, but it's kind of a confusing term in a way. And like alignments in D&D we all have our own views and interpretations and none of us really can agree, and yet we all can...
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    Pathfinder 1E The Pathfinder Campaign Setting ??

    Thank you for the responses. I am sold on the setting with the whole barbarians and tech from a space ship angle, everything else is just bonus :) Now to get money.
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    Pathfinder 1E The Pathfinder Campaign Setting ??

    Could somebody give me the low down on their own campaign setting? I saw it in my FLGS once like two months ago or so and it was 50 bucks I think, and for it's size I didn't think it was worth that so I never looked at it, but with all the Pathfinder stuff they have done and all their adventure...
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    Pathfinder 1E Which OGL sourcebooks do you want to see updated for Pathfinder?

    The only thing I can think of possibly is Iron Kingdoms and that's it. An updated Expanded Psionics Handbook would be nice but I could live without it. Those are it for me.
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    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Psionics (from Dreamscarred)

    Just do a good psionics book and I'll be happy. :) I love the idea of psionics in my fantasy. I'd love to have a psionics only fantasy setting where arcane and divine don't exist.
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    Dragon Magazine Annual Cover and TOC

    How much is the book?
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    Pathfinder 1E [Pathfinder] Planning on switching to Pathfinder?

    I'm switching from 4e to Pathfinder for a while. They made enough changes in a few key areas to get me to purchase their book, and now I'm looking at other products they make to run adventures with. I won't give up on 4e and I like both, but for now I'm leaning to Pathfinder for my next game...
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    What have been your best/worst 4e combat encounters?

    Besides the combats that the DM handwaves to pass it by, I'd say the worst ones, IME, are the ones with solo's. We know we will win, they have huge hit points, and the DM just never puts any spirit into the encounter. The best ones I've noticed are when the DM uses tactics against us with...
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    What game system have you tried that made you go WOW!

    For me it's Wild Talents and the sheer awesomeness of the dice system, and it plays fast. Rolling once to determine initiative and reaction speed in combat, how much damage done and which hit location, it simply can't be beat. I love it, my favorite system. For setting, the one that wow'ed...
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    Alternate Initiative System

    I can see having them roll it, then hand out the cards in order from highest to lowest and have the cards face up would help a lot so they can plan around what they see.
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    Fantasy Craft released (in PDF...)

    30 bucks is just to high a cost for a digital copy. I will never pay more than 20 bucks for a digital copy of any book, and that's pushing it for me. 30 bucks for vapor, in a sense, is just to costly to the pocketbook in times like this.
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    Fantasy Craft released (in PDF...)

    That 30 buck pricetag for the pdf is way to high, sorry to say. Drop it to about 15 bucks or so and you have yourself a customer. Either that, or with the hardback of the book having a free code in the book to get a free copy of the pdf would also be a nice touch to include, but I doubt they...
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    Alternate Initiative System

    I was wondering something...haven't tried it yet, but a notion that crossed my mind after playing Savage Worlds this past weekend. I bring this up because when doing SW our combats were deadly fast and people reacted as their turns came up, but what made it possible was how initiative was...
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    4E Campaign Announcement Time/Date

    I am putting fake money down that it will be Spelljammer or Planescape. I would cry if it's Dragonlance, we got so much of that during the 3.5 era that I'd love to see something different. The notion of Greyhawk never even entered my mind, but after all the high magic stuff we've been...