Recent content by cousin_avi

  1. C

    Hamilton Ontario looking for a player

    The group is looking for one or two players to join an existing Ravenloft campaign. We play Friday nights with a smaller group playing Tuesdays (different game). If you would like more details, email me at The general age of the group is about 27 and we are looking for...
  2. C

    What's a giblet (sp??)

    During our last gaming session, one of the characters asked for a plate of giblets. What the heck is that, I thought it was some vegetable matter like collared greens. Am I close? The player looked at me strange when the bar maid brought him a steaming plate of veggies. I am worried as the...
  3. C

    nuff said

    Sit down and shut up you big bald **** Power to the pizza fund
  4. C

    nuff said

    Hell ya, so much so I would have to sit on a popsicle to reduce the swelling. I fantasize about him on a bear rug covered only by the warmth of many d20s
  5. C

    nuff said

    thats great!! I set the pic as my background desktop pic and its stretched. It looks great.
  6. C

    Ravenloft fans I need help

    I was thinking that Mordent was the best place for the character to come from. In fact down the road, I was going to have the character continue the good doctors work. Which begs the question, does Sword&Sorcery have any plans to bring Van Richten back or just go with his legacy? And is anyone...
  7. C

    Ravenloft fans I need help

    Right brak, I am looking more of the geographical area, the concept/character is done. That would be great if you could look that up for me. I was thinking he would have a little farm in the country, an apple orchard and all that stuff, I see the place in my head, I just wish I could get an...
  8. C

    Ravenloft fans I need help

    I have created a character for an upcoming Ravenloft game and basically, he will be a paladin based off colonial New England, the funky hats and all. He will be just as superstitious as the folk of that time were. Now my problem is that I am trying to think of a place that basically is the New...
  9. C

    Would you take a Polymorph for your Country?

    Very Cool idea!!!! I don't believe I would be able to convince my players to "roleplay" a swallow or a newt even with a +15 diplomacy and a potion of glibness
  10. C

    To Dm's: What is your favorite monster/bad guy to throw at the oarty?

    Death Knight, no ifs ands or buts, Death Knights make a triumphant return in the MM II to the cheers of dm's and the cries from players everywhere.
  11. C

    DM Dilemma - Need Help

    has anyone else had a problem like this, I mean simular but different problem, like a cheater who disrupted the game or something?? just so popinsky (the original poster) will have some situations he can fall back on. I am curious as well to see how various people problem solve. Later Gators
  12. C

    Book of Vile Darkness!

    I can't wait as well but for me, it kind of sucks because in the game I am running, the characters have found a book of vile darkness and it would be cool to use that book in my game, oh well, them's the breaks
  13. C

    Races of Faerun... ummm.. yawn?

    From where I stand, this should be a solid product. First off, I dm a group of 5 players, two of which strongly dislike the realms yet after looking over my copies of the campaign book and the monsters of Faerun and some of the adventures, they bought them because the quality was so great. Even...
  14. C

    (MM2) Did I help inspire the abeil?

    Richards!!!!! Those were great adventures, in fact, I introduced one of my best friends to d&d via your adventures, a little combat, a lot of thinking. He had such a great time he is now a member of our group. Your challenge of Champions really made for a smooth transition into the game for...
  15. C

    DM Dilemma - Need Help

    Pop, can you tell us when your next game is and update us of what happens, I am very interested to see if this works out for you. Just before you do anything I would take "Rick" aside and say "I am going to to tell Ken (whatever you are going to do)" as your decision might make Rick more...